love chad but dude needs to just take it easy and stop with the sports he is gonna be in a wheel chair if he keeps being active
I feel sorry for him as he's always been a class act... but with his smarts and demeanor I'm sure he'll be able to become a very good QB coach and one day OC. If he wants to do that of course...
This is pretty funny. I've heard of so many injuries (mostly knee) to non-basketball players playing basketball in the offseason, and Chad chooses to do it, with his history?
I've always liked Chad. Even though his body was falling apart, he was always trying his best to overcome .... He's had some good moments for this franchise & if he was on any team besides the Dolphins, I'd wish him to keep winning games. === Unless Chad is in severe debt, he needs to hang it up. Would anybody be surprised, if he's got enough injuries already to affect him for the rest of his life?
He could have been a great one but some guys bodies just aren't designed to take punishment. It's a shame, he's also one of the true good guys in sports but I don't feel bad for him. He has a pretty good life even w/o playing in the NFL.
I started to laugh, then got mad at myself, then laughed a little bit anyway. Still love him, though.
"The ACL? Oh he's done, that's the end of the road. But he can do anything he wants...A coach, a senator, a govenor, a coach." - Francesa