Do all Pittsburgh fans have an extra chromosome? At least the Pats trolls were smart enough to get a concept. Mike Wallace is so fast he can warp the space time continuum and actually take back the extra chromosome from the mongoloid Steelers trolls.
Mike Wallace is so fast that girls don't have enough time to say, "Is it in yet?" Pittsburgh delenda est.
> Don't worry. > People get used to being disappointed over time. There are some cool Steeler fans who've invaded our board, but YOU really are a dick. Go Browns! Pittsburgh delenda est.
I'm just looking for a little entertainment leading up to this game. Reading this board last week was so much fun, had to keep reminding myself to take a deep breath. Haven't heard a Pittsburgh fan say anything so far this week that was well thought out or didn't end with a gay smiley face after every post. Maybe that's the idea. You're pissing me off with how bad you are at trolling. Well in that case congratulations sir, you have won.
Do you really think I am going to type a 500 word dissertation only to get a reply like " fuck you you inbred Steeler fan"? I don't think so.
i thought shitsburgh trolls were supposed to have game? what is this weak ass shit? they know they are going to get pounded again.
I'm just getting aquatinted with the cast of characters around here. Still waiting to read a post that isn't a homerism.
The idea is to write a ridiculous 500 word rant that is full of logical fallacies and pisses off anyone with half a brain. Trust me, someone on this board will write a 1000 word rant in response. And I will enjoy reading both. I just don't understand why you guys are here if you're not going to try and annoy us or have a legitimate football conversation.
See? That's much better. Makes me want to pull out 20 posts that aren't homerisms. Congratulations, you have passed Trolling 101.
Mike Wallace is so fast that last night he turned his bedroom light off and was in bed before the room was dark.
Mike Wallace is so fast ... He's already caught 4 passes in Sunday's Game. The Law of Averages has never caught up to him. He knew Ke$ha was going to suck 6 years ago.