If Rex didn't want anyone to know, why did he ask if there were "Any takers?" when he posted the naked crotch pics of his wife at a swinger's site on the net? I'm waiting for someone to release another home made tape, this one with group sex? He was shopping his wife's cooty for cryin out loud. How many "swingers" took him up on the offer? did they make tapes? Move on? This story isn't near to being over. He was too stupid to even hide his wife's face in those pictures. He even used his actual location in the "ads".
^ yup. janesports profile janesports For those keeping score, there were 0 questions today about Rex Ryan's personal life to day in Florham Park. #Jets
If they lay an egg at the Bears, bet your ass those questions will be back with a vengeance...'was it a distraction?' 'have you lost respect'? Winning will fade this. Not winning will keep it in an undead zombified state, ready to bring out when convenient...
While I think this as usual is being blown out of proportion Rex and Mrs Rex need to be a little more discreet in their personal lives. It's not like any of us who are nobodies and can get away with this shit. I went to swingers club here in Vegas in my younger years thinking it was free, easy sex. What I saw made me throw up in my mouth. The women who generally go to these things are women that are so awful looking they can't even hope for being some guy's desperate last call attempt at a one night stand at most bars. I'm just shocked that rex would be so stupid to allow something like this to take place.
Ummm..Jason...Averaging 10 wins a year, and an AFCCG appearance with a second playoff run in the works...mitigates everything you just said, and the fact that you failed to account for it in your article makes you a buffoon whose only experience with print should be handing out receipts at the drive up window at Burger King.
Jason Whitlock is a pontificating asshole. He's one of the main reasons that hunting sports writers for sport should be legal.
I love when people have an asininely retarded opinion about something, then proceed to back it up with an asininely retarded article from a guy whose job it is to express their own asininely retarded opinions. It's all very asinine and retarded
I ended up at Hedonism II last year (for a few hours!). Out of 300 or so people i saw in leather and straps there were two hot girls. The rest old nasty women, and men............ But Rex's wife is kinda hot. And its just about feet (i assume).
"Can I touch them?" That part was great lol. Nevertheless, I don't have a problem. They are consenting adults who have been married forever. Big deal.
The amount of media coverage we have gotten this year dating back to Hard Knocks has been ridiculous. The NY media is flat out trolling the Jets =/