Gholston contract

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by yankeeswin84, Mar 3, 2011.

  1. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    The point being that Michigan recognized that his biggest problem was desire and that it was a concern; according to Brandt, this was stated BEFORE the draft. We obviously never picked up on that. We figured we'd get him to consistently play at the top end of his ability, and he played at the bottom for 3 straight years. Makes sense if the guy was an "academic" and a reluctant player like his high school coaches warned Michigan. Played well while he got his education, got his money, and simply didn't give a shit any more.
  2. Pluvrr

    Pluvrr Active Member

    Apr 12, 2010
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    Gholston will play somewhere else and I bet he'll do better somewhere else without all the high expectations.
  3. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    Trevor pryce was saying he expects vernon to be relatively successful in a 4-3.
  4. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I think the dude's a fucking genius. He's set for life if he never plays another down (or even works anywhere ever again), and he's not going to be suffering from arthritis and dementia in his late forties. Sign me up for that program all day.
  5. tooooon

    tooooon Active Member

    Jul 28, 2008
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    All he has to do is record 1 freakin' sack and he will have accomplished doing better somewhere else. God forbid he gets 5 sacks next year everyone will think he is Derrick Thomas.
  6. nixhead

    nixhead Banned

    Oct 2, 2010
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    How does Mangini pick a guy like Gholston as the 6th pick? OOOPs Mangini no longer has a job. How much research did Mangini and his staff do? We are talking about the 6th pick in an NFL draft. The sixth best college player. I would hate to even look back at that draft and see some of the picks after Gholston. I hate Mangini for that pick. How do you not see that he has no football instincts. Its was Mangini's job to get that pick right. The Jets have blown picks before but never anything on this level. I'm still not over this one and I might never recover.
  7. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    THIS is why I love reading and taking part in PRE-DRAFT discussions.....

    Inevitably you always have people enter a PRE-Draft discussion and say "Why bother the whole thing is a crapshoot anyway"....

    Well, why bother? Because when the shit hits the fan, IMO, you either told us all about what a bust a guy like Gholston would be BEFORE the draft in spite of what a Mike Mayock said or you didn't....

    Love all the monday morning Qb's NOW.....

    I'm on record as saying I didn't like the pick BUT, at the time I fully understood that the draft was not a great draft and that 95% of the Draft experts said Gholston was a 1st round talent.......

    I can't kill a team for that. You can't always see into a mans heart and VG must have done a good sales job cuz mangini cna co were all about finding players with heart.

    To me, this is nothing like a team Trading Up, using TWO 1st round picks and drafting a guy with a bad knee at #4 in a LOADED Draft with 6 highly rates DT's alone.
  8. ManlyGenius

    ManlyGenius New Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    But Tanny also has responsibility and he's done great with other picks. The sad truth is everybody blows picks now and again and this one just really hurt.
  9. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    So you SAID in ANOTHER thread that DISCUSSED the same SUBJECT. I think WE all get IT by NOW.
  10. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    LOL.. Thanks Guy.

    This whole topic has been discussed before.

    If we're gonna rehash it, lets not have people try to get away with writing crap like Gholston had One good game in his whole college career.
  11. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Ignatius... YOU were sold onthis guy as much as anyone... i love looking back at what was said PRE-DRAFT... Looking at this one you defended Gholston as much as anyone every step of the way...

    Funny, you talk about "One Good Game" here today.....

    04-29-2008, 05:51 PM


    Again, read what his coach had to say. He wasn't a human highlight reel on every play because he wasn't used as just a situational pass rusher. He played man coverage. He dropped into zone coverage. To put it simply, he did what was best for his team and what was asked of him by his coach rather than trying to do what was best for padding his stats.

    Tressell is a VERY conservative coach. My guess is that in games against teams they were supposed to beat easily, Gholston was used in a much more conservative role, playing much more coverage than simply rushing off the line on every down. The tougher teams required a different approach. Gholston was freed up to focus on getting to the QB and disrupting the opponent's gameplan to make that extra difference.

    Given the way he was used in college, and the diverse skill set he has as a result, he's ideally suited to play OLB in our system. He won't be used as a situational pass rusher, but you're right...on those 2nd, 3rd and longs, he'll be all over the QB.
  12. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I didn't say one good game. I said he had one game in which he was a beast. Apparently that term gets used loosely on here. He was good more often than that.

    I also never inserted my own pre-draft opinion here. You "love all the Monday Morning QBs", but as I said, I was relating what Gil Brandt had said pre-draft, so your criticism of "people on here" is absolutely foolish and misplaced in this thread. I'd think you'd have learned to pay attention better in the 8 years you've been on the site. You sure haven't spent most of that time actually posting.
  13. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    but it didn't hurt that bad.most teams get set back 3-4 years when they miss on a top ten pick.tanny does a good job of hedging his bets with f.a. signings.if it hurt we wouldnt be picking 30th this year and 29th last year.
  14. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Like I said, try taking a look back at what I actually typed in this thread. You do know I'm not Gil Brandt, right?

    By all means, though, I'd love to see where I tried to claim that I questioned his desire before the draft.
  15. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The number 2 pick in 1990 of of Blair Thomas was pretty dreadful. Thomas did have injury problems but still a bust. What made this even worse3 was Emmitt Smith dropping to 17th because teams were wary of his size and speed.

    Being picked 6th doesn't necessarily mean that he was the 6th best college player. It all depends on needs or if a team can pick best available.
  16. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Again, this was a tough draft - ALL I am saying is that I can't totally Kill the Jets for this pick.

    That said, Screw Brandt because he had Gholston at 3 just days before the draft....

    Tier One (1-10)
    Glenn Dorsey, DT, LSU
    Had a very good workout on campus on March 26. ... Started three games as a true freshman in 2004. ... His best traits are outstanding agility and a great effort. ... Has very long arms -- 34 5/8 inches.

    Sedrick Ellis, DT, USC
    Had a very good workout on campus on April 2. ... Played as a true freshman in 2004 (no starts). ... Best traits are exceptional strength and great instincts. ... Good arm length -- 32 1/8 inches.

    Vernon Gholston, , DE, Ohio State:
    Was impressive at the combine and at his pro-day workout. ... Played as a freshman in 2004; redshirted in 2005 with a broken left hand. ... Best trait is his overall athletic ability. ... Good arm length -- 34 inches. ... Has more sacks than any Division I player over last two seasons (23).

    Derrick Harvey, DE, Florida
    Had a very good campus workout on March 18. ... Redshirted in 2004 and did not start until 2007, but he was the defensive MVP two years ago in Florida's BCS win over Ohio State. ... Best traits are overall athletic ability and a quick first step. ... Long arms -- 35½ inches. ... Note: Could slide down to Tier Two.

    Chris Long, DE, Virginia
    Had a very good workout in DE drills at the combine, and then worked out as a LB on campus on March 18. ... Played as a true freshman in 2004 and started 37 games over the past three years. ... Best traits are strength and a quick first step. ... As a high school senior, he won a YMCA slam dunk contest.

    Jake Long, OT, Michigan
    Had a very good campus workout on March 14. ... Redshirted in 2003 and has started 40 games over the past four years (missing seven games in 2005). ... Best traits are work ethic, power, toughness. ... Very long arms -- 37 inches.
  17. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    Not to be an ass, but you do realize, he does these by alphabetical order right? He picks his top ten (or whatever tier) and puts them in the teir based on alphabetical order.
  18. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    i think we know how matt millen fucked up detroit now
  19. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    OK.. So at worst he had Gholston at 10...... Doesn't change the point at all.

    I'll get some links but, brandt was discussing Gholston to the Raiders...

    The Main point is, unless we see anything to the contrary... Brandt like every other pundit was all over Gholston....
    #39 Jet Blue, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  20. BigGreenGangBang69

    Feb 8, 2009
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    The only way he would of got that 9 mill, is if he agreed to split it with someone for letting him "sneak" by and get a sack one time... But i guess 4.5 million is not enough to embarrass yourself like that

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