17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Oh ok, I thought every club seat went up as well, I was wrong.
  2. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Can someone post the announcement?

    Can someone please post the actual announcement regarding the Yellow Passes?

    I have not seen this in writing. What's the deal? Upper Deckers get to buy Yellow Passes now (at face value) instead of Orange ones at $15? Someone please post a link to this announcement, as I have not read this anywhere.

  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    here it is word for word from the new york jets:

    now can i have this translated thru 227 please???
  4. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    the guy admitted to me the open amount of spaces in the yellow area was crazy and with 10,000 fans a game taking the train it has opened alot of spots
  5. sg3

    sg3 Banned

    Sep 25, 2010
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    it should take the Jets about 2 weeks to replenish ALL those upper deckers that bail.
  6. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    relocation has begun. i just got relocated to the verizon corner so i am closer to my parking lot.and i also got a lower row and a special request too.roles are reversed my friends. the agent from last year was shading this year kissing my ass.

    those Temporary Handicap Seats will now be Permanent Season Ticket Holder Seats.
  7. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    also tarps will be covering the open areas of the concorse this year and more bathrooms was confirmed.
  8. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Which section you looking at. I was 317 but am looking to relocate a bit as well.
  9. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    I was already relocated this morning to the Verizon corner single digit row.now im closed to the cattle walk to the IZOD.so long pepsi corner.
  10. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in again."


    I am now Upper Deck Sideline Prime, ladies and gentlemen. That's right, Row Fucking 3. Many thanks to 17a, who, without his heads up and help this morning, I would have still been sitting here with my shitty seats and my thumb up my cranky ass. Here's what you need to do (and this only applies to Upper Deckers):

    1) CALL: I called the ticket office as soon as I read 17a's heads up "relocation has begun" post. Call today guys... TODAY. I asked them WTF is going on. Told them I have two sets of 4 and told the girl on the other end WHY I wound up with two sets (if you don't know this story by now, I'm not going to waste time going into it again). She tells me yes, I can go on the "waiting list" for the Yellows, but I have to renew by CC in order to get on the early list. I said fine, BUT....

    2) COMPLAIN: I told her all about how I had Row 16s and then Row 9's, and that before I renew, I want an UPGRADE. "On both?," she asks. Hell no, I don't need 8 fucking seats. I just want the 4 better ones, but I want AN UPGRADE ON THE BETTER ONES. I told her how I wound up haveing to buy them and how disappointed I am with the Jets ticket office for making me buy two sets just to upgrade myself.

    3) BITCH SOME MORE: So she says, "Well, why don't we drop the Row 16s and you give me your CC for the Row 9s and then we'll call you if we can upgrade. In the meantime, you are on the early list for the Yellows." "I don't think so," I said. I'm not renewing anything until I know. I've been through this too much... have you listened to waht I'm saying? I will renew if I get better seats than 6the Row9s, otherwise, I'm One and Done."

    4) THREATEN: Nothing works with these people unless you are willing to go all the fucking way. She says to me, "Are you saying that you don't want any seats and you're giving up all 8 if you can't upgrade?" "That's exactly what I'm saying. What do yuou have in the way of UPpper Deck Prime?" I figured Fuck it, I'm going all the way. It's the paratrooper in me.

    5) DON'T GIVE IN: Well, I'm not authorized to do any better than your Row 9s, but give me a call back in a couple of days... or maybe I'll call you." She's calling my bluff. So I said, "Fine, you give me a call if you can upgrade me, other wise I am One and Done and that's it. I'm very upset with the Jets and the way I've been treated since the beginning. You can't blame me." So she says, "Are you sure you won't renew if I can't upgrade you? and I tell her, "Absolutely. I'm done."

    6) THE CALL BACK: No sooner do I hang up and check my mail than my phone rings again and IT'S HER!. She tells me she just spoke to her supervisor and how about this... how about Upper Deck Prime, ROW FUCKING 3? I said to her, "and I can still cancel my Row 16s?" And she says, "Yes, and I can get you on the waiting list for the Yellows."

    7) DONE DEAL: I'm like, "Okay, let me get this right. Now I'm on the Sidelines in the Upper Deck Prime, with 4 seats in Row 3 and a shot at the Yellow?" and she says, "Yup." and I said, "done deal.. Here's my fucking credit card honey."

    227 has gone Upper Deck Prime. Oh, you guys will never live with me now.. what a fucking swelled head I'm gonna have. I'm dancing all over the place. I've sat in those first 4 rows at the Eagles Concert and I'll tell ya... it's awesome. All the waiting... all the aggrevation... the lies... the misinformation... I've waited a long tome to get vback some decent seats again. And now they're here. And I'll probably wind up with Yellow Parking to boot. Park outside my seats and mosie on it... no more schlepping it 15 miles.

    Eat your fucking hearts out, Gator and sG3. Your PSLs REALLY suck now!
  11. babyknight

    babyknight Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    nice work section 227
  12. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ha ha i stayed in the $95 price range.i didnt want to pay $125 a ticket.
    your welcome bro.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I am beside myself. They owe me this for 26 years worth of payments.
  14. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    The Bergen Record:

    Jets announce ticket price hike

    Wednesday, February 23, 2011
    The Record

    The Jets announced Tuesday that 2011 ticket prices will rise an average of 2.3 percent, but that ticket prices in the upper bowl will not change.

    Jets vice president Matt Higgins said because of the uncertain labor situation — National Football League owners may lock out the players as soon as next week because of disputes about the players' share of total revenues — only half of the season ticket payments will be due by April 1, instead of the usual 100 percent. The other half will be due when the start of training camp is announced.

    Fans would pay only a prorated cost of tickets if any games are canceled as a result of a lockout. The one-time cost of the PSLs last year, however, is not affected by any reduction — or even cancellation — of the 2011 season, Higgins said.

    Fans who sit in seats that required personal seat licenses to be paid last year — all but the upper bowl — will see their per-game prices rise by $5 per seat.

    Some Jets fans would pay less for parking this fall — the price for upper-level season-ticket holders to park in the orange outer lots at Izod Center and near Paterson Plank Road will be reduced to $15 from $25. Upper-level season-ticket holders will have the option to upgrade to the yellow lots and pay $25 per game.

    Giants spokesman Pat Hanlon said the Giants had not finalized their plans regarding tickets and parking.

    The upper-bowl ticket prices will remain the same, Higgins said, in part because of fan feedback that indicated improvements needed to be made. Those include a 40-percent increase in capacity for men's restrooms at that level, plus added shelter for the upper-bowl concourses.

    Higgins said in response to fan concerns, owner Woody Johnson visited the upper deck for a late-season game.

    "There was a sense that the concourses in the end zone needed to provide more shelter from rain, so we'll be making some capital improvements there," Higgins said.

    "The lines at the men's room were disproportionately long, so we'll be adding a lot more capacity there. After one year of stadium operation under your belt, you look for ways to improve."

    E-mail: brennan@northjersey.com Blog: northjersey.com/brennan Twitter: @BergenBrennan
  15. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    "Woody visited the Upper Deck for a late season game." He must have had the NJ National Guard with him for security, otherwise he would have been mugged in the men's room and rolled down the escalators like a human bowling ball.
  16. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    no he did during the phins game and that is exactly what we did to him. thats why i couldnt show my face at the bills game.

    we gave him swirlies and everything
  17. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Great job. I know a lot of people have had arguments on this board, but one thing cannot be disputed. If you read what others have done (are doing), you can get a better deal on the seats you want.

    1) Originally, we were in poor seats in Mezz A for $4K each. After the price decrease in LLEZ, they wouldn't let us move down unless we bought more seats. After reading this board and another one, I called back and bluffed my way into LLEZ saving us $3K. Information is Power and Power is Money.

    2) I learned from the board how to apply to the Super Bowl Lottery at the NFL, won 2 seats, sold them for a nice profit. With that profit, we could pay off the balance of our PSL balance.

    3) I learned what seats were the best deal from a resale perspective. Because we cannot go to night games, we got "better" seats for resale and managed to make enough profit from the Pats and night games to make our entire PSL payment for year 1.

    Peace out. I expect that you will give up those seats when they pry them out of your cold dead hands.
  18. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Was that you who shaved his eyebrows and gave him the felt-tip marker mustache, sideburns and eye liner?
  19. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    ha ha no that was pats hater.
    i gave him the press ham
  20. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Crazy-gluing the eyelids shut was going a little too far. He had a board meeting the next day.

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