Jets/Steelers Roll Call (AFC Championship Edition)

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by Brick, Jan 17, 2011.

  1. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Loge was on the money with what he said.

    The entire bleacher section was bouncing when shit was going Pitts way. I was literally bouncing in my seat. It was sick.

    The history videos in between plays and the 12th man stats was awesome from a Pitt's fan perspective NMS better get this shit done for next season.

    I agree with the entrace. It took 40 minutes to get in Gate A (Scoreboard side). Security was way too slow and the mass of people was shifting me all around with tons of people putting more pressure on you the closer you got to the front.

    I posted in another thread that I watched 2 Jet fans get the ever-loving-shit kicked out of them. Pittsburgh's "finest" was pushing through the crowd and trying to get through, and it was crazy tight as it was. The lead cop bumped a 20 something y.o. Jet fan and said "we need to get through". And the kid replied - "so does everyone else" but he didn't turn around to see it was a cop. His next move was a dick-headed move. The cop got in his face and the kid told him to go fuck himself. He deserved the stick for that. Open your eyes man.

    The beating ensued. His father (50 something) was a hefty man and not athletic and he tried to find out why they were beating his son. He got tossed to the ground and beaten as well. The worst was watching them both get tazed. I was never that close to such a violent altercation and the police took it WAY too far. I am not being a Jets homer at all. I don't care what fans are in our stadium, that shit should not have gone on. The cops should be brought up on charges. The 2 of them got beat with the stick, kicked to the body and head, and then tazed. The father did absolutely nothing wrong except ask why is son was getting arrested and they put a smack down on this old man.

    I was in shell shock and didn't think to pull the camera phone out at that moment and when I came to, i realized I might be on the ground laying next to them if I did so I kept it in my jacket.

    Definitely my first, and last away game.
  2. JIMsection323

    JIMsection323 New Member

    Aug 1, 2007
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    I was at the game and Loge was dead on with his assessment. The Pittsburgh Steelers do a great job pumping up the crowd and getting them involved. Although it wasn't the loudest stadium I've ever been in, it was much louder then any Jets game I've ever attended at the Meadowlands. (Baltimore by far is the loudest) Loge was also dead on with how the Steelers use their score board getting the crowd pumped with the music and clips they use. I've been to many football games in my life time and to 5 different NFL stadiums and for the first time in my life I felt a stadium shake! I was sitting in Section 514 and when they played black and yellow the stadium was actually rocking! At first, I thought it was just me until my friend said the same thing, I almost couldn't believe it.

    I also have to agree with NYJUNC in regards with entering the stadium. It took forever!!! I was at the game in New England the week before and the security staff at Gillette stadium did a great job getting people in. I also agree with the view. Like I said I sat in Section 514 row FF and I felt I was lower then any seat the NEW Meadowlands have in their Upper Level.
  3. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    They were loud at times but they always need the scoreboard to get them going. The crowd was queit most of the night. I was very disappointed, I expected a great crowd for a championship game.
  4. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    The only time I thought it got quiet was towards the end of the game when the Jets started moving the ball. At least from my seats it certainly seemed that way - 524 AA.
  5. hobbes4444

    hobbes4444 New Member

    Jan 5, 2003
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    What boggled my mind was during the pregame. They were honoring men and women from the armed forces who have returned home from overseas. They introduce each branch of service, big applause. Really nice gesture. Then they play Springsteen's Born in the USA over the PA. WTF?!? For non-Springsteen fans, this is a song about how the Vietnam war destroyed those who served in it, how the government turned its back and betrayed its veterans, and is in no fucking way a song that should be played to honor our veterans. Becuase of it's Born in the USA chorus, you'd think it was some sort of rallying cry. Couldn't be further from the truth if you actually listen to the lyrics. Ironically enough, it was in Pittsburgh during the 1984 campaign that Reagan tried to co-opt Springsteen at a rally invoking his name and the "blue collar themes" of his songs that related to steel workers (yeah Ronnie did them and other union workers a great service), and then played the song after his speech. Didn't sit too kindly with Bruce. I can't imagine what he would say about this one. Hey Pittsburgh, seriously, get a fucking clue. . .
  6. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    That's pretty cool. I am in my seat, I must have just got to my seat b/c it took forever to get there and I just made it before kickoff.
  8. Gator

    Gator Active Member

    Oct 8, 2004
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    That was a very tough ball game to attend. Between getting to Pitt, getting to your seat, dealing with the frigid temps, and then being forced after to walk 40 minutes over the damn bridge after..............exhausting.

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