The smallest measurement of time used to be Planck time. Mike Wallace's 40 yard dash time has now surpassed this as the smallest measure.
Wait a second Einstein. How did u do ur math? My math tells me Mike will burn Revis by 2 yards over a 45 yard route. U do know that Revis would stand about 2-5 yards away from Wallace, right? You are such a troll, I don't know why you are not banned yet.
Inbred logic and math. No, it'd be completely bizarre to have fans from the area where the team is based. Pittsburgh, winner of the ugliest people in America multiple times
Mike wallace is so fast, that once a year most of the world sets their clocks back an hour so other people have a chance against him in a footrace. This pisses mike Wallace off and he sprints into every home and changes them back in april.
Wallace wasn't always this fast. Last offseason he trained with Big Ben. Wallace put on a skirt, Ben got drunk and chased him up and down the bleachers of a local middle school for 2 weeks. And Heinz Ward cried... alot.
Not just timezones... Mike Wallace is so fast, his nickname is "Teleport." Thankfully, teleporting won't work on that Island he's about to travel too.
Mike Wallace is so fast the Jets will assign Cromartie on him to protect Revis' frail ego and America won't have to watch Revis grab his hammy after getting burned again.
Mike Wallace is so fast the girls he traps in bar bathrooms don't have time to say, "No!" Pittsburgh delenda est.
Mike Wallace is so fast he could score more runs in an inning than the Pirates do all season. Pittsburgh delenda est.
Mike Wallace is so fast, he's faster than the speed of light; he's able to hit the light switch, jump into his bed, and fall asleep before the lights go out. Then he woke up from a bad nightmare of being stuck on Revis Island.