Are the NY Jets currently the most hated team in American Sports?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by LeonNYJ, Jan 13, 2011.

  1. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I think it's the Jets, because far less people watch baseball. Cowboys if they are good.
  2. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    Me personally, I would not do what Rex does. But I am a schmo, what do I know? Haha. I wouldn't add any fuel to a 14-2 team's fire, although Rex feels the Pats would play there best no matter what, which makes sense.
  3. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    The talk is just that talk...Rex doesn't say anything bad. He doesn't insult anyone, doesn't talk down about anyone, doesn't say anything bad. He says he hopes to win, he hopes to outcoach the other guy, hopes to have his team prepared to win. The media likes to blow everything out of proportion.

    Cro talked some smack but he also praised Brady in the same interview.

    If a team/player talks and backs it up the media says they talked the talk and walked the walk...way to go! If they talk and lose the media will say oh the talk really fired up the other team.

    Talk is not going to get a guy that runs a 4.5 to suddenly run a 4.2..or a QB throwing the ball 100 yards on a line, or a running back make better cuts. Talk is only good for the media to sell papers and increase ratings. Rex is fun for football...four games this weekend and you here more about this game than any other - #1 vs #6 getting non stop coverage.
  4. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    I am personally disappointed that the Jets haven't taken the opportunity to tell the media what the entire world thinks, that the entire Patriots organisation and its fanbase is constituted of absolute cunts and worst of the lot is that rotting axe wound Brady. It's a shame that they have been so restrained and polite.
  5. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Look at it this way, nobody hates the LA CLippers.
  6. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I would much prefer that the Jets shut up and take out their anger on the field. Good teams and good players shouldn't need to tell you about what they're going to do. They should just go out and do it.
  7. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I don't give a shit, all I want is wins. The Jets went the nondescript, "classy" way with Mangini, all that got them was 0 playoff wins. And I really don't understand Jets fans that think otherwise. They get so horrified by Rex speaking his mind, you'd think they get their wages garnished or fingernails removed for every press conference he gives in which he doesn't speak in platitudes.
  8. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Post of the day.
  9. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    good call, but at the same time nobody knows the L.A. Clippers. Not even myself, and i live out here-lol
  10. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    I think that right now most people roll their eyes at the Jets and they may root against them. But the true hate will come if the Jets ever actually win a championship. Then the smacktalk will be unbearable for non-Jets fans.
  11. capetide

    capetide Banned

    May 17, 2004
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    You mom would be so proud. You should print this oout andhang it on the fridge for her with your other art work.
  12. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    what trash talkling exactly? i mean really where's the "trash talking". Rex does basically all the talking, and none of it is trash talking. He's just effin talking, and in this day and age of the NFL talking = trash talking.

    The closest anyone has come to trash talking is Cromartie calling Brady an a-hole......and frankly he's entitled to his opinion on another guy's personality

    The only reason I wish maybe Rex would tone it down a little is becasue whenever he talks, it gets misconstrued as trash talking, and questions like this arise
  13. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    oout? Are you Canadian?
  14. Platypus

    Platypus New Member

    Jan 11, 2011
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    Interesting take.
  15. Jets201

    Jets201 New Member

    Oct 19, 2010
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    I think it's pretty safe to say that they do, in fact, bring their anger with them onto the field. These loudmouth Jets have won more playoff games in two years than the quiet, stately, humble and businesslike Jets had won in 30. Good teams and good players should go out and win, not be like choir boys in the run up to the game.
  16. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    I like Rex's attitude & verbal sessions with the media. Publicly saying that he believes in himself & his team are awesome.
    ->Going into last years playoffs as a Wild Card team & believing the Jets were the team to beat = awesome.
    ->Stating the Colts game was personal & how he's never beaten Manning & just wants to beat him once = awesome
    -> Stating that it's SB or bust since preseason = awesome
    -> Stating he needs to outcoach BB on Sunday for the Jets to win = awesome

    Being confident in yourself & not being afraid to express it seems to draw too much negative press. We all know the Pats entered this playoffs thinking that they're the team to beat. So did the Falcons, Bears, Steelers, Saints, etc.

    WTF ... why is it a bad thing to say you think you can achieve your goals?!!

    The media calls Vick a changed man & talks endlessly on how wonderful he is now & Rex is a loudmouth asshole because he can tell the press he believes the Jets are the team to beat? Rex hasn't been accused of torturing animals or raping women or murder or any of this other immoral crap that media darlings are constantly pushing under the rug.

    Rex speaks from the heart with confidence & although it pisses off the masses, I love that character trait. Speaking your mind by saying you believe in yourself & your teammates can accomplish goals should not bring shame/ridicule & fuck everyone that disagrees.


    What I didn't like:
    - Rex saying Manning studies more than Brady. I can kind of forgive this because he didn't disrespect Brady's QB skills. Still I like much prefer positive noise not negative noise.
    - Cromartie's calling Brady an asshole. This did irk me a lot. I think Cro is bringing his Charger's trauma over to the Jets with the hope Rex & company can help him exercise past demons. I actually find that shit kinda cowardly. Based on Cro's comments, I'd prefer he wasn't a Jet next season.

    Since you're a Pats fan, I'm not sure how well you've followed the Jets this season. LT has mentioned in interviews that it hurts how the Pats would crush the Chargers & the dancing on Chargers logo after eliminating them. However, LT isn't talking smack about the Pats now that he's in a Jets uniform. I'm sure he's also burning up for revenge by trying to play a great game.

    Cro would've looked better if he went w/ LT's approach. Now he seems kind of cowardly for keeping his mouth shut for so long & waiting till he was in a Jets uniform to insult Brady.

    On a side note:
    From LT & Cro ... I'm assuming that there are many in the Charger's organization burning for revenge against the Pats. If the Chargers could, they'd love to blow out the Pats in a big game. Funny because I doubt the Pats even think of the Chargers.
    #36 ajax, Jan 13, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2011
  17. jetzIII

    jetzIII New Member

    Aug 14, 2006
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    I don't think Rex has said anything bad.. I will take the UP FRONT talking, then the guy who stand on the sidelines with his finger up his nose and doesn't say a thing. A coach that has confidence, anytime....
  18. pittguy578

    pittguy578 New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    I am a Steelers fan. However, I like the Jets. They were my team last year when the Steelers fell off the wagon..and Revis played for my Alma Mater.

    Most hated team for most people I know are the Pats for the simple reason is they are arrogant, and a lot of their success came from spygate. I personally believe they took at least a Superbowl appearance away from the Steelers in 2001. I thought Hines Ward was crazy when he was saying he thought they knew the plays that were going to be called..The Pats actually did. Pats are too smug for a team that has won dishonestly.

    Good luck on Sunday..I want a rematch.
  19. The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    The way Rex talks, you have to win though. An AFC Championship appearance, followed by an 11-5 season with atleast a Divisional Round appearance (prolly further) and you have to say, LET HIM TALK. It works. Talking like that and finishing 5-11 or 6-10 would not go over very well.

    Rex is 23-13 as the Jets coach right now. You have to love it.
  20. pittguy578

    pittguy578 New Member

    Jan 13, 2011
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    "Serious questions to Jets fans.

    Do you like the team talking trash like they are doing and the head coach talking the trash that he does or do you wish they would handle the game and the media a different way?

    The Ravens and Steelers game is a lot like this game where the Ravens coach has said a few things and Suggs adding fuel to the fire and pretty much the steelers have taken the opposite approach much like the Patriots.

    Which do you prefer?"

    Actually the Ravens/Steelers is pretty much a love fest between the two teams. I am not even joking. Suggs just came out and said Ben should be in the upper echelon of QB's and Brady's Superbowls are suspect. Ray Lewis called Ben a "warrior" and apparently they text each other all of the time-they have the same agent. Suggs wasn't talking trash at all. He simply said it was going to be World War III which is going to the case. Even if the Steelers win, they will be banged up. I think Tomlin and Harbaugh make sure no one says anything that could be bulletin board material. Billick and Cowher really were more hands off coaches..Cowher is closer to Ryan in terms of demeanor. Tomlin doesn't get upset or angry about anything..Talk show host in Pittsburgh refer to him as the "politician" because he is always diplomatic and speaks in generalities.

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