17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    SG3 do you really believe what you type? You should apply for a job as a JET rep because you sound almost exactly like one of them:wink: Do you think the whole stadium was / and will be sold out or just the upper deck? Anyone who attends games can tell you that the place WAS NOT SOLD OUT LAST YEAR. There were empty seats and tickets available for every single game and the Jets ran commercials for sales even in the final week. There were open seats up stairs and a TON of empty seats downstairs.
    I will give you this----> the upper deck with NO PSL should be sold out---yes it should---BUT IT WON'T! As 227 stated the Jets have no one left to offer tickets to , the waitlist, the one that once existed is long gone. So this year when thousands bail out on tickets there will be even more openings, but who is going to buy them when theres no one left to offer them to ? When some people ( not me I am gone ) relocate who is going to move into the seats they vacated ? Who is going to suck up all the other seats vacated by others like myself ( you know , the grumblers) that have had enough of the BS ? Do you think it is only myself and 3 other guys on the internet that are fed up? There are thousands that are going to leave! Right now they would have a hard time moving the list that 17A compiled and thats only a few seats.
    I understand that you are happy to have a PSL and that you enjoy going to games with your "great view" but at least be somewhat objective, next time you are there take a look around I am pretty sure there are going to be ALOT of empty seats ( again ) especially in the upper deck. Time will tell if I am rite or wrong but if there is indeed football in September we will see then. I fully expect the Jets to keep running commercials about available seats---and I expect Military discounts and Firefighter discounts-Police discounts-teacher discounts--bring your family discounts---and any other discount they can think of --> I honestly hope the place is full and rocking each and every week but don't bet money on it.
  2. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Really? There are so few seats and they are only due to club seat upgrades and upper deck relocations? Do you really think someone went the WHOLE season sitting in their lower sideline or prime seats and just now decided to upgrade to club seats? Really? Long after the price cuts...long after the best club seats have been purchased? Not likely. Hmmm...I've been sitting on the 35-40 yard line in lower prime next to the coaches club all season paying $20k per PSL and $150 per game. The season is over. Now let me move to the mezzanine club on the 50 yard line and pay $25k per psl and $400 per game or better yet $25-$30k PSL and $700 per game...yeah, that makes sense.

    Where is this 90 reps number coimng from? They NEVER had 90 reps selling PSL's. Originally they had all of their reps on the Jets website with pictures...I don't seem to recall having to scroll through 90 pictures. Did I miss something? Does anyone else remember having to scroll through 90 names? How about even half that?

    The upper deck did not sell out in 2 months. Me and SEVERAL people I know had seniority of 2008 and LATER and all of us were offered upper deck sideline seats in September (the calls started in May before the 2009 season). Was this because all of the people who originally agreed to buy them moved to club seats?

    This was not until the final price cut which was only a month or so before the season started. The only reason why this was done was because the endzone was EMPTY. Think about it...if even HALF of those seats were filled, then why cut the PSL in half? They would not make any additional money. They cut those endzone PSL's in half because they were probably only 25% sold.

    I, myself am a LSL PSL holder and happy I purchased them. I love my seats. That being said I am not blind to the fact that there are plenty, I mean plenty of seats out there. I admire your cheerleader tactics, but please don't be blind to reality.
  3. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    blsh blsh blah

    2010 =

    upper deck sold out

    psl seats sold out

    club seats being sold all season using commercials (same as the giants did)


    upper deck sold out - again --- yes, even without CBG and the couple of hundred other grumbling one and doners who will be replaced by others by May

    psl seats -- still sold out -- a few hundred defaults due to deaths, moves, losses of jobs and a few club seat upgrades --- sold out again well before training camp

    club seats --still available but fewer than last year

    It's a great time to be a Jet fan -- two trips to the conference championship in a row, a great HC, a great young quarterback, terrific wideouts and running backs and, as always with Rex, one of the top defenses in the NFL

    frankly, consider this my last direct response to you Mr One and Done and SO PROUD OF IT YOU POST ABOUT NOTHING ELSE TWELVE TIMES A DAY at this place.

    so you are ONE AND DONE with the Jets and the stadium

    and I am ONE AND DONE with you

    have a good life
  4. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    There were PLENTY of empty seats at every game (I only missed the Vikings game). No one can tell me it was "no shows" because it was the same seats/sections every game.
  5. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    there are the same percentage of seats out there as there are every season -- a couple of thousand, no more.

    go to ticketmaster where they are selling UD season tickets --- not one lower than row 20 and most of them in the last two rows -- the relocaters

    sure, I agree with you that there are more UD seats available than usual -- what with the squatters and the proudly one and done grumblers exiting. If you think for a minute that the Jets won't be able to easily replenish those seats with jet fans shut out last year eager to get in on the current run of success, then you are the one that is out of touch.

    And you seem to be arguing with me, not about whether the stadium was sold out for PSL non-club seats but with the timing, When the season began, regardless of timing, ALL PSL non-club seats were SOLD OUt

    and, my friend, the same will be the case in 2011

    Don't bet against it
  6. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    SG3...how can you complain about CBG posting his "negative" experience but its ok to constantly post your "positive" experience? You have never had anything negative to post. Did you forget how the rep told you that you were on the 40 yard line in great seats only to find out you were actually on the 20 yard line with railing in your face?Honestly, I think you could run into Woody Johnson in the bathroom, he could take a dump on your shoe and somehow you would turn that into a truly wonderful experience...afterall, you would have billionaire poop on your brand new nikes and you wouldn't have had to wait in line for a stall.
  7. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    you are aware that teams are required to hold back 1000-1500 seats for every game for visiting team personnel. When visiting teams don't sell or use these seats, they are returned and used for seating military personnel, halftime personnel and other invited guests.

    There were these same unused seats in the upper tier of Giants Stadium for the entire 27 years the Jets played there and, yet, the Jets were sold out

    as they were last year

    and will be this year
  8. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    please stop with the personal attacks

    thank you
  9. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    C'mon...really? Their SEATS were sold out, not their PSL's. Thats why that sold out sign came off on Tuesday after the opening Monday night game.

    I am not doubting that they will be sold out...in the NFL term. There will be no blackouts. However, my eyes are 20/20 and you can't tell me (or a lot of others who have noticed) that empty seats all year means that someone plopped down $10k+ per seat for a PSL and then $1,400 for tickets and then chose not to attend ANY of the games or give them to a friend or two for that matter.
  10. JetsFan#1

    JetsFan#1 Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    Look, I'm not trying to attack you in any way. If you take it that way, then my apologies. All I'm trying to say is that there are plenty of empty seats and they are not because of upgrades, deaths, loss of job, moving. They are empty because they are unsold. Hey, I'm sitting next to you. I want them to be sold out. I'm just not closing my eyes to the empty blocks of seats in many sections and I'm sure you are not convinced that they were all held back for visiting teams. I believe I read somewhere you are/were a CPA..."professional skepticism"

    They WILL be sold out. They just aren't sold out YET.
  11. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    sg3 you are the new fly in the room called 17a new stadium tour thread. you sometimes drive me insane with your incessant everything is great everyone whines too much... but i try i really really try to be objective and say this thread needs both sides. however you are really wearing thin as jetsfan has pointed out much of your information is what you assume or want and you are here selling it as the truth. and if anyone is attacking another poster it would be you attacking cbg as you just have to say something snide every time he makes a post. granted i dont think its a big deal just obnoxious but please dont cry personal attack when there is nothing of the sort.

    everyone is happy you are happy.
  12. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Nobody knows how many tickets are not sold except the Jets, and they dont' know how many people are one and done until Apri. Last year they sold the remaining UD tickets to the brokers, that's how they got a sell out with some many open seats. I doubt the brokers can dump UD seats above Row 15 anymore so they are trying Tickermaster instead. Nobody is working with facts, just obervations and gut feelings. My gut tells me the Jets don't have enough fans left to purchase the remaining inventory. The gonna have to go back to the brokers and sell the remaining UD tickets below face value so the jets can put a Sold Out sign on their lawn. That's why we had so many empty seats but we were offically sold out, brokers got stuck with unsold seats. That's my GUESS
    #11532 sec314, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  13. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    brokers weren't used because they weren't needed (unless you call ticketmaster a broker)

    the entire UD was sold out originally quite early. When I went to see my UD seats in February the UD was sold out and there was a waiting list of STH who refused PSLs at any cost and were hoping to get UD seats

    When PSLs were lowered, those seats became available and were refilled but the process continued into the season so there were UD seats available because of upgrades that were sold by ticketmaster on an individual game basis. Then a month or so before the season, seats were installed in previously empty handicapped areas (row 5-7). These seats were considered "temporary" and also sold on a game by game basis using TM

    This year there are open upper deck seats again due to three factors 1) those temporary seats now considered permanent and available for STH 2) continuing upgrades to clubs by PSL holders and UDers to PSL seats and 3) one and doners

    The Jets, my guess due to the reduced sales staff have decided to replenish those 10 percent of the UD or so using TM to do the processing for them on a season ticket basis. There are no PSLs so no paperwork or contract or committment is necessary

    The UD will be sold out again in 2011

    so will PSL seats

    There will be club seats available (for both the Jets and Giants) but fewer than last season
  14. CBG

    CBG Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2008
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    Jetsfan1 and Alleycat thanks for your posts :beer:

    SG3 I understand you are done responding to me (and in advance let me say thank you for that ) but maybe you can put up one last reply or maybe someone else, anyone else , can help answer this for me---------> why is it impossible for you to agree with what most of us on here have posted ? Is everyone else posting untruths and ONE GUY is the only voice of reason here? I have friends who sit lower bowl----lower endzone/ sideline and in mezz same thing and uppers the same--but regardless of what We / They payed for seats or location of seats we ALL agree that the place had LOTS of empty seats last year and again this is for every single game! It was not just 1000 or 1500 seats that were allocated for visiting teams . The seats were empty everywhere--upper bowl ,mezz and especially the club seats on both sidelines. If anyone wants to say that the place "will be sold out in 2011 " and by that I mean FULL , not what the Jets and the reps tell you only time will tell . What I am saying is ( again )at least be objective and deal with facts not just bogus stats . The more times I see these rah rah posts from you SG3 and everything is hunky dory, and the more you attack "the grumblers " such as myself the more I think you actually are a SHILL for the Jets , I mean we all bleed green on this board ( even the people who disagree with how the Jets have handled this whole process )but how can one person be so blind as to what actually has happened and that guy not be a shill:jets:
    enjoy the weekend all
    cbg----> ONE AND DONE!
    #11534 CBG, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2011
  15. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    as I said

    only responding to season ticket holders from now on
  16. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    fuck you.............
  17. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Glad to see someone finally said what I've been suspecting for months, fall 2010 start date to boot.

    It wouldn't surprise me if the Jets Ticket Office decided to go viral and install an online Rah-Rah crew to invade various threads such as this to offset negative posts. Attack disenchanted STHers and"grumblers" in such a way as to minimize and trivialize.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I really wish you'd stop beating around the bush and express how you really feel...
  19. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm no longer a 1LT, so stop trying to kiss my ass.
  20. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    what is a 1LT, moron?

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