enjoy your day----have fun-----bring a poncho as they are calling for rain---if you are sitting in the upper bowl, keep your head low as you can easily get hit by a plane or helocopter !
This will be my 4th game in the new stadium, and I don't have any major complaints against the stadium except that, I don't know if it's the acoustics or what, it never seems as loud as the old stadium. And, I was at the Pats game. Funny thing is, thank you PSLs, I sit in the 300s now as opposed to the 100s and I actually prefer my sightlines now. Honestly, I'm just looking forward to one more tailgate. Making sure we don't fuck around on Sunday. :beer:
Many of us have been saying that the UD is far superior than the LD for watching games....no one wanted to beleive it til now...
I really wish I could afford to go. I will most definitely be going next year. I'm bringing my wife and kids. It should be a blast. Jealous of all you season ticket holders though...
I went to the Vikings game earlier this year and was hugely disappointed with the new stadium. Pretty much a waste of money in my opinion, there's nothing great about it.
you should go early and chill. A couple of us are scheming a plot to have a few beverages together before we go in. I'm in 310.
its pretty obvious that woody screwed the pooch w/this stadium deal. We deserved to have our own stadium in NY w/some real innovation and character. Instead its more of the same - sharing a blah multi purpose facility w/no real sense of character and ownership. Big mistake.
I'll be in 310 as well, will be my first time at the new stadium. I have to say though, I'm bracing myself for the game itself to be a giant turd sandwich.