I think we're all failing to ask the bigger question here, which is "Can he name the son which is six who he hit?"
Wow, the guy smokes pot and knows how to discipline his children. Big f'n deal. That said, we already knew he was the biggest piece of shit on the team. I have no respect for a man that doesn't take care of his children, but this "bombshell" changes nothing. If he leaves, I will miss his on-field presence, but will also be secretly relieved that I don't have to root for such a piece of human garbage.
To be fair by paying child support (and the amount of it he surely pays) hes way ahead of the curve than most men as far as taking care of his children is concerned. Think something like 60% of black babies are abandoned by their fathers, so at least his kids are all going to be growing up somewhat wealthy after his next contract. Not saying the guy is anything remotely close to a model father, but his children could have it far far far worse.
Hopefully not anymore since he has Parkinson's... As for the book, whatever. I would have been more surprised if she said he didn't do some of these things. We knew we weren't getting a choir boy when we traded for him.
She is no less a piece of trash than he is. He is who he is. SHE is the one that chose to bring a child into the world with that. I also have no respect for a woman who bashes the father of her children in front of them, and even less for one who bashes the father of her child, and airs her dirty laundry, to the entire world.
If what she said is true, I hope that POS days as a Jet are numbered. I say good riddance to the cretin. It figures he'd slap and abuse his children...tough guy. NOT!!! What a coward and wussy.
No clue. They both graduated law school in 1999. It's been more than a while since I've heard her name.
I'm going to write a book saying that Aso buys crack from and is often seen punting babies while he's high. Maybe not a book, just a pamphlet.
That is much too reasonable a position. It will never happen even if it should. Ftr I do think testing for performance enhancing drugs and additives is desirable, but not recreational drugs. WHo cares?
My parents never slapped me, but if this were such a big concern, she's just as culpable for going to the publisher instead of child services. That's probably the biggest sign that this wasn't some earth shattering slam to the ground.
Yeah, it really shouldn't be league policy to do so. It has no detrimental effect on the game other than some perceived image problem, and if a player develops an image problem with his behavior, it'll just be reflected in his contract anyway.
:lol: Tomlinson's classometer must be going haywire, like a compass doing the lights-out dance on the magnetic northpole.