Bob Sanders visiting with Jets today

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by BroadwayAaron, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    He probably would want to prove that he can play a season without getting

    injured and be a playmaker. Obviously he has enough money at this point after

    signing that huge contract with the Colts. He's probably been hearing alot of

    criticism over these past years about his durability and he wants to show

    everyone that he could still play at a high level.
  2. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Tom Condon still hasn't even decided whether he wants him to sign before the March 4th date. To be honest, if he does, it's a bad sign. It shows some uncertainty on his part if he wants to sign with one of the 4 teams willing to pick him up rather than wait until teams can get a look at him in a full, true workout.
  3. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    He probably wanted to prove that in 2009 and 2010, too.
  4. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Because if he somehow stays healthy all year, plays well, and reaches those incentives it means we got a steal of a deal for the 2011 season and he probably helped our defense a great deal. I doubt anybody would be complaining that we have to pay out 3 million dollars more in 2012 due to him hitting the incentives if come week 14 there are a ton of stories on TV about him reclaiming his former greatness and being a contender for the NFL DPOY or something. Now is that likely? No of course not. He will probably get hurt again.. but if that's the case, then it's of little consequence to the cap. And we'll still have Pool or Smith, and Lowery around to step in. Landry is really not that big of an upgrade to justify a 4+ million dollar a year contract. Especially when those 2 million extra dollars could cost us to lose a guy like Braylon Edwards or Cromartie.

    Who knows? Tannenbaum is a cap wizard, I'm sure he could figure it out. Besides, if he plays well and hits all those incentives, we have a great chance to win a Super Bowl.
  5. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    Or it could mean the allure of playing for Rex Ryan and the Jets is starting to really take effect? If he does sign (which I don't think he will), then I'll definitely go with my version :up:
  6. JetDan

    JetDan Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2008
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    Yes but its a new year so he can prove it until he gets injured again.
  7. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    This is hilarious. People would call it a steal of a deal if we managed to trade a 7th rounder for Haloti Ngata and sign him to a $1 million contract. That's about as likely as your scenario. You keep pointing out it's unlikely, then going back to it.

    I also find it amusing that everyone here keeps stating that we HAVE to get better at the position than Pool/Smith/Lowery, and yet you just listed it as an acceptable plan when Sanders "probably" (your word) gets hurt again. There's no way that you can believe that's an ideal situation. Come on, everyone's buying into the hope. The least you could all do is admit it and not pretend that you're thinking realistically. If you are, you certainly have a different position on Smith/Pool than most people here.

    I'd rather have Landry and Wilson and a solid vet at another position than overpay for Cromartie, BTW.
  8. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Tom Condon's not exactly the type of agent to lead his guys into feel good contracts when there's a chance for more money to be made.
  9. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Yup, so where exactly does that leave us? He's gonna bust his ass on the field like he always does and in week 5 he's gonna go for a tackle, land wrong and end up out for 6-8 weeks.
  10. MikeHoncho

    MikeHoncho Trolls

    Jan 16, 2010
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    I happen to think Pool and Smith are fine as a safety platoon. Pool stepped up his game a great deal after Leonhard went down, and I imagine it would only improve year 2 in the system. Landry is extremely overrated.. I guess we'll just agree to disagree on that. No way is he worth the 4+ million or so it would likely cost to sign him.

    I have no problem rolling the dice on a player.. what's the worst that can happen. He gets hurt and it costs the Jets nothing. Comparing a scenario where a team signs an oft-injured player to a low-risk deal and hoping he stays healthy to trading a 7th round pick for Haloti Ngata is stupid. If he does get hurt, then we go to Pool or Smith who both played well in the 2nd half of the season, with a returning Jim Leonhard. I also think there's a chance Lowery could evolve into a pretty good free safety.
  11. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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    He provides good depth, and hopefully (might be a long shot) he can do what LT did, come here and have a new life.
  12. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Sure the guy gets hurt a lot but jesus you guys are acting like he's a terrible player.
    Here's the truth.

    We could go for an upgrade at safety but it's not our biggest concern. We need to focus on re-signing our guys for one, then getting front 7 players..maybe even another RB or CB.

    Leonhard and Smith will be fine HOWEVER if we can upgrade without paying huge bucks then we should. Bob Sanders won't require huuge bucks because A. I'm sure he wants to play for a winning team/Rex and B. he's very injury prone so it shouldn't be top dollar.

    It's sort of like the Pouha and Jenkins situation. We'll probably re-sign Jenkins for cheap and if he's healthy then WOW great. If he gets hurt like we expect then we'll be happy with Pouha. Except with this situation it would be Sanders and Smith.

    Get it done 100% no questions asked here. (If he wants more than 5 million then nevermind. I think we could get him cheaper.)
  13. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    Nobody is saying he's a terrible player. No one knows what kind of player he is at this point. We've barely seen him in 4 years.

    A laughable claim given the source.

    Yes, the first two statements are true, but addressing the front 7 and resigning players who should be re-signed doesn't preclude an upgrade at safety--or a draft pick. We shouldn't be wasting money on guys who are massive injury risks with average at best depth behind them. Pool and Smith are also going to be UFAs in all likelihood, so SOMEONE has to get signed, and it might not be one of them if we look to sign a better safety.

    As far as another RB being a higher priority...WTF? The team announced LT is coming back. You think RB is more of a need than safety with Greene/LT/McKnight?

    Wilson will be better off if we upgrade the safety position. I'll tell you why part B is funny in a minute.

    Pouha >>> Smith at their respective positions. To be honest, I have more faith in Jenkins' ability to come back than Sanders', and that's not saying much.

    This is the funny part. If he wants more than 5 million nevermind? So, knowing he has only had one healthy season in his ENTIRE CAREER, you'd be fine with, say, a $4 million contract? That falls under your 100% no questions asked umbrella?

    Once again, you drop another joke of a post.
  14. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    lol knew you'd have some hot shot reply
    anyway, i'll respond to the legit points you made...

    I see your point with signing players that are an injury risk. It's a sketchy situation.
    Yes I think RB is a bigger need. In the playoffs our safeties (sp) played well imo. The running game wasn't flowing like it should have been. I don't think LT will do better than last year or as good even. He IS getting older and when the big games come he won't be much of a factor. Greene goes down and our run game is shot. I'm afraid of Joe yet but hopefully can be proven wrong. We had tons of injuries at safety last year and we still got by alright back there. If you disagree I can see why. This is just how I feel.

    I hope you're right about Wilson. I think he could be a good CB this year but who knows.

    Jenkins more than Sanders? Well it's a toss-up but Sanders is younger atleast.

    If we got Bob Sanders at 4 mil per season why yes I'd be fine with that...risk? Sure but if it pays off I'd feel very very good about our SB chances. This being said if we didn't sign Sanders I wouldn't be upset or let down because I'm sure it's a long shot but elite players at their positions don't just come walking in at 4 million per year very often, regardless of injury past. *shrug* Maybe I'm more of a gambler than you.
    #134 NYJalltheway, Mar 2, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  15. ........

    ........ Trolls

    Sep 5, 2007
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    I know you have some hot snot on your knee.
  16. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    haha, you're ridiculous man. any reply to what I said?
  17. JetsYankeesThrylos

    JetsYankeesThrylos Active Member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    It's laughable the Jets even thought about Sanders. Hopefully they don't sign him, it's an unnecessary risk. Even if he all of a sudden, though completely unlikely, goes and has the best year of his career, then whatever, shit happens, a safety isn't our biggest concern anyway.
  18. dcm1602

    dcm1602 Member

    Jan 17, 2010
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    Is there a salary number that if Sanders took less than that youd be happy with the move ?

    Or is it the matter of him taking a roster spot ?

    I mean well pretty much have an "extra" roster spot only having one FB on the team this year. And it helps having a guy like Lowery who is capable of playing both safety and corner.

    Truthfully I think Sanders (even when healthy) is overrated, but if we used this guy in a rotation (rather than him playing every snap) id be happy to have him around for games where are struggling against the run. Of course this is all assuming we get him on the cheap.
  19. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    It's not entirely laughable that the Jets would give Sanders a look. Pool and Smith were sub-par starters last season, Lowery is still learning a new position, and Leonhard is coming off of injury. The Jets are going to be looking for depth players, if only for training camp, so I doubt he'll be the only saftey the team lets the doctors look it in the offseason.

    The only way this would surprise me is if the FO offers him anything other thqn a minimal contract based mostly on playing time. Either way, it would worth it to sign him just so Emanuel Cook can beat him out for a backup job in TC.
    #139 CatoTheElder, Mar 2, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  20. NYJalltheway

    NYJalltheway Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2004
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    Going back a bit, I totally agree with Mack. I'd actually take those other safeties over Sanders because they're mostly younger and less injury prone. They'd come cheaper as well.

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