I worked for the MTA... I know what it's like to leave your family to fend for themselves when shit, or snow hits the fan. I respect what they do, but it's the day after and two days after crap that pisses me off. Streets are clear, everyone is mobile, and they come back 2 days later. They might make the road 8 to 12 inches wider, but they throw a 3 foot pile of ice in front of everyone's driveway. All the ice in front of the plow gets dumped into driveways. It builds up on the blade, and gets dumped onto cleared driveway accesses. And it's about nothing other than overtime here. They finish the garbage pickups, and get into the plows for the OT. I know some of these guys... it's what they do. And they are so tired of getting filpped off, they enjoy it. I have stood in front of my driveway daring them to run me over. Or plow me under. It's a losing cause, because they will go out of there way to come back when I'm back in the house. I want to buy a gun. Something very quiet, but effective on truck tires.
Bloody hell man, can you not go without it for a couple of days? You get that bagged up that a snow bank looks good?
I got yo' back fool. http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/2009...-strips-electromagnetic-pulses-and-the-squid/
How do you think one of those big, 150,000 BTU propane blowers would do if you fired it up at the and of your driveway and turned the settings up to "inferno"? Less than 200 bucks to unleash 150,000 clicks of hell on your driveway, and you don't even have to pick up a stupid shovel or push around crazy blower. Work?
btw, http://hfboards.com/showthread.php?t=869443&page=23 Best thread for weather. The HFBoards Rangers forum OT thread. There are a couple of guys on there who do meteorology as a hobby. They've been right more often than the professionals. It's been my source for winter storms all winter.
Fair question. And I suppose I run the risk of all that water freezing up into a sheet of ice. But I know there are driveway and walkway heating systems, and theoretically they would have the same issue. Someone else can do the friggin' math - I don't have the patience. But, if 10 inches of snow gives you one inch of water (sez the intertoobz), and average, non-Berkshires driveway would probably be something like 200 gallons of water. No? I could totally push that much water onto my neighbor's property without any effort at all.
His property is covered with snow, unless you use your 150k BTU deal to melt his snow which then adds more H20 to your property and so forth. :breakdance::breakdance::breakdance::breakdance:
I'm actually off the propane heater idea. Although, that blower up there ^ plus a $15 tank of propane is just $200. On the other hand. . . Heated pavers. Worth a looksie. I'm not so sure I'd do it on my driveway, because I'm not all that keen on tearing up my driveway, when I can just pay the tow dude per storm. My walkways, though. And everything I've read says that it can be a DIY project. How fucking sweet would this be:
Yo, for you guys plowing... Do you get paid by your towns or by clients? What happens when the State runs out of money to pay the private plow guys?
I plow in the private sector but I only plow a few residences and they pay me directly. I am paid by a company as a sub-contractor. They pay me long before the city pays them. Most guys I know that plow directly for a gov agency are constantly receiving their pay late.