We could do something really gay like make a really bad pun on a band name to refer to ourselves I guess.
They could perform Swan Lake in its entirety at midfield as long as they win. (Eric Smith is the black swan)
I wish they had those little hats with the propellers on them. THEN it would be cool. Like the Dougie. In short, gay? Yes. Better options? No
Every celebration is somewhat stupid. I like the fact that we have an easy celebration to do that won't draw a penalty and that represents our team nickname of Jets.
Again, I don't give a shit if it's lame. Whenever I see them doing it, it means they just scored a touchdown, so by all means keep fuckn' doing it.
i fucking love it. hell, i was doing it around my fucking living room all last night. fuck the haters.
It looks pretty ridiculous when some of the players do it but I love it. They look like kids having fun on the field.. it's completely genuine. Keep on doin' it fellas