For all this talk about the Patriots weapons, what about our offensive threats?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by HighFlyingJets, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. xmscott

    xmscott Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2007
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    Go Jets (the filler)
  2. HighFlyingJets

    Sep 3, 2010
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    JetBlue, you may have won an award as being one of the most respected poster around here, but I'm sorry; I cant respect a post like the one above.

    So now I'm being "delusional" for believing the Jets can score points in bunches against this NE defense? Your the one who's delusional, acting like Sanchez & the Jets haven't performed this year. You can say that I "make believe", thats fine by me; because I believe in what I've seen out of Sanchez and the Jets this season. Yes, we've had 4 games where the offense struggled to put up points against the Ravens, Packers, Patriots and Dolphins. We've also had 12 games where we've enjoyed offensive success. Maybe you forgot?

    22 points vs PIT, 23 vs DET, 24 vs DEN, 26 vs CIN, 26 vs CLE, 28 vs NE, 29 vs MIN, 30 vs HOU, 31 vs MIA, 34 vs CHI (L), 38 vs BUF & 38 vs BUF (backups).

    Did you not watch the INDY game? Or did you just forget about the 17 points scored during the 2nd half? It's never easy scoring 17 during a playoff half; but Sanchez & the Jets got it done.
  3. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    I wondered where that Wizard of Odd guy went.
  4. DavidVeloz418

    DavidVeloz418 New Member

    Dec 5, 2010
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    The Jets have weapons on offense indeed, and if they are prepared to play this time around against the Pats*, the score won't be 45-3. With that being said, Dustin Keller must a big part of the offensive game plan on Sunday.

    :pats_suck: (*team got caught cheating)
  5. ajax

    ajax Well-Known Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Brady is more consistent than Sanchez which means their offensive weapons are more consistent. Just look @ how both teams fared against the Packers D. Pats deserve their props this season.

    Holmes/Braylon/Keller were out there in the first half of the Colts game accomplishing nothing because Sanchez was off. If this offense stays together & Sanchez is more consistent then they'll be lots of talk about the Jet weapons.
  6. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    jetblue hit the nail right on the head. yes, you are "delusional"!

    the games you list as victories were won by the defense for the most part because they had to hold on till the very end until sanchez finally got his act together and made plays he does not do consistently enough.

    which sanchez shows up for the game will determin whether the jets belong on the same field or not, because one thing is certain, brady will be brady and thats reality.
  7. jb1095

    jb1095 Banned

    Dec 7, 2010
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    A combination of the Jets playing well and the Patriots playing poorly in the second half in week 2 was the cause for the 28-14 Jets win. I would not be patting myself on the back over that game. In fact, in light of the second game, I would not even bring it up at all.

    The jets need to put up 35 points or better to win on Sunday. It is that simple. When looking at the total points scored for the season, I find that a nearly impossible feat for the Jets if the Patriots play even close to what they have been playing like the last 8 weeks or so.

    NE points scored: 518
    Jets points scored: 367

    I hate when these moronic fans say stupid stuff like the press sucking Bradys dick. That is just stupid and makes all Jets fans look dumb. They are not giving him press coverage because they want to suck his dick. They are giving it to him because he has put up awesome numbers year after year and he deserves it. If Brady did not just sign a big contract and in the off season, Brady signed a 7 year deal with the Jets, you would all be helping Sanchez pack and you know it. Go ahead and try to lie about it.

    As a 10+ year season ticket holding Patriots fan, and on behalf of my fellow Patriots fans, we welcome you to our home on Sunday. Good luck to you all.
  8. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    One reason.

  9. SuperBowl50

    SuperBowl50 Member

    Nov 30, 2009
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    I don't think he meant that the media tries to suck Brady's dick *literally*. They simply show him favoritism, much like the refs. Just watch, if the Pats lose and he doesn't throw 3 interceptions, they'll blame anyone BUT him.

    The guy isn't perfect, but by the media's account, you wouldn't know it. But he hasn't won the SB since 2004, so he's made some mistakes, right? A lot of those mistakes tend to come against the Jets, but we don't get any credit.

    So of course, media-types are all saying that the Pats are going to score 31 just by showing up. We've given up more than 31 points twice, once to you guys (when our communication was totally screwed up) and once to the Bears. If we don't fall behind early, there's no way we're going to give up 31 points. We're a lot better than those other defenses where you scored that many.
  10. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And it all comes down to playcalling first, execution second.

    In two consecutive weeks Sanchez completes at 65%, then Mr.TIBS goes back to zero High Percentage Passes.
  11. s11mike

    s11mike Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    I thought I was the only one who was living in reality. After being embarrassed 45-3, no one in their right mind would think the Jets can step in and swing with the Patriots.
  12. rscherwin

    rscherwin Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2003
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    AND... we have a talent for not maximizing our offensive weapons.
  13. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Quarterback: Mark Sanchez

    Quarterback: Tom Brady
  14. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    As I watched the game .. The last Patriots opponent had three options available to them .. Sanchez will have a little bit more options available to him .. Edwards, Holmes, Keller, Cotchery, Smith, and LT .. between Edwards and Holmes, whoever McCourty is on I would say is neutralized .. .Hell of a matchup .. Oh yeah the Shonnmower too .. He can run it up in there for positive yards ..
  15. rex-N-effects

    rex-N-effects New Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    because Brady is a 3 time SB champ and Sanchez is a 2nd year player
  16. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Right before the last Patriots game, I watched as the camera zoomed in on Mark Sanchez and I said to my wife, "He looks nervous." Just something about him, but he didn't look confident, and I had a bad feeling right off the bat because of it. I mentioned it on this board and others agreed that his body language before the game appeared tentative.

    We do have the offensive talent. Sports announcers and writers have been proclaiming this ad nauseum about this team, almost embarrassingly so. So now we're in the playoffs and eliminated a very good team in the Colts, and we have to ask ourselves: Why is it that we didn't perform better than 45-3 against the Patriots? Surely there isn't that much disparity in talent level between the two teams! Two reasons:

    Defense: Losing Jim Leonhard days before the game wreaked havoc with the entire defense. No way in hell do the Pats score 45 on us with him on the field directing traffic. It looks like we've compensated for that loss since then. I would say that holding the Colts to 16 points is evidence of that. Great, well-coordinated defensive effort.

    Offense: Our O-line just came off of one of its best games all year. There are no injuries. Our original weapons are intact. So how come we only put 3 points on the board last time and how are we going to outscore them this time?

    Sanchez. It's all about him. He's a rookie still, in my mind at least. He still plays like one with his ups and downs. He still talks like one before and after the games, making sure he delivers the proper, "correct" answers as to why he succeeded or failed, complete with all the proper and correct props to everyone but the ball boy. He even talks convincingly about "We need to get off to a fast start." Well no shit Sherlock.

    This game on Sunday is going the way of Sanchez' confidence level. Wherever that falls, so goes the game. His key to "getting off to a fast start" (read: scoring on the first drive) is all in his head. We have countless threads on this board trying to figure out how we can win this game. It all boils down to Sanchez and how to get it into his head that he DOES have all the talent and that he CAN do it this time.

    If I were coach Ryan I would almost go to the extent of having Sanchez visit with some psychological motivators who have, at some point in their lives, overcome immense odds. It's almost like I'd like, at this point in his career, to see Sanchez sit down with a successful baseball pitcher or winning tennis player or someone who can instill in him the fact that he DOES have a lot of talent and it's all there for him to use, if only he'l convince himself that he can settle down and take advantage of it all.

    This week, we all look for answers on this board as to how we can beat the Patriots on Sunday. It can be done, but it's all in the mind of Mark Sanchez. And that's how this game will go, one way or the other.
  17. JetRizing89

    JetRizing89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    i didnt know patriots fans existed before 2001
  18. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    for all this talk about OUR weapons, Brady is what separates us.

    Sanchez is going to have to show up for 60 minutes and our WR's have to help him. not just great throws when it counts. as ironic as that sounds.
  19. dubagedi

    dubagedi New Member

    Sep 10, 2007
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    Sanchez looked mediocre against a soft defense playing in a dome last week. What happens when he's going up against a better defense, one of the best defensive minds to ever coach, in cold and windy conditions, and at a location where in his previous two games he's thrown 7 picks? Get the running game started and manage the clock, then the Jets offense can be effective. If Sanchez is forced to win this game by airing it out I don't think the Jets have a chance.
  20. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    Do we activate McKnight for a (potential) change of pace, or go with what we had going against the Colts on the offensive side of the ball?

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