mike is so upset with the patriots. hahahahahah callers are going to shit all over francesar on da fan.
"This is New Yawk, all dat mattiz is winnin, nobody remembiz who made it to da afc championship game"
LOL. I don't always find the Mike Francesa impressions hilarious (sometimes they're hard to translate), but that was fantastic.
Francesa just gave the JETS d mad props! Says he knows JETS fans habe wanted him to talk about the D and now this is a D worth talking about. Makes a great point about how Abraham had an OK game but Ellis had a great one...
If the Jets win the Super Bowl, I am going to call up and say that Rex Ryan calling his shot to win the SB is better than Babe Ruth calling his HR. *knock on wood*
I'm not sure Francessa is capable of all this Jet praise...I think he's reading off a piece of paper.