Brady vs. Manning

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by peytonmanning18, Jan 6, 2011.

  1. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He got them the lead with only 53 seconds left in the game. The defense and ST’s let the Colts down. Your hatred for Manning is clouding any reasonable judgement, but I'm laughing out loud hysterically here. :rofl::rofl:


    How am I “deflecting” when I’m using YOUR argument.

    He gave the Colts the lead with less than a minute left in the game. The defense blew it. Again, I’m using your logic here and one of your big arguments against Manning was “When has Manning led the Colts to GW points only to have the defense blow it”. Well, here it is.

    I’ve never seen you ever give one ounce of blame to Brady for that SB loss to the NYG.

    Manning could have gotten the first down sure. But what he DID do was march them 42 yards down the field in 1:39 to get them the lead with less than a minute left in the game and the defense blew it.

    You should be thanking the defense and ST’s who didn’t stop our offense. But of course your comment would be “Thank you Peyton!” It’s hilarious.

    At the end of the day Peyton left the field with the Colts leading with less than a minute left in the game.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    The excuses never end, it's always someone else's fault.

    He gave the colts the lead and the Jets the ball back w/ plenty of time needing only a FG.

    You hav enever seen it b/c you interpret what I post instead of reading my posts. I never absolved Brady from that loss, I simply stated a fact that even after a poor game he managed to lead his team 80 yds for a go ahead TD in the final minutes of the game.

    Manning gets the first down, Indy wins. Not only did he not get the 1st down but he set up his K w/ a 50 yd attempt and saved us a TO by throwing an incompletion.

    I thank the D and STs too but w/o Peyton leaving us almost a minute the drive never would have been possible.

    At the end of the game Peyton left the field w/ ANOTHER home playoff loss and ANOTHER one and done as his high powered offense once again failed to step up led by Peyton.
  3. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    Personally I think the difference between Brady and Manning, in terms of how good they are, is almost immeasurable. They've gone back-and-forth over the years as to who has the upper hand, but if one is truly better than the other, it's by only the slimmest of margins.

    My only criticism of Manning (and please don't get me wrong, I respect the hell out of him) is not so much on him but on Indy fans. When they win, he gets 99% of the credit. It's always, "This would be a 3-win team without Peyton."

    Which is all well and good... I don't even disagree that strongly.

    The problem is, and this is true in life in general, that when you're in that position of responsibility, then you have to also take some of the blame when you lose. Manning didn't play horribly Saturday night at all. He had a pretty decent game. But he under-threw White on that last drive and only put up 16 points for the game. They averaged more than 27/game for the season (4th in the NFL).

    Similarly, when Brady and the Patriots only put up 14 against the Giants, most Pats fans I know were pretty honest about it. He didn't mess up... he didn't throw a bunch of picks or turn the ball over or whatever. But he also was far from great that day. He brought his "C-game" when he needed his "A-game."

    Again, this is not a slam on Manning or any Indy fans. They just have an almost surreal tendency to point the finger anywhere else at any opportunity.

    Manning didn't lose the game for Indy on Saturday night, but he didn't win it either. I suppose that's the simplest way to put it.
  4. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    It’s the same argument YOU use for Brady in SB XLII

    Plenty of time? We had LESS than a minute left in the game. The ST’s then the defense and stupid T.O. cost the Colts the game.

    I have never seen it because you have never said it. Here is a fact – Manning led the Colts to a go ahead FG with LESS than a minute left in the game.

    Manning gave them a lead with LESS than a minute left in the game and the Colts ST’s and Defense cost them the game.

    Manning gave them the lead w/ LESS than a minute left in the game. w/o the ST’s, defense and stupid TO we don’t win the game.

    At the end of the game the Colts ST’s and Defense blew the lead by allowing our offense march down the field and get in position to kick the GW FG.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It's very different b/c the situations were different and I actually give Brady his share of the blame unlike you who is quick to blame the D & STs.

    53 seconds is an eternity w/ 2 timeouts left. Even if we didn't get the great KR we had enough time.

    I have posted it plenty, Brady did not have a good game against the Giants. He helped to put them in that situation BUT when the game was on the line he did everything he could, Peyton didn't do everything he could the other night.

    So manning gets no blamne for only leading his high powered O to 16 points and for not getting the game clinching 1st down on the last drive?

    The boneheaded TO by Indy didn't change the game. if they don't call it we do and instead of waiting around to call the last TO we go up and spike it w/ a few secs left.

    Our O never has the chance if Peyton leads Indy to one more 1st down.
  6. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You never give Brady any of the blame. I have never seen you give Brady any of the blame. I’ve said it MULTIPLE times, I’m using your argument here.

    We only had enough time w/o the KR if the Colts defense completely blew it. The ST’s and Defense completely blew the game for the Colts. And if :53 and 2 timeouts is an eternity than Brady had enough time to get the Pats into FG range after the Burress TD when they had :35 secs and THREE timeouts at the end of SB XLII.

    Manning didn’t do everything he could? When they gave the ball back to the Jets did the Colts have the lead?

    I’m not saying that. I’m trying out your excuses for Brady and am entertained right now by your reaction to that.

    You don’t know that we try the pass down the sideline w/o any TO’s left. It gave us an opportunity to try to push the ball down the field because we had a timeout still.

    Peyton put them in the lead with LESS than a minute to go. You’re so quick to blame the Pats D when they had more time left in the game than the Colts D did.
  7. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I have, it gets lost in discussing the end of the game but absolutely w/o a doubt Brady deserves his share of the blame for only putting up 14 pts.

    We needed to get to around the 35 yard line for a decent FGA, if we start at our 25 or 30 w/ an average KR then we only need to go 35 yards or so, that's difficult to do w/ 2 TOs and 50 secs to play?

    You are comparing 53 secs left near midfield w/ 29 secs left(they had 29 secs when he ran the first play) at their own 26? Seriously? I know you don't have much of an argument w/ Peyton vs. Brady but have you really resorted to this?

    If Manning did everything he could he would have gotten that last first down and the Jets never would have gotten the ball back and they'd be playing the Pats this week instead of us.

    I don't make excuses for Brady, his track record speaks for itself. Taht doesn't mean he has never had bad postseason games, he just hasn't consistently had bad postseason games/moments to cist his teams wins like Peyton has.

    If we call TO there we have the same amount of time, why wouldn't we have run the same play?

    The Colts STs and D gets their share of the blame, the difference btw you and I is you are making excuses for Manning by putting all the blame on other players/units. The Colts win of their D/STs comes up w/ a stop in the final minute, they also win if their QB leads them to one more first down.
  8. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    That’s not my argument. I’m showing how terrible your argument is about :53 seconds and 2 timeouts being an eternity w/o the KOR. And the Pats could have gotten into FG range w/ 3 timeouts. Instead Brady went for the deep ball all three times. They went 53 yards in 1:14 to set up the GW FG in SB XXXVI w/ ZERO timeouts.

    Manning gave them a lead in which the defense and ST’s blew. Period.

    You make more than enough excuses for Brady. The defense blew the game, he didn’t have good receivers to throw to, etc and you give him WAY to much credit for the Patriots’ success.

    We don’t have another timeout. That free timeout gave us more flexibility in the play-calling and forced the Colts to have to defend the middle of the field.

    I’m not putting all the blame on the STs and D. I’m using your excuse for Brady in this situation. However, Manning did give the Colts the lead w/ LESS than a minute remaining in the game. Who cares about one more first down? He led them to POINTS and the LEAD w/ LESS than one minute left in the game. It’s up to the defense to not allow us to score. Isn’t that your argument as to why it’s not Brady’s fault that the Pats lost SB XLII? Please show me all of your posts where you give Brady any bit of blame for the loss in SB XLII
  9. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    NE had less than 30 secs in SB XLII at their own 26. It would have taken a texan like collapse in coverage for them to do anything in that spot.

    Manning could have ended the game w/ one first down. Period.

    I don't make excuses, I leave that for the manning backers b/c that is all they have.

    He deserves most of the credit for the pats success, hsitory doesn't lie. The record for BB w/o Brady is not very good. NE was a sinking ship until he rescued them.

    We had one timeout, if we called our final TO when Indy called it we are in the same spot except instead of allowing the clock to go down to 3 and call TO we simply would have spiked it. It was a dumb decision by Caldwell but it didn't change the game.

    If you cannot see the difference btw needing one 1st down and settling for a 50 yd FG to put a team up 2 compared to leading a team 80 yds for a TD to put his team up 4 I can't help you.
  10. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He had 3 timeouts. They would have had to march 42 yards to try a 49 yd FG. I’m not saying it would have been easy, but they had 3 timeouts which would have given them a chance. But if :53 and 2 TO's is an eternity then Brady absolutely had enough time to get them into position to try a Game tying FG.

    He gave them the lead with LESS than a minute left in the game. The defense could have ended the game by making a stop. Period.

    That’s funny considering I’ve read many excuses from you regarding Brady.

    NE was a sinking ship before Belichick got there. I know that.

    That’s if we have the same exact result which you would never know. Indy had to cover the middle of the field see that we had out timeout instead of leaving Braylon one on one near the sideline.

    I don’t need your help. Manning left the field with the lead and LESS than a minute to go in the game. The defense and ST’s blew it from there. This is the exact same argument you give for Brady in SB XLII.
  11. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    He had 29 seconds, that's nothing compared to 53 secs and he was inside his 30. Could it have been done? I guess but it would have been the greatest drive in SB history if he engineered that one. That's not a spot where any QB can be EXPECTED to lead their team to a FG. It would have taken a fluky play on par w/ the Tyree helmet catch.

    ONE first down and the game is over, period.

    I'm the one who blames the coaching, the running game, the OL, the receivers, the defense, the weather, the rules,...?

    Brady doesn't need excuses.

    NE was 8-8 when BB got there, he quickly turned them into a 5-11 team and they started 0-2 w/o Brady the next year then magically they started winning when Brady stepped on the field. I'm sure it was pure coincidence.

    I don't think the dumb TO would have made much of a difference but who knows? I'm just glad the game turned out the way it did.

    You do need help if you think the end of SB XLII and the end of the WC game the other nigth were similar situations. You are better than that.
  12. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    He had 3 time outs and needed 42 yards. You said that w/o the KOR that 53 seconds and two TO's was an eternity. If that's an eternity then 29 seconds and THREE timeouts should be thought of as enough time to get 42 yards and put the team into FG range. Heck he moved 53 yards in 74 seconds with NO timeouts in SB XXXVI.

    ONE defensive stop and the game is over, period.

    He may or may not need excuses but you've given him plenty.

    The Patriots were on a downward spiral the second Parcells left. They may have been 8-8 in 1999 but that team was falling apart. There was in fighting, players going over the coaches heads and over paid underperforming players. That team was an absolute mess before Belichick got there.

    I'm glad it turned out the way it did too, but Manning gave the Colts THE LEAD WITH LESS THAN A MINUTE LEFT. The Defense and ST's and dumb TO let the team down. Manning's job was to get them points and that's what he did. You're right that there aren't similar situations. Manning left the game with the lead and less than a minute left.
  13. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You do realize that 53 seconds is alot more time than 29 seconds, right?

    Is Indy Peyton manning's team or is it a team that rides it's defense? Tyhe best player on their team had the ball in his hands needing one first down to end the game and couldn't do it.

    He doesn't need excuses b/c the majority of the time he comes through in the big spots, the same cannot be said of the guy who has now gone one and done SEVEN times in his 11 possteason trips.

    They won the division the year after Parcells left and made the playoffs 2 years after he left.

    The team was headed in the wrong direction but they still got alot worse in 2000 than they had been in a long time and they started '01 where they left off in '00 before coincientally they started winning after #12 became the starter.

    The D and STs deserve their share of the blame, so does peyton Manning and his offense. Why is it he gets all of the credit when Indy wins but none of the blame when they lose?

    The situations weren't close, Brady did all he could late and gave his team a 4 pt lead, manning gave his team a 2 pt lead(w/ a 50 yd FG) and left almost a minute for their opponent who only needed a FG to win.
  14. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    You do realize Brady had 3 TO's right?

    So because Manning is the best player on the team that absolves the Defense from not doing their job? Manning got them the lead with LESS than a minute to go.

    You make enough excuses for him though (the defense, his recievers, his injury etc etc)

    The team was awful going into the 2000 season. Who cares what happened in 1997 (ONE YEAR AFTERF GOING TO THE SB). The players went over Carroll's head to Bobby Grier. Their roster was full of underacheiving over paid players that he had to cycle out. Their drafts were awful, they lost a ton of players to FA because their economic plan was terrible and they entered the 2000 season OVER the salary cap. He turned the ship around.

    The D and STs deserve a MAJORITY of the blame. They had the lead and LESS than a minute to hold it. I didn't say Manning doesn't deserve any of the blame. But with a minute to go he got them the lead. Why is that argument okay for Brady but not Manning. Seems like its your agenda.

    The situations are very close. Each QB drove their team to the lead in the closing moments of the game. Manning gave his team the lead w/ LESS than a minute to go and the Defense and ST's DID NOT hold it.

    The 50 yd FG argument is silly considering Brady has left Vinatieri w/ many difficult long FGs which Vinatieri bailed him out with. The long track record of AV hitting those FGs in clutch situations makes the 50 yd FG argument irrelevant.
  15. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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  16. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Sanchez is CLEARLY better than both of them :breakdance:
  17. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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  18. jetsclaps

    jetsclaps Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Honestly, after watching the Jets play Brady and Peyton, I'd say Peyton is the better player.
  19. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You do realize that 53 seconds is alot more time than 29 seconds, right?

    Is Indy Peyton manning's team or is it a team that rides it's defense? Tyhe best player on their team had the ball in his hands needing one first down to end the game and couldn't do it.

    He doesn't need excuses b/c the majority of the time he comes through in the big spots, the same cannot be said of the guy who has now gone one and done SEVEN times in his 11 possteason trips.

    They won the division the year after Parcells left and made the playoffs 2 years after he left.

    The team was headed in the wrong direction but they still got alot worse in 2000 than they had been in a long time and they started '01 where they left off in '00 before coincientally they started winning after #12 became the starter.

    The D and STs deserve their share of the blame, so does peyton Manning and his offense. Why is it he gets all of the credit when Indy wins but none of the blame when they lose?

    The situations weren't close, Brady did all he could late and gave his team a 4 pt lead, manning gave his team a 2 pt lead(w/ a 50 yd FG) and left almost a minute for their opponent who only needed a FG to win.
  20. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    Well you value dump offs where the receiver makes the play and I value QBs who makes the play. :smile:

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