Watching the pregame introduction videos about the two cities and teams and everything and saying to myself damn what could have been.
It wasn't even so bad last year when we lost to the Colts cause they beat us by 17 and we weren't expected to get that far with a rookie QB and rookie HC. This year I thought was our year. It still stings
Best part was the commercial with tony soprano and the rest of the soprano family wearing jets gear. Fuck this game though
Yea I agree what could have been. All the coverage for 2 weeks. All the hype. All the attention. One day we will get it...
the halftime show was depressing. can we please go back to the stones or the who? When the jets do make it,i would like to see ozzy or metallica or something like that. none of this hip hop bullshit
Who cares? hasnt it been rock for like the past 5 years? Some people prefer a different genre... besides the halftimeshow isnt for the real fans, its for all the fair-weather fans who don't know shit about football. Its sad that the biggest game, is targeted to the non-nfl audience and not the real fans who support them all season.
Can't call BEP's hip hop that's just downright unAmerican. Weak ass style biting populism if you ask me. The return of the 808 was Kanye West biting from UK and Europe house, techno and electro from back in the day and UK Grime in recent years. Half time show ain't about music it's about lowest common denominator. Which is what concerns me. Are LCD Soundsystem being ironic or just saying what I think they are. It's offseason don't ask me to talk football
best part of the superbowl...
Well,i prefer a real band with instruments and talent,especially when the jets play. I hope that day is awsome including the halftime music. But i agree with your 2nd paragraph
The Black Eyed Peas were just bad. I like some of their songs, but that was horrible. Everything from the sound to just the performance itself. Having Slash come out and then having Fergie sing Sweet Child O' Mine was just bad. Usher was good, at least he's a good dancer. I liked The Who and Tom Petty more, heh. Anyway, you can only have so many older acts. They wanted to keep it more current and relevant. the problem is that a lot of these newer acts don't put on that good of a show. Plus you'll never have a band like Metallica, they try to get music that appeals to a broader group of people. Even though Metallica is very popular, they aren't the kind of band are as broadly appreciated as these other groups.
We had a comment that they should have just had Slash come out and play by himself for 10 minutes. I think that would have been a more enjoyable show.
Motörhead. I didn't know "putrid shit" was a genre. I thought the show was as bad as it could possibly be without crossing over into "so bad that it's good" territory.
I don't care much for Kiss as a metal fan,but i think they would be a great halftime show(the original line up w/makeup). or Ozzy. Crazy train is played at just about every game.
Which is exactly why I never want to hear it again. Besides, Ozzy is too old to play a SB halftime show without embarrassing himself.
The dancers with the boxes on their heads put over the top for me. I got a decent amount of comedy out of it.