I watched it and will keep watching but I'm not sure I'm sold yet. The whole time I kept thinking, man I bet this is a good book. Forgive my ignorance, but can somebody tell me the title(s) and author? Thanks
I thought the first half was great, but the second half dragged for me. I am confident it's because I haven't read the book, and was just getting overwhelmed with character introductions. I did get a soap opera vibe, sort of like what I am getting from Camelot. Of the big 3 new series, I am enjoying The Killing the most so far. I have hope for all of them though. It's not like there's anything else to watch these days.
Along with what Ignatius said, it was a bit of reflection of the time period they try to portray. Getting away with murder was commonplace, and the highborn folk can be more less than careless with others lives. And yeah, read the books, especially if you like the genre
Well as someone that doesn't masturbate to Dungeons and Dragons and Lord of the Rings, the production quality of this show was excellent. That is typical of HBO. What I didn't like, it was a bit confusing/muddled to someone that didn't read the book. I figured it out for the most part but I really have to watch again to get the hang of the show and such. I am still waiting to see if this is more of a King Arthur type thing or is it more LOR. I am speaking in terms of supernatural and the creatures and such. I pretty much liked everything else about the show. I think it is going to move slow for me for the next few weeks as I never read the books and have to get to know the characters as best you can with in the framework of the series. I think the acting choices and such look pretty good. Butter Bean looks like a great choice as the Kings right hand man (Ned). What really made the show for me was the hookers and midgets. If they have a person doing blow next episode I am all in, no questions asked and it may have a place above Deadwood on my mantle. Make it happen......
Nope. I've always been meaning to pick up the series, but just never went through with it. From what I've seen, and from everything I've heard, it sounds like something I could get into. Acting and production were fantastic, so it's looking good so far. I might just pick up the books too next time I'm on an Amazon binge.
Watched #1 last night, and I thought it was pretty good. The only annoying thing about it is the jumping around from kingdom to kingdom. My little bit of knowledge from the book has me in the loop, but for those that haven't read it, it must be a bit confusing. It is a difficult job to introduce the 'players' in what I gather to be a short time frame, so I think Job well done.
The characters didn't look at the camera and explain their backstory and motivation. I don't like Game of Thrones!
I believe the Midget was getting some 'blow', does that count? Lol @ the great sound effects for that too :up:
I didn't read the books so the first episode while beautifully done was a bit messy script wise. They tried to pack WAY too much into the first hour, they should've had a 2 hour premier and developed the plot more. They kept saying names and I had no friggin clue who they were talking about, I'm sure drinking all day and night didn't help but still. How they ended could've had a much bigger impact if I really knew who that kid was. After just a few lines I really could care less that he just died, I would normally feel bad for the character the actor is playing but instead I felt bad that he had such a short time on the show. I am looking forward to more though, I know they'll explain more but for someone who never heard of anything in that world I was scratching my head. For instance, what the hell are those little wolf things? The big one looked like it was walking upright? Also walking dead people, hot naked chicks, smelly barbarians, a gay dude, and people who hate the North visiting the North with people that hate the South and are forced to move to the South.
The kid that got tossed was Bran, son of Eddard Stark who is overseeing the northern lands for the King, who the King asked to be his right hand and help him run the kingdom. I agree that there was a lot to take in for those unfamiliar with the story, and I would have loved to have gotten a 2 hour premiere. The overall plot is going to move along, but you have to know the immediate players and they did a pretty good job of fitting that all in for a start. The wolf pups were called direwolves, which were a symbol of the House of Stark. So they considered it an omen that there were the same number of pups as kids he sired. There will be more on this as the story unfolds.
Yes, but normally not the lives of High born like the 10 year old. I will pick the first book up. I do read the genre.
In the real world, dire wolves were very large wolves that are now extinct. http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Direwolf
No, not werewolves, but more oversized wolves. They actually existed over 10k years ago, and I would imagine this is what he's using for his inspiration. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dire_Wolf
Trust me, you'll see how little the Lannisters care for the lives of highborn children when you hear how Robert got the throne.
Not gonna quote Madbacker, but it's worth noting that a purely explanatory episode would have been a bit of a waste. They're trusting in the intelligence of the audience to be thrust into the story and allow their familiarity to grow, rather than needing everything to make sense right away. I think people are conditioned to expect to get the background immediately in fantasy from movies like LOTR. GoT isn't doing that. They'll let you experience it and pick up details as you go. Kind of fits with the developing intrigue as well.