As I sit here in my house; looking out the window at a foot of white and an impassible road; it occurs to me to ask, how am I going to buy a plow when I can't get out of my driveway? Now, if the DOT would get their happy asses out here with a plow and scrape my road, then maybe I could go to work tomorrow and make some money and buy a plow (can you buy a snowplow in South Carolina?) As things stand, I was told last night to take the day off, and I was only too happy to oblige since I don't even know how I made it home safe past all the ditched cars yesterday.
I could really use a day off tomorrow... so I am hoping Boston gets buried. The way these storms have gone for us though I am not going to make any plans.
Actually I think I gave one about a week ago because of my brilliance..but I saw it on a weather blog..ssshhh. Drumroll...some new models are suggesting more of a east track...less snow...MAYBE..JUST MAYBE
I do find it funny that people in the northeast treat any storm over a few inches as a major problem.
I see your point Hemi...and I cant speak for the whole northeast..but as a friend of mine from Buffalo the metro nyc area...what ever snow you get feels like double because of the incredible volume of cars on the road...the 30-50% ratio of retarded drivers in this area...and the amount of SUV drivers in this area that feel like they are invincible because of the vehicles they drive. I drive one..and this is accurate. Snow has come in earlier than predicted by nws and its coming dow really hard..which means it will end much earlier than predicted.
I've lived in Oklahoma, Mississippi and Missouri. Anything over three inches of snow brings on a full blown panic in those places.
Up to 6 inches is a who cares. From 6 to 12 it's a minor pain in the ass. Over 12, and this one is, it's a royal pain in the ass. The back too. That means a five foot high 5 foot wide pile of hard packed plowed snow at the bottom of the driveway. If you don't own a snow blower, yer focked.
My God SD....this is from your country...the power of water...a must see from beginning to end.
I'm watching it come down pretty hard right now. 4 inches so far. At least there is no wind, no drifting. I'm dead center of Nassau county.
This storm from a prediction standpoint is going to under perform because of the speed. Its moving much faster than predicted. My local weather says ending around 3pm...thats going to be way off. South Jersey is wrapping up already. I would say for you....8-10 would sound about right. I have around 5 right now and maybe 8 for a total.
The new philosophy on snow removal seems to be...lets just wait until its almost over. I have not had one plow by my house yet tonite. Great for you hiker...enjoy the day!
Don, these videos are amazing, but... sorry, I have to ask. Why park next to a creek when everyone knows there is a major flooding event going on? And how dopey was the guy with the camera to walk over that foot bridge when the water had only subsided a little? Another wall of water could have come down that creek. I guess some Aussies are as stupid as some Americans.
NOAA had me at 10.7, but 17 not to far east of me. I think it's all about the localized bands now. Storm is moving faster than predicted? That's good to hear.
Took some measurements at 3:30 which ranged from 6.5 to 9 inches. Looks like that magical one foot plateau will be reached, possibly surpassed. Coming down in large wet flakes now, wind starting to kick up a bit.
Yep, we all have our stupid people T'bird. The Toowoomba flash flood did come out of nowhere but there are stories of gawping mouth breathers going down to the edge of the flood and getting in trouble. Also morons who think that they can drive through flood waters.