Slaying the Hype Monster OR The Haters Thread

Discussion in 'Draft' started by Green Hurricane, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Jake Locker I hate with a passion.

    Overrated beyond logic.

    I too don't think Von Miller is top 5. It weird that he's become a consensus top 5 pick. I think he drops back down to the 10-15 level when April rolls around.
  2. SettlerDawg

    SettlerDawg Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    Although I haven't watched too much college football this year, I have a feeling that Fairley is going to bust. He doesn't use leverage that well and he doesn't get a good push. When he plays against nfl linemen, his quickness will get nullified. I thought Terrence Cody from last year would suck (he hasn't had too much playing time to make any judgements yet), and this year, I think Fairley is going to bust/be an average player.
  3. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    Wow. I don't see it at all. The kid has size, speed, first step, hands. The tool that comes into question is pure power. In a 43 (fox's defense of choice) He'll be a disruptive force against the pass and run. His biggest question mark is it only being one dominant season which eludes to work ethic concerns. I would think any team picking him at the top of this draft will have set those issues aside through the inteview process.
  4. inSANITy

    inSANITy Banned

    Mar 14, 2006
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    This leads to ask the question "Does New England Draft a Qb in the first 2 rounds this year"?
  5. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    A lot of people said Tim Tebow wouldn't make it in the NFL, either, and Cam Newton has a better arm, is faster and more athletic than Tebow. Tebow has experience Newton doesn't have. I think Newton is gonna be a star.

    There are more and more running QBs coming to the NFL. I think it will change the game in the NFL, especially with someone as big as Cam Newton.
  6. joeklecko

    joeklecko New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    It could happen, but I doubt it. There is some concern since he has only dominated for one season, but I saw almost every game Auburn played and Fairley was a beast. He took over games. He has strength and power, and he most certainly does get a good push. You may be right about the leverage, but he can learn that from good coaching in the NFL. Unless is lazy and the money goes to his head, he has the potential to be a major force in the NFL.
  7. CodeGreen

    CodeGreen Active Member

    Apr 25, 2010
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    If you look at the final 4 of the NFL, all 4 QBs were mobile pocket passers, not dual threat guys. Sure they could get the yardage with their legs but I don't think you would say Rodgers or Rothlisburgers mobility is equal to that of Mike Vick.

    I think you may be drinking the same stuff Gruden was drinking two years ago when he predicted teams would run entire offenses out of the wildcat. Mobile Qbs are nice, but that pocket passer skill set is what teams are going to look for first and foremost. If mobility was a big issue Tyrod Taylor wouldnt be projected as a UDFA
  8. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I remember you comparing him to Brad Smith/Wildcat QBs before. also said you only watched him play one time and that he wasn't elusive.

    Tim Tebow proved he's got the ability to start in the NFL. He's definitely a major project, but he showed some flashes during his three starts. The guy didn't play much because he wasn't ready, plus Kyle Orton had a pretty solid year.

    Like Tebow, Newton has the ability to change the way the position is played.
    #28 Mr Electric, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  9. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I don't even think Jake Locker is overrated anymore.

    People have been hating on him all year and it's obvious he's flawed, it's just the dumb ESPN analysts and people who are avid Pro Bowl voters that still think he's good.
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    There is an addiction to "athletes" in football.

    Football is a game where you can be a shitty athlete and play very well at your position.

    I hate QBs who are great "athletes." Its almost an excuse for their flaws.

    "Their footwork sucks and the decision making scares me."

    "Yeah, but he's a great athlete"
  11. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    I bolded that bit because it's tough for me to imagine what kind of role he'll have on a team. I bring up the wildcat/Brad Smith/Tim Tebow because that's the closest comparison that comes to mind currently. He may become a hybrid first-of-his-kind player.

    I think he'll succeed in an unconventional offense when given the opportunity, assuming someone can figure out and implement it with success.

    P.S. regarding only seeing him play live once and the elusive bit. After seeing the championship game and YT video of his I get an idea of his skill set. Not pretending to be an expert here.
    #31 Rockefella, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2011
  12. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    The closest comparison is Ben Roethlisberger.
  13. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    True. I don't know if he'll be as good a passer as rapist though. Roethlisberger, despite all the love he gets for escaping pressure and eluding sacks, only rushes for about a buck-25 a season. I'd expect Cam to get about 300-500 yards rushing the football.
  14. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    The kid is a better passer than just about every other quarterback in this class, just because he's also a tremendous athlete doesn't mean that he can't/won't throw. In college his speed was a major weapon based on Malzahn's offense, in the NFL it won't need to be. Aaron Rodgers has averaged 300 yards and 4 TDs rushing each season he's started, and that's without any type of gimmicky offense. That's just him taking advantage of opportunities, like Cam will learn to do.

    The comparisons everyone puts with Vince Young are bullshit. The simple fact that Newton has an outstanding throwing motion/pocket presence compared to Young's horrible college motion and confidence in the pocket make that clear. Cam also has a stronger arm.
  15. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Ben Roethlisberger really isn't that great of a passer, but he's clutch and he makes plays - four of his seven seasons in the league, he put up very average numbers.

    He's also never been a runner - even at Miami of Ohio, he had low rushing yardage. He keeps plays alive with his feet and creates big plays in the passing game. Newton has that ability.

    I could see Cam running for close to 1,000 yards if he's able to stay healthy all season.

    A realistic number is probably 600 to 700 yards, but he's got the ability to put up big rushing stats, especially early in his career.
  16. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    That's not really saying much though, this year.

    Aaron Rodgers is a threat to run but he's one of the best QBs in the NFL when it comes to downfield passing. He's accurate and lethal in their vertical offense. His rushing yards tend to come after going through his reads and then scrambling when the defense gives a bit of a cushion. You don't tend to have a QB spy on Rodgers like you would on Vick either.

    Can Cam be accurate enough and intelligent enough as a pocket passer to succeed as a franchise qb? I don't think he will. He's high risk, high reward due to his unique talents.
  17. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    You keep saying that he can't be a franchise guy but you're not saying any reason why. He IS accurate, he HAS touch, he HAS shown the ability to intelligently lead an offense. I don't really see where this massive risk comes in, he's shown more than enough ability for me to imagine he'll be a really good QB. Even if he were to completely lose his ability as a runner, his arm and pocket work is good enough that he can still be a really good player.

    Newton has no greater challenge in adapting to the NFL game than any other QB that comes from college, because most don't play in NFL offenses. The difference between he and Tebow is that TT showed very little as a traditional passer. He didn't make tight throws, he didn't show much in the pocket, and he clearly would rather be outside running the ball.

    He doesn't have "unique talents", he has one unique talent to add to a lot of traditional QB skills. After Cam's been in the league a few years he'll learn the same things that other mobile QBs learned, that running is most effective as a last option when the defenses are breaking down. It takes time, but it's only something that will aid his game.
  18. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    hate hate hate hate hate
  19. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    My reason why was I don't think he can make the right reads and be accurate enough. Have I seen A LOT of Cam Newton this year? No, I haven't. But the general concept I've seen with him is:

    1. If a guy is wide open, throw it to him
    2. If there is room to run, take off.

    You can tell me he has touch and a great arm and all that. I don't see it, I'm sorry. I'll be happy to watch film of it if you have it. Most of it is him running around the field making Arkansas State look silly though.
  20. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    ^ If you've only seen the kid play once, your opinion doesn't mean jack shit.

    ...don't try to tell me you watched "highlight" videos either. I don't care - those don't tell the whole story.

    Cam Newton can run and pass.

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