funny how after each press conference, the media complains there's not enough trash they have to come up with shit on their own
Rex tells Nacho "be yourself" then when he's celebrating Cavanaugh grabs him and totally kills his party :lol:
Holmes is such a gamer. Listening to him talk and watching his highlight reel play in the background makes me realize how important this guy is to our organization. Praying Tanny brings him and Edwards back this offseason.
Every Rex Ryan press conference has an abundance of worthy content, but the one I find myself waiting for each day is when Dan 'The Pigeon Fucker' Leberfeld inevitably precedes each question with 'Hey Rex, Dan Leberfeld, Jets Confidential' like the total fuck-knuckle that he is, and every time - without fail - Rex looks at him and gives him a naked look of contempt. That is instant points in my book, even if I never knew a thing about Rex. Leberfeld is a twunt.
As usual, I totally disagree with everything you said. You are probably the only Jet fan on this board who thinks getting to the AFCCG last year was due to riding luck. ..Sucks none of the streams are working for me.
I Dont think it was "Luck" but the championship game definitely had a different feel then this season. I feel we are much better suited to win it as last year i didn't like our chances.
I agree absolutely, we are a much better team this year. But to say we got to where we were based on just luck is soxxx, I mean idiotic. And then to say that's how the entire fan base felt... not very s-m-r-t.
:lol: I almost made a thread about this last week. Any time Leberfeld does that, Rex looks like he is trying so hard not to burst into laughter.:rofl::up:
Wrong yet again..... You can only attention to the Jets and still know that Kading is a choker in the playoffs.