Yahoo Sports - Proof that Brady taunted the Jets. Now, so what?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dthomas53, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. They claim he is, because they buy into all the stuff. I live in the heart of Pats territory, and they all treat him like he is a deity.

    Yet, when you remind them that they, as a fanbase, act just like Yankees fans and that they treat Brady the way Yankees fans and the media treat Jeter, they are offended at the notion. Though my suspicion is that they know it's the case.
  2. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I don't whine at all. I couldn't care less where Brady points his fingers. I'd like them to pointed up his own ass, but I digress. We just wonder why there's an obvious double standard applied.
  3. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    One teams brings it on themselves, the other doesn't. What interest is there (to the media) in a team that refuses to talk to you? The Jets coaches and players speak their minds, of course the anything the Pats do is going to be completely ignored when the Jets give it up in casual conversation 24/7.

  4. Me and a few here actually believe the Rex hype? First of all, you fortunately don't know me, and I certainly am pleased not to know you. Secondly, now it's no longer about trash-talking on the field? You've moved the goalposts.

    And if anyone has been brainwashed, it's you, buying into the aura of infallibility around Brady.
  5. theBidet

    theBidet Active Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    to those who think rex talks too much.

    how much have you heard the media talking about hte lackluster performance in the last Jets playoff game? that is on the players, and even in a small media market would be headlines.

    how much have you heard the media talking about the last drubbing hte pats laid on the jets? even in a small market that shit would be all over the papers.

    i'll tell you what i am seeing. a lot of backlash over Rex's bravado.
    so the media is focusing on Rex and not his players. that's straight outta the belichick handbook of how to fuck with the media.

    funny, how its hated when its done here... but brilliant when done by BB ( read fucking with the media )
  6. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    This made me LOL.
  7. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    It's the Jets' fault for the media's blatant double standard? Wow, nice connection there. The stories write themselves, is that your point?

  8. Bravo!

    Brady can talk all he wants. But if he does, he needs to stop acting like he's above all that stuff, and the media need to stop acting like he is so classy that he would never stoop to trash-talking.
  9. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Wow. Thank you. One of the very few who got the whole point of my posting this.
  10. patswinagain

    patswinagain New Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    No Brady says it on the field. DO we need to get Rex's quote bringing up Brady when you aren't playing brady.

    It's the BS of Rex's trash talking. Rex praised Manning while trash talking Brady.

    Trash talking during the game is fine. that's part of all sports ON THE FIELD.
    Read every online sport writer to read they think Rex is over doing it.

    Rex knows Pats are 90 -10 percent change of winning. The TEAMS are not close as teams for it's a team game, not an individual game.

    I don't know if it's 9 points or more this weekend. Did you bet a ton on your Jets for that's great for anyone who knows Jets will win. Sure Jet's can win but you truly know the chances are real slim because the pats are so much better. Just get a hold of reality and hope all goes well and JETS win but this is all crap and kiddie stuff like one guy said TMZ crap.
  11. patswinagain

    patswinagain New Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    You do wish you knew me if you knew me lol:up:
  12. theBidet

    theBidet Active Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    no he doesn't
    he said in a press conference that cromartie is good, revis is great.
    same shit rex said last week. lemme guess.. you think that that was talking shit last week too, but not now. right?

    editL to be clear.. i'm like Jamie Dukes in the video i linked for you to watch. I could care less... let him talk shit. but i am not delusional to think he doesn't talk shit. bc he does.
  13. DonnieBaseball23

    DonnieBaseball23 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Couldn't agree more...

  14. Do I need to bring up the quote where Brady says he lets his play do all the talking for him? That's ON the field, not OFF. And it's a lie, based on what we see now. Brady himself said how he doesn't talk on the field, how he lets his play do the talking for him.

    The Pats are a wonderful team. Truly flawless. I think they should just forget about the game this Sunday and prepare for next week. Or will that even be a game? Maybe they should just hold the parade now. It's already over, evidently. The Pats are just so much greater than everyone else. And it's all because they play like a team, and have heart and class. Oh, and they want to win, unlike everyone else.
  15. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    If the Jets didn't talk so much before the game the media would get bored and look for a story elsewhere. They simply don't have to. The Jets are in the spotlight because of the Jets, not because they Pats gave them a few extra $$$$ to stay away.

    If the Pats played the trash talking game then they would be right up there in the spotlight with them. I don't know what's so hard to comprehend that the Jets are in the spotlight because of themselves, and nobody else.
  16. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    The Coaches and players all feel like Rex and company off the field too, but they are some of the only ones that make it public.

    If Rex was the Pats coach, we'd hate it and Pats fans would love it.

  17. Oh, that's right! Rex says that about Manning and Brady, and it's trash-talking about Brady. Brady says that about Revis and Cromartie, and it's nothing.
  18. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I didn't know that! 90%! Eureka!!! Why, how did Rex come up with this ingenous formula to calculate the Jets' 10% chance of winning?

    And thanks for letting us Jets fans know how to feel. You should write a letter to the Jets too, while you're at it, and let them know how offended you are that Rex dared utter Saint Brady's name in a negative light to the national media.
  19. That, I can assure you, is not the case. :smile:
  20. theBidet

    theBidet Active Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    bold proved you know not how the media works.
    really? really? so the media will just get bored and move on. yeah ok.

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