Putting your Jets bias to the side, is Sanchez good?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Deathstroke, Jan 1, 2011.

  1. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    he doesn't play for new england
  2. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I'll give you Mcnabb off that list. But the others.. absolutely ridiculous. Flynn and Webb have not played nearly enough to evn think about making that claim.
  3. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Kolb is a good argument actually. He was good enough to start for Philly but Vick proved how much more he has developed.

    As stated earlier in the thread, Sanchez' learning curve is going to be longer than other QBs in this league. 16 games in college before being named a started to the Jets. Thats a shitload of pressure to throw on a 22 y.o. when he first got drafted.

    He's improved from last year. he went from a 2:1 int:td ratio to 1:1. Thats a big jump. Year three will really tell. Thats when we can really make an assessment.

    Sanchez will be much more than Dilfer ever was. However, don't expect any Brady/Manning/Brees stats. He should fall into the 2nd tier level of QBs. If Rex has a couple of strong drafts to help rebuild the D and keep the OLine strong, this team will be a perennial playoff contender.

    His elusiveness in the pocket has probably impressed me more than any other ability he has. He throws a really beautiful deep ball to the sidelines. Edwards has had a few nice catches in his career as a Jets so far, courtesy of Mark.

    I'm confident he will improve. The skills are there, his curve should go high due to his lack of experience in college, and he's on a team that doesn't expect him to carry the team - Strong D (not lately), strong run game.

    Right now he's an OK QB but will definitely improve.
  4. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    put away the crack pipe, elite he will never be! if anything, signs of being an elite qb, are in many places, but not in new york with either team. to say sanchez will be an elite qb is total homerism.

    at present, he is what his stats say he is, a below average qb in this league, so far.

    future evaluation from what we've seen, serviceable will about cover it. mid grade qb.
  5. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    i'll agree with this 110 percent!

    if a competent qb was leading this team with this kind of offensive talent, the jets would be super bowl favorites, instead of pretenders.
  6. mangoldman

    mangoldman Member

    Dec 16, 2008
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    Freeman has like an above 90 qb rating with like 23something tds and less than 10 picks.

    im sorry you dont get those numbers by just being in a crappy conference and having a easy schedule. sure it helps but i think its general consensus that freeman is better i dont see anyway he isnt better than mark
  7. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    LOL, total ballwashing. one thing we can see for certain, he will not be a elite qb. we would have already seen signs of this in spades. we've seen a game manager qb while the defense carries the team. if you see anything other than that, it's with green glasses.
  8. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    thats because we missed on the true elite prospect. freeman has by far way better chance at being elite than sanchez ever will be. freeman does more to carry that team than sanchez has ever done for the jets.
  9. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    oh good you're here..
  10. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    good god, this is the biggest laugher of them all and why i get so many laughs off this message board.

    elway is a hall of famer, comparing sanchez to that at this stage is laughable, and i'm being polite. clueless is more like it.
  11. jobabrinks

    jobabrinks New Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    People compare QBs to Joe Montana and Peyton Manning on the day of the NFL draft.

    What is your point?

    I didn't say he was as good as Elway or ever will be. I just said that is who his skill set reminds me of.
  12. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    his stats are below average for starting NFL QB's. low comp. %, QB rating, etc.

    if you compare him to the young QB's he has been compared to he's at the bottom.

    1. Joe Flacco
    2. Matt Ryan
    3. Josh Freeman
    4. Sam Bradford
    5. Mark Sanchez
    6. Matthew Stafford(injury prone)

    Ryan vs Flacco can go either way. Freeman has had an outstanding season. It's only fair to put him 3rd. Bradford's rookie season has statistically been better then Sanchez's 2nd season and he plays with less talent. He could easily move way up this list at this time next season.

    Sanchez has the talent to be an elite QB. He wants to be great from everything you hear. He has no problem playing under pressure. The consistency isn't there. 4 games this season we've lost because we were unable to score a TD. That falls directly on the QB imo.

    If you're a biased Jet fan like myself, of course I think he's going to be good. If you're a Dolphin fan or some other NFL fan who doesn't like the Jets you think he sucks. I've seen a lot of objective analysts who still like Sanchez. Trent Dilfer being one, Colin Cowherd(ugh, I hate saying that) being the other.

    I just want to see progression from Sanchez every year. He made significant improvements in his 2nd year. He just needs to keep getting better. If he has another sub season and finishes in the bottom half of the QB's again I'd be a little upset.

    Obviously things can change if he has a great post-season and leads us to the big game. :)
  13. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    what about the fact he has 5 4th quarter/OT game winning drives, this season alone? Thats not a sign of a future elite player? 3 in row (Det, Cle, Hou) isn't showing that "never say die" spirit in spades?

    How about that Houston game? You can't even argue that game wasn't all because of Sanchez...
  14. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Stats aren't everything in football. There's a lot of intangibles.

    Joe Montana's career QB rating? A whopping 92.3%, and that was in Bill Walsh's short passing offense. He only broke 100 in 3 of his 15 seasons, but he won a lot of games. Dan Marino only broke 100 once and has a career rating of 86.4.

    In a big game, I'd take Joe Montana over Brady or Manning any day.

    Not trying to say Sanchez=Joe Montana.

    The question put forth: "Is Sanchez Good?" Yes. And he continues to get better.

    If the Jets had scored a total of 18 more points in their 4 of their losses, the Jets would be 15-1 right now, and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

    If Sanchez didn''t make the plays to come from behind and win in the final 2 minutes this year in 4 games, we'd be 6-9 and not heading into the playoffs.
    #54 James Calvin, Jan 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2011
  15. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    All signs point to "yes" but he has to show consistency which means we won't really know for some time.
  16. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    i couldnt have been more wrong about Freeman. the kid is gonna be real good if hes surrounded by the right cast.

    they set a first also I believe the first team to start at least 10 rookies and have a winning record.

    at this point I would say Freeman looks the best out of Sanchez, Stafford, and Freeman.

    Freeman is big mobile and has that kind of arm that doesnt come around alot IMO. i trashed him before the draft cause his biggest shortcomings seemed to be accuracy and decision making. hes cleaning that up.

    as far as Sanchez goes. I think hes the most natural leader of the bunch. I could be wrong we just hear more about the extra work he puts in cause he plays in NY.

    hes developed well this year hes finally trying to look off coverages. Sanchez just needs more consistency. itll all come together, with all the weapons weve been getting since last year there has been alot of moving pieces hopefully the chemistry becomes apparent next year.

    for young qbs especially those thrown to the fire. Id say a fair conclusion should be able to be drawn by their 4th year.
  17. rex-N-effects

    rex-N-effects New Member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    i don't want him to be eli. eli never "turned the corner" he's a solid QB but thats all he is. he isn't a top 10 QB. i think sanchez can grow into a top 10
  18. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Tend to agree with you. I like Sanchez, but Freeman is the better QB right now. That could change with experience, as we all know Sanchez didn't start much in college. But Freeman has the size, athleticism, arm strength, and moxie to be a star in this league. He's put up MUCH better numbers with MUCH worse weapons around him.

    If the Jets stuck where they were and chose Freeman, it's possible we'd be right where we were before, but with a couple extra draft picks and role players.

    It wasn't a bad decision to move up for Sanchez, but the jury is still out on him. With by far the best team around him among young QBs, he's had probably the least statistical success. I like a lot of things about Sanchez, and I think he'll be a very good QB one day, but right now, it's hard to argue he's better than Freeman, and Freeman probably has more upside just because of his physical tools. Stafford is hard to judge because of his injuries.

    Though you're too hard on Sanchez elsewhere in the thread.
    #58 Jetfanmack, Jan 1, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2011
  19. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    OMG then what??
  20. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    I think we all have to remember that:

    1) Sanchez played 16 games in college
    2) Was a top recruit out of high school and college, he has all the skills
    3) Was a starter in NY from day one with a rookie HC who admits he would rather not have to deal with the offense.
    4) Has had to deal with Schotty for good or for bad. The last two games remind me of the way influence that Rex had over the offense last year towards the end of the year. At the end of the day Schotty was a QB under Spurrier and he likes a complicated down the field passing offense. Since the Miami game the offense has been completely changed and Sanchez had played probably his best in 2 years.
    5) WR Shuffle, he got Braylon midseason, then Santonio missed the first 4 games of the year. Both great players but not exactly the ideal situation to grow chemistry.
    6) Media- Has any team had more media coverage then the Jets? Nothing Sanchez does ever flies under the radar. As a young qb he is judged by the media for every single thing he does.
    7) He's 2-2 Versus the Pats. He played very well in both Ny games and very poorly in both road games.
    8) In 7 games he has 22 interceptions including 2 against Green Bay that were not interceptions. Sure those numbers are horrible but every young QB has terrible games.

    Sanchez has all the ability and desire to be a great qb. He's had to perform under crazy circumstances for a young qb. I don't think anyone can really project his future but he's made the playoffs 2 years in a row and I don't think anyone will complain about that.

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