Sorry for the delay guys, will be making my pick shortly. And Mr. E I think either Alualu or Wilkerson could move to strongside end and i thought the value was good there.
We can get through a lot of picks right here if 624 is around. After Mr E, Harpua and MBGreen are both on, I have a player left from Kurt's earlier list, then it's me.
Im very surprised about one WR still left on the board from a pretty big school, although should go soon since a drop off in value is coming.
I agree, he really came on late in the year. Figured those guys were among the BPA though and it wouldn't hurt to have a nice compliment to Cook.
Tampa adds some lightning to the thunder in thier back feild. Locke is track star fast and an experinced receiver.
Damn, changing pick now....I Ctrl + F'd for "Kenrick" but it is entered as Kendrick on the selected page. Kenrick is the correct spelling
Fua has great value in the mid 4th round, should be a solid NT, that defense is improving wonders. ( for this draft )
Thanks, I was hoping that one of Powe/Ellis/Fua was around when I made that pick, kind of surprised one was.
I actually like Fua better then Powe. Powe needs to get himself back to that 330 Lbs weight, he had a down year and really needs to bulk up to become dominant again. Fua is just a prototypical NT ( although I wish he was a bit taller). He may add a few pounds coming into the NFL if drafted as a NT and maybe even try improve upon his pocket collapsing ability.
I disagree, but that is the draft for ya. I think Powe is going to be a very good NT in the NFL. I'm excited to see where this guy goes, if he goes to the right team, I think he can be dominate.