Hi, I went last year to the AFC Championship game last year and Claughdahs irish pub was packed with jets fans. I didnt know if people picked out a place where to go yet or has good specials. Also you can buy Patriots tickets for face value for the divisional game if the jets make it on Ticket master on Friday at 12. I probly shouldnt have told anyone so I could get tickets but oh well GO JETS!!
Worst case you sell the tickets for face value I think lowers are $163, On stubhub for 300 so im looking at it as win win. Cant see myself paying 300-500 to go to the game if they win saturday
Pats fans are brutal...I went to the WC game in 07, I almost got into like 5 fights. By far the craziest experience I've ever had as an away fan. I'm interested to see how Colts fans are this weekend.
Colts fans are not bad at all!! Most people from the mid-west are nice. Only problems I had last year was the bumb outside starting shit and a security gaurd outside. Both were being asses but no problems really!!
Just imagine how nice they will be if the Jets win lol. They might even invite you over for a nice Mid-West dinner.
they are saying snow for new york starting thursday night and 3-6 by mid day friday. not gonna stop till saturday night.
you know they wouldnt do this for no inch of snow...... minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply ยป continental Continental Airlines Weather may disrupt travel Jan. 7-9 in the Northeast U.S. We have options to change tickets. http://bit.ly/cwXZd1
Luckly, I'll be out of the NYC area before the snow hits. I shall be in Indy by mid-late afternoon on Friday.
It's a five hour drive from Pittsburgh, but I can't find anyone to go with. It's too far for my friends back on Long Island and I don't know any Jets fans here. Do any Jets fans in Pittsburgh want to go? Am willing to drive but would like to split a hotel room downtown (~$200). Send me a private message.
Post an ad of Craigslist! Hopefully you won't get some crazy "6 min abs" dude to hitch a ride with you like Ben Stiller in There's Something about Mary lol. But if it's some hot chick, I would consider it a win win. I have a good feeling about this Colts game, so much of a good feeling that I am going to buy my Patriots tickets at 12pm.