Mike Wallace is so fast he is invisible to the human eye, and can only be seen by hawks and panthers.
Mike Wallace is so fast he once had an affair with Flash Gordon's girlfriend but she wasn't satsfied because of premature ejaculation...
Mike Wallace is so fast, he got a stroke in on Sanchez's rape victim, took a toke on Stonio's blunt, stole a drink from Braylon, rubbed Rex's wife's feet, oogled Inez Saint, and made a pass at Jenn Sterger and nobody knew. Oh, and knocked up 2 of Cromartie's babies mamas.
...or is it because you take so much pride in the other thread and are trying to make it look even better? I understand you being so excited about your first thread ever that wasn't complete shit.
This post is so bad it might make Terry Bradshaw think about killing himself...again. Just remember on Sunday that you are cheering for a rapist.