Still drunk and now awake. Well sort of. Kids have this habit of waking up their dad on dad's days off. So it's 2011 and I'm drunk and tired. Yo yo yo yo yo cause that's wassup.
Pretty tame hangover for how drunk I ended up last night. Didn't even need any advil or anything, just a gallon jug of water to the face.
I am fucked up right now. It was a gay friends birthday and he must have said the word faggot more times than anyone on this board could possibly imagine. Here is to having gay friends who don't suck... at least not all the time.
I might be replying to this thread sometime tonight, with typos galore. Probably over some Brandi or Absinthe if im lucky.
I would like to take a moment to thank MLK Jr. for the holiday he has bestowed upon us this Monday which will allow me to imbibe copious quantities of beer and other potent potables today while not having to worry about being hung over at work tomorrow.
Haha, no he is real and not dead. Also, there are two of them. Identical twins but one was passed out for most of the night.
"Tampons Brady is a stupid Foggot, who is gay and stupid and also an excremental penistard!" --Martin Luther King, Jr.
Drinking is for pussies. I'm straight mainlining ouzo now mother fuckers. In all seriousness as previously stated, when the Jets stop winning, I stop drinking until the season starts up again. Go Jets!!!!!!