Putting your Jets bias to the side, is Sanchez good?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Deathstroke, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    There can be fluke runs here and there (like Grossman), but Sanchez is now 2-0 in making the playoffs in the NFL.

    If he can consistently make the playoffs/AFCCG/Super Bowl with average stats then he's obviously doing something right.
  2. JoeWillie130

    JoeWillie130 Well-Known Member

    Jul 22, 2003
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    I think if we had an offensive philosophy we used the past two games all season long Sanchez's completion %, qb rating and total yardage would be much higher. He also probably would have tossed a few more td's.
  3. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    1. Brady
    2. Manning
    3. Rivers
    4. Rodgers
    5. Vick
    6. Roethlisberger
    7. Brees
    8. Schaub
    9. Cutler
    10. Ryan
    11. Bradford
    12. Freeman
    13. Cassel
    14. Flacco
    15. Garrard
    16. Sanchez

    I think that at the very best you could put him at 15-16... right in the middle of the pack. Whether he is better than Manning #2, Orton, Palmer, Fitzpatrick, McNabb, etc. could be argued at this time.

    P.S. please don't argue the order, I was literally coming up with these off the top of my head
  4. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    yes.. I just think that there is also something to be said for guys like Bradford, Freeman who take bad teams and become the driving force that creates wins. Sanchez often can get wins without even playing at an average level, whereas most other guys that you would compare him to win or lose based almost entirely on the level of their own play.
  5. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    Who you put on or take off that list can be debated but I would agree he is right about the middle of the pack at this time. If he can turn his flashes into consistency he will be in the top 10 when it is all said and done.
  6. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Dan Marino never won any superbowls. He was a selfish player.
  7. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    ... and I apologize if I am spending to much time on comparisons, and avoiding the original question (is he good?)

    I think that he is good, but right now he is affected way to much by momentum and emotion. He also fails to make adjustments in his play... he finds things that work, then repeats them until defenses lock on to them, and continues even past that point (both within games and between games)... but maybe that is more coaching. He is also careless with the ball and himself... he has way too many interceptions and fumbles when it is not even do-or-die situations.

    Right now I am only pointing our the negative things about him, but those are the things that I believe have made him inconsistent, and some of them you would expect him to have resolved by now. Each one of those problems can easily be fixed however; his problems are not arm strength, accuracy, football intelligence, read ability, etc.
  8. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Sanchez has improved and is getting better - he is currently an average NFL QB which is pretty damned good for a 2nd yr qb.
  9. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I'm going to argue the order. Don't post on TGG if it's going to be garbage.

    Matt Ryan at 10 has to be fucking joke. He's one of the best quarterbacks in the league. Give the guy some respect.

    Sam Bradford at 11? The rookie's done a heck of a job and exceeded expectations, but he has a total of seven wins.

    David Garrard in the top your top fifteen? His idiocy put the Jets into the playoffs last week. He throws some incredibly dumb INTs.

    Joe Flacco behind Josh Freeman and Matt Cassel? I'm not a Joe Flacco fan, but he's won a ton of games. I know he's struggled in the playoffs, but Freeman and Cassel haven't even been to the playoffs yet. (...don't come at me with that supporting cast bullshit. Your quarterback won a lot of games early in his career because of his supporting cast)

    I don't mind where Mark Sanchez is ranked. As of right now, he's a middle-of-the-pack second year QB. When the pick was made, I knew he'd have his ups and downs. Experience will only make him better.
  10. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    ^ I like how you completely ignored his request of not arguing the order of his list because he didn't put much thought into it. That wasn't the point.
  11. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    What was the point then? He's a Pats troll that made a horrible set of rankings. Why would I respect any kind of request that he makes?

    I guarantee you the only thing he thought about was putting Tom Brady at the top and Mark Sanchez at the bottom.

    Sam Bradford in any kind of top fifteen list is an epic fail.
  12. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    Pats fan here. In my opinion, no, right now he isn't very good. But quarterbacks are held to such ridiculous standards. He has the potential to be in the upper half, but I don't see him breaking the top 10 any time soon. I personally think the Jets made a mistake going for the superbowl push in his sophmore year, where many players, QB's more than other usually regress alittle before making strides forward (not saying sanchez has regressed, but alot do).

    Maybe that sounds a bit weird, about the superbowl push, I think you should attempt to get there every year obviously, but if you're going to do it by loading up as many stars as you possibly can at one point, I don't think during your 22-23 year old QB's second season in the NFL is the right moment (salary cap or not, mark doesn't have the experience just yet and if you don't win it all this year you're going to lose alot of your roster to free agency).

    Still, like I said, I believe he has the potential to be a good, not great, quarter back, but the Jets need to remember who they are, they don't need a stud QB, it's not what the team is built around. As Jets fans, you shouldn't look for Sanchez to ever be Dan Marino, TB, Peyton, Brees, etc. Because he isn't, won't be, and simply doesn't need to be on the style of team.
  13. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    I stopped reading at "he has the potential to be in the upper half"
  14. gopats88

    gopats88 Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    my point was that they should all be ranked above sanchez, not that they should be in any particular order (other than being ahead of sanchez)

    If you don't like bradford ahead of sanchez fine, but look at the stats and the players who they are working with... I don't think it is a ridiculous argument to make
  15. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    I love how folks don't get it - the Jets are built to be successful for the long haul. There was no superbowl push as if its now or never. LOL. We want to win now, but its hardly a situation where they have mortgaged the future to win at all costs right now w/a a sophmore HC and QB. To the extent that anybody thinks that is the case - they are wrong.
  16. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Gotta love the pats trolls commenting on Sanchez. They somehow forget how Sanchez played in the two wins and they clearly remember the two losses.
  17. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    But we have an old backup LB and a couple players that need to be signed in the offseason, we are win now only!!
  18. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    The pats trolls are hoping that we have a mass exodus. Cromatie and one of the WR's will probably be on another team next year but other then that no other major players will leave. Maybe Brad Smith if someone makes a crazy offer.
    #178 hazmat, Jan 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2011
  19. Mr Electric

    Mr Electric Banned

    Jun 11, 2003
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    ...so you stopped giving a fuck about those rankings after Tom Brady and Peyton Manning?

    I don't like David Garrard, Matt Cassel, Josh Freeman, or Sam Bradford ahead of Mark Sanchez.

    I already told you that I don't give a damn about supporting casts.
  20. strngplyr

    strngplyr Well-Known Member

    Sep 18, 2010
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    I think most Pats fans have watched him in more than the 4 Pats vs. Jets games, and 2 of the best games of his career came against the Pats, in the Meadowlands. Not denying that, but I can't put him in the upper half of the NFL when he is so inconsistent. Bottom 10? No. Middle of the pack, yeah, for sure. But when he goes from 300 yards 2-3td 0 int one game and 130 yards 1td 4int the next to 180 1td 0int to 200 0 td 2 int the next, it's hard to rank him. If he's going to be in the top 10 to 15 then he has to play good for 60 minutes from week to week.

    I don't want to call him bad, but I can't call him good, not yet. I think if he had a year or 2 behind someone like Pennington or Brunell he'd be much better set to lead a team filled with as many 'stars' and 'egos' as the Jets have.

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