17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    In the new Stadium they will do anything they can to keep yopu but this was a few years ago in the old Stadium before they came out w/ the PSL plan for the new Stadium and season ticket holders started bailing.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Oh my. Again with the abusive name-calling. Oh well...

    Actually, most of us ARE having a good life. From what I can determine, many on this board are relocating into the seats they feel they should have had right from the git-go! The reports we're reading are quite encouraging!

    And I happen to think that this thread that 17a started way back when has not only helped guys cope with the deceit, lies and shenanigans by the ticket office, it has given them the ammunition to fight back and DEMAND the better seats they were entitled to. Yes, "entitled." Entitled because they stuck through the worst years any franchise has ever dragged its fans through. Entitled because they layed out countless thousands of dollars over the years for a mediocre product and still held the faith that "next year" would happen.

    So while sg3 is of the belief that "squatters" should have no priority (and of course he would feel this way, signing on in the fall of 2010 and muscling in on an expensive PSL for himself), this is where sg3 and I differ greatly. The NY Jets OWES those "squatters" something for financially supporting the losing, putrid, non-SB appearing, dismally laughable, stumbling, bumbling Jets of years gone by. Through thcik and thin they sat in the rain with 25-30 unfaltering years seniority under their belts and the NY Jets should ignore that completely? Not only ignore it, but freaking lie to them when they get their initial call about what's available in the Upper Deck in the new stadium? Basically "use" their loyalty to fill up Rows 16 and beyond while purposely leaving lower rows open because they're easier to fill?

    And now, because of market conditions, the tough PSL sell (and also because that loyal fan base finally all stood up and said, "Fuck it! Enough's enough! I want better seats!", the NY Jets are finally seeing that these guys are serious and cancelling in droves, so now they've decided to try to retain as many of them as possible. And now guys like sg3 are pissed because the "squatters" are being attended to finally and the NY Jets are offering concessions to try to keep them in the fold.

    So sure sg3' is pissed. Who wouldn't be? Shell out major bucks to cut in line and step ahead of 30-year ticketholders to buy your way in, all while the Jets are kissing your ass because they need the money, and now that they've sold the PSLs to all the suckers and have them all on the hook but fucking good, now the Jets have turned back their attention to the old timers in an effort to kiss THEIR "squatting" asses now and give them better seats and parking WITHOUT forcing them to commit to their cockamamie, long-term "ownership" of ticket-purchasing licenses!

    Who wouldn't be pissed and call everyone "assholes?"
    #11862 Section 227. Row 5, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  3. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    227, you should take this post and send it to the Sports Editoral departments, maybe Muschnick and Raismann should take a second and learn from you. Dude, you nailed it big time, the games they played all along going back and forth. Not exactly news, but the way you doucmented it from the start to end really cracks me up Seriously. what's next? I am sure they are plotting towards a $ increase for the UD. Is that next year when they tie new parking rules to our seats making it seem like a deal? Are they gonna offer an option to pay for a UD PSL which will give you 2 free years of parking and ownership? I am sure Woody regrets the Non-PSL for the 27k considering the Giants got away with it and they dont have to worry about losing people. That's why the Giants could let the STH slide without a deposit until the lockout is settled. Nobody is going anywhere in the Upper deck.
    #11863 sec314, Apr 4, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2011
  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    That and the Giants offered no payment plan, all PSLs had to be paid in full. Just to clarify again, the Giants are the only team in the NFL that handled the tickets this way.
  5. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    That's probably because they could. They had a much longer and stronger Wait List then we did, so much so that they didn't have to offer the UD without PSLs (although i think they only charged $1,000, which was completely doable IMO).

    Now, the Jets started out with the right idea because they knew they had a weak Wait List... and they offered up the UD without a PSL. Then they told everyone they'd be called in order of seniority and even gave you a "call date." So far, so good.

    Where they got in trouble was (after guys like Champ were intiially called and given proper seats in order of best to worst based on seniority and they realized within a matter of days that this was a disaster and that everyone was grabbing up the Prime seats around the inside ring of the UD), some asshole decided to start jerking off the guys on the list. This all happened within weeks of the floodgates opening. Guys were getting called on the 10the day and being offered Row 12s because everyone was jumping on the PSL-free seats.

    So then the complete scoundrels decided to be dishonest. That's right. They decided to take their "seniority basis" for giving out the best available seats and lie to people, telling them Row 18 was the best they could do, while holding out on Row 12 and below. That's the part that got me. The lying part.

    So I get called on June 16, 2009 and by August, 2010, they are now offering up better seats than I got 15 months earlier by having "seniority." THAT IS WHEN I REALIZED WE HAD ALL BEEN JERKED OFF! So to prove my point, I cold-call and get offered Row fucking 9s right on the aisle, seats 1,2,3,4!

    "Well what about my 4 Row 16s in the middle of Oshkosh? Can I trade them in?" Hell no. But if you want the Row 9 aisles you can have them IN ADDITION TO the shit seats we sold you before with your fucking "seniority."

    Okay, fine. I buy them. Now I'm paying for 8 tickets all last year and trying to sell the ones I'm not using. Finally I call them this winter and tell them flat out, "I'm cancelling all 8 unless y9u upgrade me... and I don't want 8 anymore... upgrade me to 4 good ones." And that's where I am right now, Row 3 and doing okay.

    But the point is, the Giants got it all done without lowering themselves to the dispicable level of a Sham-Wow salesmen or Used Car "representative." They did it without making their STHers feel like they needed to decontaminate the mouthpiece on their telephone after talking to their "rep."

    Honestly, the damage these assholes caused the Jets FO will last for years. There isn't a single STHer I talk to on the street that doesn't feel the same way... that the Jets could have and should have handled this all in a much more professional manner. To this day I have zero confidence in what a "rep" tells me on the phone. Now it's all about the Yellow "Wait List" for me. Am I going to get the Yellows? Hell, I don't know. They'll make me sweat and twist in the wind again just like they have for the past 22 months.
  6. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I agree with you 100%, they tried the same BS in the PSL sections. I had to use some shady tactics to get my seats but it serves them right for flat-out lying to a now 26 year season ticket holder.

    In the end I was happy and we love our seats but the whole process made me feel dirty when it should've been a happy moment.
  7. Jerseyboyisback

    Jerseyboyisback New Member

    Jun 27, 2010
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    If you want yellow parking just ask a PSL holder to buy you one. Im allowed to buy as many as I want they said since I have 8 seats. Let me know.
  8. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Wow. Thanks man. I appreciate that. Right now I'm on the "wait list" for yellows, but if that doesn't go through, I'll send you a PM. Thanks again... I want to park where I used to park, not 8 miles away.
  9. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    Went through it myself. Im in the 8th row LL. All year there were these 4 empty seats in the 3rd row. Amazing seats. From week 5 on we just sat in them like they were ours. So a buddy that is in my section asked if if we could get 4 together since he's in the same section as me. I'm 2...he's 2. I called and asked about those seats and the guy goes...anything first three rows we cant sell because we have to keep them for wheelchair seats. What does that even mean? How many fucking wheelchair seats are needed? Does the wheelchair marathon end at Jets games every Sunday? The real reason as posted here is that those are the seats they hold and sell themselves on ebay and stubhub. I can't complain, but it wouldda been nice to snag those.
  10. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    I guess it depends on the section, for the first few rows. I have heard that in some lower level areas. Right now I'm right across from Fireman Ed. I thought I would hate it at first but it's actually pretty fun, and we get to be on TV/Jumbotron/screen every game. The only part that does suck that made me admire Ed was all the people that bother him from the minute he walks in to the minute he leaves. He has his own personal security guard that tells people to waut until there it no game action. If he's truly not paid a sent then that man is a Saint. lol

    The way I had to go about getting those should not have been the way at all.
  11. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    At the Pats playoff game in NE every single Jets fan in the Lower Level went over for a picture and he took every one. He may have an angry face that makes people think he's not a good guy, but in reality it's just the opposite.
  12. MeanGreens08

    MeanGreens08 Member

    Jan 9, 2008
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    I just had a quick question for the people who were able to upgrade their seats this year (UD). I get the tickets with my uncle and had him call to try and upgrade our seats. Sec 348 row 20 something. He was told we could either move down to row 10 in our section or over towards the 50 yard line but they only had the last row available.

    Then I come on here and read people are getting better seats than that after he called... Could it just be the number of tickets I have together (6) that they arent available or was he just not tough enough with the woman he talked to?

    We ended up moving down in our section but I feel like we could have done better.
  13. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    I had 6 seats and moved from 319. row 10 to 340, row 8. Big time move but it was a month ago
  14. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    I am not in the upper deck, but I would assume most upgraded their seats before they paid their ticket invoice. You always have more pull when you call before you pay.
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I think that 6 seats together makes it VERY difficult for them to move you real close and still keep them together. My personal opinion is that you did very well if you moved from Row 20+ to Row 10, especially because they had to find 6 in one spot.
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    When I asked for my upgrade, they told me to pay first and then I'll be contacted. I told her no, I've been through this before, and if it's all the same to you, I'd like to know where the upgrade is going to be so that I can tell if I like them or not, otherwise I'm gonna Di-Di Mau.

    "You're walking away from 8 seats?" she says. I said, "That's right honey. I've had it with not showing me any respect for my seniority. For 25 years I've been a loyal STHer. So go check with your supervisor and let me know what you can do for me, THEN I'll give you my credit card if I like the seats."
  17. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i called way way before i paid.i have 6 together also 4 mine 2 pats haters
    we are gonna rock an unnamed section so we dont have stackers.yes im talking about u ROJF
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Unnamed Sections rock. I'm in Row 3 Unnamed Section.
  19. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    Last week before the deadline i decided to call my rep and request an upgrade. I basically told him no upgrade no 6th season from me. I was offered Sec 338 Row 25, which was around the 45 yard line. My seats last yr were in sec 331 row 22. Although they were clearly an upgrade from last years seats i just didn't see myself moving back in rows. I decided to upgrade to 334 row 13 and i was able to keep my aisle seats. Which was a huge deal for me. Not sure if I made the right decision. I guess ill try these for a year and request another upgrade. And if im not happy i can always bail.
  20. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    are there any psl's for sale on the secondary market?

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