Brooklyn got 16 inches. This is now the 2nd time this winter my train line is down. I would normally be dancing for joy but I actually have to get into the office today. UGH!
I've drove a rear-wheel drive car for what seemed like forever, but I switched into the SUV world this Fall. No more white knuckle drives. No more spinning wheels. I don't worry about snow. I blast right through the white bitch's ass. Picked the right year to switch cars. Edit to add: By the way, Al Gore is a fucking fuck fuck! Not for the whole global warming thing. That's different. This time, it's because of this moronic campaign against SUVs that he and the enviro-weasels have going. There is no greater winter joy than feeling all four wheels engage and cruising comfortably on the back of winter. And he would like to deprive me of that. Dink.
Same ****. But last time it was so stuck i just abandoned it on the road....... didnt even really pull over. I live on a road with the word mountain in it. I tried all 4 ways to get up the hills that lead to my street. No luck. Front wheel car standard tires. God i miss my Jeep. Some very bad video of me walking home
Got about 16 inches. I'm dug out and driving down a typical 4 lane avenue and here is this mini van with it's hazards on. I'm thinking I should pull over and offer to help until I realize what these two idiots did. They never bothered removing the snow from the roof, and it all slid down onto the windshield. They are in the middle of the road, nearly blocking both lanes, and clearing the snow from the windshield, like they were parked in front of their house or something. Then of course was the obligatory Range Rover doing 45 MPH sliding all over the road on a joyride. Barely under control, sliding all ove the road. At least I don't have to look at that GO JETS thing on the lawn anymore.
shoveled twice yesterday and again this morning. I think I've shoveled more this winter than any other, including shoveling out someone else's car. I heard on CBS radio that this is a record-setting January for tristate area snowfall.
We have 2 4wd vehicles in my family. Couldn't live without them. Long live the SUV!!!!!! I'm sure Al Gore loves my diesel 1ton. Lol.
Lol. Every post of yours in this thread is regarding shoveling. Buy a snowblower with all your winnings man
I'm being stubborn and not buying one. Hey, shoveling is good exercise. I just wish I didn't have to do it so often.
I swear by my snow blower. But snow like last nights make it useless. It is a beast unless the snow is wet and heavy. So, sitting here right now, I am exhausted from shoveling the part of my driveway by the street.
Haha. It was a joke man. I'm only 36. I shovel snow all the time. I plow as much as possible though and only have to shovel the steps, the deck and the area around my wood pile.
I'm 56 and still shoveling. I don't mind it except at the street where the plows pile it all up. So, if I could find the budget for a snow blower, it would have to be a monster to get that plowed snow moved. I've been lucky, I have two nieghbors who have blowers and have helped me out with that heavy plowed stuff. (note: tis better to ignore minor annoyances from neighbors and get along with them) BTW... I used to have big time back problems, but after landscaping and getting a ridiculous amount of excersize that way, the muscles in my back got so strong they don't spasm and knot up like they used to. That's what spreading 5 yards of top soil in a day will do for you... or laying 1800 sq feet of sod in a day(solo). I think this is the whole idea of Pys. therapy, and it works if you can get your back muscles almost insanely strong. Getting there is painful, but the reward is worth it.