And Mike finds away to compare Brady's performance last night to the Giants rattling Montana in 1990. Tell us about your 4TD's at Polk Mr. Bundy.
Revis says last year they made mistakes in the 2nd half of the AFCCG. He says he thinks they are more prepared. and to knock the top 2 QB's in the league and to knock of one more of the top would be incredible.
Revis says the Rape is dangerous because he moves more than Brady. Kay then says that the JETS have this town! When the fuk would Fatcesa ever EVER say that?
Royal I almost cried when they carried his jersey out for the coin toss. I hope when we win this thing they give D Byrd a SB ring. Everybody on the team seemed to indicate they were really moved. I wish some video of his speech existed.
Tank agrees that Brady looked scared and says that one time he saw Montana scared like that. Against the Giants. Of course; I guess there will be lots of Giants references this week.