This is a great article by Bruschi.
Bruschi defends Jets, disagrees with Branch. He makes some good points, and just like with any article written about a sport, he is instantly credible because he has actually been there. He can speak from experience, not just speculate and chatter like a teenage girl. (ie. King/Florio/La Canfora...etc etc.) "Deion Branch and trash talk. After the game, receiver Deion Branch talked about some of the Jets showing a lack of class. I'm not with him on this one. I'm sure he felt terribly about the loss, but I think if the Patriots had won this game, they'd have had a similar reaction at the end of the game. Braylon Edwards and Santonio Holmes didn't exactly endear themselves to the Patriots with this display at the end of the game, but the fact of the matter is they deserved to celebrate.In playoff games like this, whether it's against the Colts, Chargers or Jets, there is always a lot of trash talk on the field. It could come from Brady, Vince Wilfork. I was involved with it many times. It happens on the field. Emotions are flying; things are said; and, after you win a game like this, you celebrate. In the playoffs, everything is magnified. In 2006, when we beat the San Diego Chargers, players stood on the logo and did Shawne Merriman's "Lights Out" dance. In the 45-3 victory over the Jets in the regular season, Patriots players were celebrating by doing the "Jet" around the field with their arms outstretched. So to see the Jets fly their Jets around the field and in the end zone, and Shonn Greene use the football as a pillow because he was putting the Patriots to sleep, that's what you should have expected to see. It was a knockout blow. The game was over. Rex Ryan was right when he said it was the second biggest game in the Jets' franchise history. They deserved to celebrate. It's all within the game, but it's more magnified when it ends a team's season."
Bruschi speaks some sense into those blasting the Jets for lack of class I have to say...I did not like Bruschi the player, but his analysis on ESPN has been great so far. Ten times better than the HGH runner Harrison on NBC
Honestly I am shocked at Bruschi's ability to be impartial. He could easily be like Harrison and the other Patriot douchebags. Instead he is a good solid, level headed analyst who doesnt let his loyalties cloud his judgement. Also congrats on him managing to stay classy after we rocked his team in their house.
Agreed. He's been an absolutely excellent reporter. Completely impartial and not a homer. He should be an example for other journalists. I'm looking at you Armando Delfago.
Great analysis. I really admire Bruschi's objectivity and have ever since he stepped into the booth. He calls it like he sees it, and agree with him or not, it's not because he has the homer goggles on. Number 7 scares me a bit... If there could be any buzzkill at all today (which by the way, THERE CAN'T BE!) it's that we may have won the battle, but this team's not going away anytime soon. With six draft picks in the first 96 picks next year they'll only get better. We'll only get better too... Well at least the Phins are a skull-fucked 3rd for a while. Unless Buffalo has something to say about that too.
!00% agree Poe. Bruschi really won me over with his analysis of the Jets Pats game last week. I didn't like him on the field, but you have to respect his analysis.
This is a great article and kudos to Bruschi for going into so much details against his former team. Great great article. I will go back and watch the game again to see what our D was doing for myself.
Just read that piece on ESPN, it's great he is so objectionable against a team he most like despises.
I am so proud of Shaun Ellis. His career is winding down, and after all these years I'm glad to see him win a game like this. This one meant more to him than anyone on the team. He knows the rivalry better than any other player except for maybe Cotchery. I am really happy for #92 and I truly believe this may have been his best performance ever. I think right now he makes a strong bid for Ring of Honor and with a Super Bowl victory, ‘forget about it’. And like I said in a previous thread, I think his performance yesterday will always, for a Jets fan, be remembered as legendary.
Only correction is that you've got to count the Super Bowl as a "playoff" game, so it's 3 losses in a row for the Pats, not 2 - 3 games in which BB has been thoroughly outcoached and the team was thoroughly outplayed. It's also 4 straight mediocre-at-best playoff games for Brady, which is part of the larger two-part pattern to his postseason career: 2001-2005, 10-0, 14 TDs, 3 INTs, 3 SB appearances, 3 wins; 2005-2010, 4-5, 16 TDs, 13 INTs, 1 SB appearance, 0 wins. Brady couldn't have possibly been any more successful in his first 10 postseason games, but as he has been asked to do more, the team has become less successful.
You reminded me of something in the Post this morning that made me sick. They again quoted the "28 game home win streak" like we're the ones that broke it. For God's sake the Ravens broke it last year!!! So if they start next year 5-0 at home is some asshole going to tout their 33 game unbeaten streak at home? you know, as long as you don't count the only games that mean anything?
Bruschi is a championship player turned great analyst. Unlike past patriots players turned analyst he's not a homer and has some of the best team and player insights around
On Sunday, however, Ellis erased it. He manhandled every member of the Patriots' interior offensive line. Dan Connolly struggled to block him. The Patriots' best offensive lineman, Logan Mankins, was beaten by Ellis as he made a tackle for a loss in the third quarter. Ellis had two sacks. He caused another. This was a case when a player and a team were breaking through; I had never seen Ellis have a game like that on a stage that big. It was his time, just as it was LaDainian Tomlinson's time and Jason Taylor's time. As tough as it is to say, it looks as if they have come together and it might possibly be time for the Jets to get their world championship