For all this talk about the Patriots weapons, what about our offensive threats?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by HighFlyingJets, Jan 10, 2011.

  1. HighFlyingJets

    Sep 3, 2010
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    Brady & the Patriots offense isn't the only team coming into the matchup with an offense full of top of the line ability.

    Yes, I understand that Brady has plenty of fire power with players such as Branch, Welker, Hernandez, Gronkowski, Woodhead & Eddelman; but what about the weapons that Sanchez is coming into Foxboro with?

    Why aren't there alot of people talking about the fact that our offense could become too much for that NE defense to handle? Because the last time I checked, we also have an offense full of top of the line fire power. Not only do we have an offensive line thats built to take over games during December & January, but we also have one of the better rushing attacks in football thats led by a three headed monster in Richardson, Greene & L.T, & as we all know, L.T has a deep hatred for this NE team! We have real talents such as Edwards, Holmes, Keller & Cotchery. B.Smith can also hurt NE out of the W.C...

    If Sanchez plays up to his skill set, how can NE stop us from putting up 30+? How?
  2. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    can we not run the ball down their throats every snap?? can we not throw it anytime we wanna fuckin throw it??
  3. #1 Cotchery Fan

    #1 Cotchery Fan New Member

    Jun 28, 2010
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    Maybe, just maybe, it's because they held us to 3 points last time we played them. That might be it. :smile:
  4. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    patriots?...fuck them!
  5. Jetfan76

    Jetfan76 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2010
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    Because even though we have a much more talented team and more weapons on both sides of the ball.New England has an incredible talent for utilizing what they have to the best of their abilities and taking advantages of every single opponents weaknesses rite down to a T.Having Brady behind center doeant hurt either.The best way to beat this team is to have something completely unscene when playin them.Ya cant give them any kind of blueprint or its over.
  6. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    You didn't list one small, white, scrappy player for the Jets.

    That is where your problem lies.
  7. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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  8. JetRizing89

    JetRizing89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    its because the media loves to suck tom bradys dick

    no one remembers how sanchez shredded the patriots defense in week 2 or how pretty boy was running for his life in the 2009 game or for that matter how keller was catching pass after pass from brett favre on nfl network in 2008, and if you wanna go back further how the jets dominated brady in the snow in 2007 during the best season ever for a QB no touchdowns 1 interception and we went 4-12 that year and ppl were picking the patriots to win by 50 cuz mangini turned in belicheat for filming teams illegally
  9. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    if keller gets involved early it will open up everything. The play calling yesterday took advantage of some situtations wher eth box was stacked. If the Pats try to stack the box to stop the run I hope Sanchez takes advantage with Edwards on the outside.

    The big thing is not falling behind because that will change the entire offensive game plan
  10. CandleGuy

    CandleGuy New Member

    Aug 11, 2010
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    If Sanchez is playing like he did in Chicago then the Jets offense can hang with almost anyone.

    If he plays like he did in the first half of the game Sat. Then it doesn't matter what how many weapons we have.
  11. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    My god the Jets won 28-14. It was a good solid win by the Jets who outplayed the Patriots but people are acting like it was total destruction by the Jets. They played well, got some great turnovers and won the game as a result. It's funny how teams win when they outplay the other team.
  12. JetRizing89

    JetRizing89 Well-Known Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    ya but the media and so called experts give the jets 0 credit

    the fact is despite getting blown out last time the jets can hang with the patriots any day
  13. HighFlyingJets

    Sep 3, 2010
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    But I did list a hungry offensive line, thats led by a franchise LT in Ferguson, along with an all pro type of center in Mangold.

    I also listed a former SB MVP in Santonio Holmes, a back thats built for December and January in Shonn Greene, a future HOF back in L.T who's coming off the best playoff performance of his career, the most explosive 6'3+ WR for us since KJ in Edwards, a tough as nails type of WR, with sure hands in Jerricho Cotchery, a gifted TE talent in Dustin Keller; who has both the size and speed that can cause problems for opposing LB's and Safetys, and last but not least, I also listed a talented playmaker in Brad Smith who can cause havoc against this NE defense everytime he lines up under center.

    I'm going with L.T as the Jets X-Factor come Sunday. He has a deep hatred for this NE team, he's still electric, and I wouldn't be shocked to see Tomlinson destroy NE.
    #13 HighFlyingJets, Jan 10, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2011
  14. MexicanJet

    MexicanJet Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2010
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  15. SixFeetDeep

    SixFeetDeep Red Hot Robbie Cano

    Jan 24, 2007
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    the weapons mean squat if sanchez throws the ball over their heads every time.

    we'd be set if our receivers were tall.
  16. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    What Sanchez is going to show up to get the ball to the Jets playmakers?
  17. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Are you sure? I thought the Jets got a lot of credit for that win. It just didn't last the whole season.
  18. hang3xc

    hang3xc Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    If Sanchez throws the ball as far off the mark as he did against the Colts, you better hope the running game is on fire. He was AWFUL. That said, your Jets have won 75% of their playoff games with Rex/Sanchez, all away games. That's pretty good. Even if they shouldn't have MADE the playoffs last year, they played well once there. This year you got to take advantage of a hurtin' Colts team

    The Pat's have weaknesses, Our D line is banged up bad. 2 more guys sent on IR this week, another one suspended for something (possibly being consistently late for meetings or something, which shows a bad attitude and a lack of focus) With some new guys who haven't played a snap this year, the run stuffing may not be the wall it usually is, leaving the Pat's with less time on offense, which equals less points on the board

    Welker has had a case of the dropsies, missing 3 in his last game alone and leading the league this year in dropped passes I believe. Hopefully he comes around. There was no reason for his dropped balls week 17. They were perfectly thrown.

    Woodhead has been in a red jersey since returning to practice. He got a slight concussion in week 17 just from lowering his head into a monsters chest. Monster didn't move, Woodhead dropped like a stone and fumbled. Hopefully he's OK and beck up to snuff (yet always 1 hit away from being knocked out of the game.... or the sport)

    Hernandez hasn't practiced in a LONG time, hip injury (it says). He is a huge asset to have on the field. Not a good sign that he isn't practicing yet. Tate hardly get's thrown to and when he does, he usually doesn't catch the ball. When he does catch it though, it can go the distance.

    The Pat's can be beat, but I like their chances. Especially if Sanchez can't get his passes under control. The worst part is WAITING for the game.

    PS. It was pretty funny watching Taylor & Marino talking about the upcoming game on the pre-game show
  19. Acad23

    Acad23 Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2008
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    As off target as Sanchez was, he did play very smart. He made good reads & decisions just about all game.

    If he plays as smart next week and improves his throws, we have a very good shot.
  20. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    because our offense hasn't been too much for anyone to handle so it would be absolutely delusional to believe it is somehow magically going to occur. having the players on paper to be great means nothing if the offense hasn't shown that they can play great, and they haven't.

    if's don't matter, people take positions based on actual performance. if you want to make believe, that's fine. but it is even more ridiculous to then ask why nobody else will make believe with you and would rather deal with reality.

    nobody is giving the Pats props for top of the line ability, they are giving them props for top of the line performance. huge difference between the two.

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