2011 Mets Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Baseball Forum' started by 17a_tailgater, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. ShadeTree#55

    ShadeTree#55 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2002
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    2006 was a great season.
  2. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    The Mets won't win another championship for decades because the Wilpons are a bunch of retards.

    The Yankees, on the other hand, haven't won a championship since 2009, so I'm starting to get a little nervous. I really hope this is the year for us!
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    There is a possibility I will see your Giants next week. I'll be in Phoenix staying close to Scottsdale and they train in Scottsdale plus there are quite a few bars in the area which is tough with a 3 year old but their grass seating is nice. As long as they don't play the fucking Cubs (I see those faggots every year in Vegas)

    The Angels are a good option too plus I have a friend who played in their Dbl A club last year so he may get some PT in the later innings.

    I'm not sure what I'll do on the baseball side but I'll be seeing Canada's team (The Vancouver Canucks) on Tuesday. Any advice to say something that'll tick a Canadian off to the point he'll wanna fight me. I was thinking Communist but those fucks might take it as a compliment.
  4. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    We can only hope their private Jet crashes into Flushing Bay injuring them enough to that the moves they make actually make sense. Sorta like when a stupid bastard gets hit in the head on a sitcom and becomes a genius.
  5. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I know there's no way this is going to happen, but I would love to see David Eckstein on the opening day roster. It's not going to happen for 4 reasons. One, it makes too much sense. Two, the Mets have no money. Three, he's a winning player, which the Mets have no interest in. Four, Luis Fucking Castillo.
  6. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    He's hit five home runs in three seasons and is a .260 hitter. He'll be 36. He's basically worthless as a baseball player, and has been for the past three years. He wouldn't cost shit, but there is no point in taking away at-bats from any of the other potential second basemen.
  7. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    yeah it's all about the stats, right? Hardest guy in the league to strikeout, good fielder, hard out, clutch hitter, winning ball player who's always (what a coincidence) on a winning team, great locker room guy who has future manager written all over him. Yeah, why should we cut Castillo and pick up Eckstein?? Stupid me. Would you rather Daniel Murphy learn 2B from a guy like Eckstein or an asshole like Castillo?

    Why the fuck would you even mention David Eckstein and HRs???
    #327 guinness77, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  8. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Starting second basemen for the 75-87 2009 Padres? Clutch hitter? With 29 RBIs in 116 games and 492 plate appearances? He played for a million dollars last year, trust me, he's not unsigned because he's demanding a high salary. He's unsigned cause he's not a good player.

    Castillo is just as worthless as a baseball player, but why would anyone think he's an asshole? Cause he's teaching Jose Reyes to improve at getting on base? Cause he plays through injuries? Cause people in the clubhouse call him a leader, a mentor, and someone who makes the entire team better? I'd rather have him, who at least has been productive in the last couple years, than Eckstein, who's been virtually worthless in anything beyond cheering on his teammates for three years.
  9. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    I don't want Castillo or Eckstein to be on the team. Both are old and crappy.
  10. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I don't normally get riled up about message board bullshit, but it's crystal fucking clear you don't know shit about baseball. All this shit you say about Eckstein proves it. I want him to be the 23rd or 24th guy on the roster, not the starting second baseman. I would love to see what his win-loss percentage in his career is. I would guess it's at least .600, and that's not a coincidence. He plays the game the right way. Every time he needs to do something for his team, he does it. Lays down a bunt, steals a base, takes a ball, hits-and-runs, goes the other way with the ball.
    I don't expect you to understand this because all that matters is his stats, right?
    Go play fantasy baseball, sonny.

    Not that it fucking matters to you obviously, but the fact Castillo didn't go to Walter Reed hospital last year "because it would be depressing" means he's a fucking piece of shit in my book. Those men fought for your chance to make 8 million dollars a year to play a boy's game in this country. Show a little respect.
    The fact he showed up 4 or 5 days late this Spring when he knows he fighting for a job, just goes to show he doesn't fucking care about anything more than cashing paychecks.

    Holy shit...I just noticed you think Castillo's been productive the last couple of years....when? You obviously know fucking nothing about this team if you think he's done something. Just because he gets 3 infield hits every now and then means shit. He makes lazy errors, has horrible defensive technique, and never swings at anything at the plate. I could go on, but what's the point? Other than Ollie Perez, obviously, this guy is doing nothing other than taking up a roster spot because Wilpon doesn't want to give up 6.5 million for Castillo to do nothing.
    I don't watch too much Padre baseball, but I know I saw Eckstein work an 8 pitch at-bat against K-Rod last year (when both the Mets and K-Rod were still having decent years) and then single up the middle to drive home the tying run from second base. With 2 outs. That one play alone is more than I've seen Castillo do in his last 3 years here.
    #330 guinness77, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  11. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    I said Castillo has had a productive season in the last couple of years, when he batted .302 with a .387 obp in 2009.

    The fact that you have to make claims about their personalities in order to justify your case about them as players shows that you know shit about baseball. You've never met Castillo or Eckstien in your life - you have no idea what kind of impact they have on a team besides second and third hand information that you think means a shit. You sound like a Jon Heyman parrot, and Jon Heyman is one of the most idiotic baseball people around.

    Instead of listening to random critics, why don't you try listening to his teammates?

    “Sometimes you have to let the trainers know when you are hurt,” Beltran said. “He is like an old-school player; he doesn’t like to tell nobody…He goes to bed at like, three, four o’clock in the morning, all that time thinking about the game.”

    “I like him because he plays hard and he cares,” Beltran said. “I have been around a lot of players, they come to the ballpark and they don’t care if they win or lose. You have to stay away from those guys. Guys like Luis make you better.”

    The Walter Reed Hospital thing was pathetic, but I was relatively convinced by a 21-year military vet who said:

    "If Luis Castillo doesn't want to see disfigured people, do you force him to go and deal with the trauma? Do you make the soldiers uncomfortable by forcing a guy on them who refuses to look, or possibly gets physically ill in their presence?

    I am staggered by the reporting here, and I guarantee you that if you speak with any Walter Reed Soldier, Airman, or Marine, they would tell you to leave those three guys alone."

    He's a terrible baseball player at this point in his career. He is disgustingly overpaid, and I truly hope that he is cut before the end of Spring Training. But it seems like everyone who knows what he's like in the club house values him, and I'm going to believe his teammates more than some random blowhard online.

    I'm sure Eckstein is just as loved, but why the fuck would you want a washed up 36 year old whose value is tied up in being clutch and making his team win when he hasn't even been able to do that in the last two years? The Mets already have three people who are marginally exciting who might be able to play second base, why would you ever send them down to the minors or cut them to give a roster spot to a glorified cheerleader? That is pure Omar, bringing in overhyped, "future-manager" veterans who play "tough" but don't have any actual skill. How many games did Alex Cora win for the Mets last year?
  12. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    I don't read Jon Heyman, baseball is my least favorite sport. I've been watching the Mets since '82, and I've see maybe three players as divisive as Castillo in my life of watching this team. Where you find Castillo as being such a team guy, I don't know, you sure as hell don't know that yourself. The one thing I do know is that clubhouse as been cliquey as all hell, with Luis Castillo (and Carlos Beltran being another) being a culprit.
    I don't really give a good fuck if David Eckstein is on the team or not. But if the 25th man on the roster is between a overpaid malcontent like Castillo vs. a known good teammate like Eckstein, who has far more baseball instincts, I'd rather have Eckstein.
    I'd rather it didn't come down to either of them, but considering Eckstein would probably sign for the minumum, eating Castillo's 6.5, I would say fuck it. And, I'd say it's pretty safe to assume the clubhouse would respect a known winner like Eckstein.
    FTR...I like Beltran as a player, I think he's gotten a raw deal in terms of how he's viewed by the media and by certain fans, but I'd take his opinion on (or Reyes') Castillo with a grain of salt.
    I'd have to add, the fact a newspaper or whoever sent a reporter to ask the veterans what they thought about Castillo (and Beltran and Ollie Perez, gee, a coincidence, right?) not coming, means it's an issue for a lot of people, no?
    Oh, and stats should NOT MATTER when it comes down to the backup 2nd baseman.
    #332 guinness77, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  13. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    You also realize San Diego won 90 games last year. And went slightly under .50 the year before.....

    With a shit roster, right? They had pitching, and they definitely had a bullpen., but those two teams, those two years should have been in last place. Easily. The guy wins, you cannot dispute that. Point at his stats all you want, they weren't that bad. He's also made only 2 errors in those two years, both in '09. None last year.
  14. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    How do you know what goes on inside the clubhouse? Where do you get any of your information about the clubhouse being "cliquey"? How do you know who people will like and respect?

    Neither Castillo nor Eckstein belong on the Mets. Neither did Cora, who did the same exact things that people say Eckstein do.

    Castillo has been better more recently than Eckstein has. You have no idea what goes on inside the clubhouse. Basing your opinion on which player will be more popular in the clubhouse is asinine and ridiculous, just like the way people slobber over Eckstein.
  15. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    ... And Eckstein was on the team, and starting, both years. He played 20 more games and had almost a hundred more at bats the year they were under 500. And they weren't barely under. They lost 87 games. They were 20 games back. The reason they improved wasn't because of him, it's because their pitching rotation stayed healthy and consistent, unlike 2009, and they didn't have a washed up Brian Giles starting in the outfield.

    In 2010, they also scored 665 runs, and allowed 581, which calculates for an estimated 91 wins. They won 90. They won slightly under how well they should have, statistically. None of his "intangibles" helped them.
    #335 Odd Neck Stems, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  16. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    ok, david eckstein sucks. Are you happy? From what I've seen in my own eyes, Eckstein has been nothing but a thorn in the side of the National League since he came over from the Angels, where'd I say he had a decent career.

    What with this raging hard on for Castillo. You keep blasting me telling me I dont know shit about what goes on in there. What if I told you I worked as a sportswriter for Newsday for 6 years? What if I told you I did sports in Poughkeepsie, interviewed guys in that clubhouse back in '99-'00? What if I told you one of the guys I grew up next to (literally next door to) is one of the biggest sports writers in the city, if not country? He doesn't live around these parts any more, and he never gets into any details, but he knows a lot about what goes on in that locker room. I'm not trying to big league you, but don't tell me what I know and what I don't know.
    Besides, you're going to tell me what Bill Madden, Adam Rubin, David Lennon or any reporter that's been in that locker room has written over the past years isn't true? You know better than them? I don't think it's any fucking secret that locker room isn't exactly the happiest place in the world. I don't know where you're coming up with all this harmony and love eminating out of CitiField, but everything I've heard and seen says exactly otherwise.
    Besides, fucking Castillo gets hurt every 2 weeks. Giving him credit for playing through an injury is "asinine" to borrow one of your words. Big man, toughing through a toe injury, making 6 and a half million dollars a year. His ass should be out there. And before you give me shit about this statement, I've obviously never been a professional athlete before, but played at a pretty high level in 2 other sports. Anybody who gives a minimum of a shit, should, at the very least, TRY to play through an injury.
    #336 guinness77, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  17. Odd Neck Stems

    Nov 6, 2008
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    You said yourself, you don't watch Padres baseball. He had a mediocre career on the Angels, cause he's a mediocre baseball player. He's short and white, which somehow means instant-fan favorite in any major sport, but he's mediocre at best. In my own eyes, I see someone who swings at everything, is good at making contact, doesn't have much range but has amazing hands and adequate positioning. He isn't patient and has no power. He never was a major threat stealing bases. Baseball is my favorite sport, and trust me, I've seen more than enough of him play to base my opinion on more than what journalists have to say.

    I've said he doesn't belong on the Mets roster. I've said he's washed up and done, and that he sucks as a baseball player. I've said he's overpayed, and I desperately want him cut so that Murphy/Emaus/Turner have a legitimate shot sticking on the 25 man roster.

    For the Renegades? I've been to their stadium, I'm not sure you want to be bragging about that. I'm sure you got a lot out of talking to Tampa Bay Single A players 11 years ago. I'm sure that told you a lot about Luis Castillo as a member of the Mets in 2011.

    Good job growing up next to someone? Do you want a high five?

    Can you show me those sources?

    "For one thing, the Mets are trying to further change the clubhouse culture. This is not to say that Castillo was aloof or divisive, or that he was a bad influence. He played hard and got along well with teammates, who respected his determination and commitment to bouncing back from a terrible 2008. In fact, players were particularly impressed with his professionalism after he muffed that ninth-inning pop-up at Yankee Stadium. With tears in his eyes, Castillo did not hide from reporters. He stood by his locker and answered every question, both that night and the next afternoon."

    - http://bats.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/12/08/looking-for-answers-about-a-castillo-move/

    "Scour the Internet for a negative report from inside the clubhouse about Castillo’s work ethic, attitude, qualities as a teammate, anything. I’m almost certain you won’t find one."

    - http://www.tedquarters.net/2010/07/26/blamebeltran/

    And Bill Madden? Really?

    For Castillo, straight from what the players say. I don't think that the Mets clubhouse is pristine, but I haven't seen any evidence that Castillo fucked anything up there, either. And spelling mistakes from a professional journalist. Huh.

    So you know how bad his injuries were? You know exactly how much pain he was suffering when he was out there, and how much pain kept him off the field?

    Yes, he can't stay healthy. Another reason why he shouldn't be on the team. But you don't know shit about what kind of pain he plays through and what kind of pain he sits for. Neither do I. Neither do any of your journalist friends.

    Stop making shit up and gossiping about people you don't know. You sound like a high school girl.
  18. guinness77

    guinness77 Active Member

    Nov 23, 2008
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    Quite frankly I don't care enough to have this argument with you.
    I interviewed some minor league team, while I worked for a New York paper (Newsday). Sure.
    The Mets clubhouse is a wonderful place and I'm sure everyone loves it in there.
    Here's two words you're probably dying to hear:
    you win.

    I will add one thing: you have a lot of time up in your ivory tower to judge and insult people. So...bravo.
    I'm not in the journalism field anymore. I'm sure you're very concerned about my well being and all, but I'm in a different line of work that makes me a little more money. I wouldn't be able to support my family as well if I stayed where I stayed. Hopefully in the long run it will work out. At least one good thing comes out of it...I won't misspell anymore words for you. I had an editor at both papers anyway, so I guess my lack of spelling wouldn't have been a big deal anyway.
    #338 guinness77, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  19. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    i'm a yankee fan, Eckstein was one of the biggest pains in the ass that i have had to deal with in my 40 plus years of being an avid baseball fan.nothing but respect for him. tough out, scrappy, great table setter, he was a large part of my loathing of the angels.
    i don't know how much he's got left in the tank, but a guy like that you'd think could only help a team in probably a bunch of different ways.
  20. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    Again, I agree with you. Do not want Eckstein.

    Eckstein did not help the Padres when they were sputtering down the stretch. He had a .287 OBP in 29 games in September and October. He sure as hell wasn't clutch last year.

    The Mets don't need another old guy way past his prime.

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