Can someone explain why this link is the only place I can find this? I would imagine it being all over every website and all over ESPN but it's not..fishy.
Yeah just checked it out and there's nothing anywhere else about this, another article says that it's completely unconfirmed.
i know its pft but still
Apopka, University of Miami, Patriots...yeah, it's more likely to happen than not regardless of the truth in this particular situation. Poor guy never had a chance.
Guys chill out. The pats are still classy. No ipods were found at the scene. edit: I hope he didnt do it, because he sucks, and I would rather have him on the field when the Jets play em.
wait is this the part when we say the ENTIRE PATRIOTS ORGANIZATION is classless, because 1 player did something? Oh it is? okay everybody on the pats are classless scumbags. BTW: Deadspin usually comes out with multiple stories on a team, so there could be more shit coming.