Santonio Holmes a Jet - For a 5th Round Pick!

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Catfish Billy, Apr 11, 2010.


    TMC4REAL Banned

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I have moved on quite easily. You guys feel like you gained something huge. Great. Enjoy him. Maybe the change in scenery will do him good. But, he was arrested for disorderly conduct in Belle Grade, Florida. That is his hometown. He was arrested for domestic violence in Cleveland. He was arrested in Pittsburgh for marijuana. The claim where he threw a glass at a woman was in Orlando, Florida.

    That is 4 changes in scenery. Now, did we lose a big playmaker? Holmes has times where he blows up. He makes some huge plays...every once in a while. But, in 4 seasons with the Steelers, he topped 1000 yards once. He would disappear for long periods. He dropped passes. He failed to run the right routes at times and there were several pick sixes because he did not read the coverage right.

    Upset? Not really. I actually find it funny that some are. He does not scare anyone. If he makes a big play, so be it. It would be no different than Edwards or Cotchery making a big play. He is just another guy. The Steelers took that 5th and traded it for McFadden and another draft pick, which they used to take Antonio Brown. Brown has had some big plays this season as well, as a rookie. He had a TD return against the Titans early and it was the only TD they scored. He had the big catch against the Ravens. Pretty happy to have him. In addition, Manny Sanders is coming along nicely.

    AND, the biggest bonus, Mike Wallace moved into a starting role, speeding up his development. Oddly enough, he had 1200+ yards this season, his 2nd in the NFL. It took Stonio 4 years to get there. I'll gladly take Wallace over Stonio.

    I hope you pay the hell out of Stonio in the offseason. I really do. He is a ticking timebomb. I cannot state how happy I am to see this guy gone.

    Keep with the insults though. When he blows up on you, I'll come back to laugh.
  2. The Notorious J.E.T.S

    The Notorious J.E.T.S Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2003
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  3. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    Man, you sound so much like the guy who lost his homecoming-queen girlfriend to the best looking guy in school, and you're now trying to justify your loss by telling us, "she was a slut, she had herpes, she chewed with her mouth open, she farts in public..."

    Spare us the drama.

    If your life that pathetic that you're going to patiently wait around for a player who left the team a year ago to possibly suffer a "blow up," after which you'll go to an opposing teams' message board and beat your chest, saying "I told you so, nah nah naaaaa nahh."

    And you wonder why chicks aren't into you.
  4. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Only time will tell, as a Steeler fan I am happy he's gone.

    I will rely on the Steelers being one of, if not the, best player personnel organizations in the league for a long time and trust their judgment.

    TMC4REAL Banned

    Mar 1, 2008
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    LMAO, according to the press and arrest reports, this homecoming queen did have herpes, was a slut, chewed with her mouth open, and SNIFFED her own farts in public.

    The difference is, you find that charming.
  6. KOZ

    KOZ Totally Addicted

    Jul 21, 2003
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    The difference is, we were willing to look beyond that and and risk/reward has paid off handsomly.

    TMC4REAL Banned

    Mar 1, 2008
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    I understand that. The Jets were not the team that had dealt with all those issues prior though. I am sure that he had not been in the Jets offices after multiple events and said whatever it is he said and then turned around later and got in trouble again.

    At some point, you just get tired of someone's crap. And, IMO, I have NO reason to think that Stoned will change once he gets with the Jets. He had issues in college, issues in his hometown, issues in Pittsburgh, and now all of a sudden he changes....not buying that one.

    There are some Steeler fans that hated the trade. I am not one of them. If he had stayed, they were not going to re-sign him. So, if he hits the open market, gets the biggest deal possible (which is not likely) and nets them a 3rd round comp pick in 2012, IMO, that is not better than a 5th in 2010. If you trade a 5th in 2010, you get a 4th in 2011. Picks are devalued a round. So, a 3rd in 2012 is truly equal to that 5th in 2010 because you get the guy 2 years sooner.

    So, I am quite happy with the deal. Apparently, Jets fans are as well. So, it worked out for both sides.

    Now, do I think he will get in more trouble? Yes. He does not seem to learn. I mean, in an interview after becoming a Jet, he stated he was not changing. more failed drug test gets him a year.
  8. JetRizing89

    JetRizing89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Santonio can smoke all the weed he wants and throw all the glasses in the world he wants as long as he continues to make plays on the field

    It's like Lawrence Taylor back in the day parcells knew he was a raving coke head but he was great on the field so they ignored it. If he played like a slapdick he wouldn't e tolerated

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