Can't post links or pics until 50 posts? kinda lame... Below is an Xmas card from the big guy himself - you'll have to figure out the link yourself though.. (just delete the spaces) http : / /i234.photobucket . com/albums/ee282/matthewfuntime/TMF/MikeFrancesaChristmasCard . jpg
waitasekint waitasekint! fumble wats da matter wit ya, i posted dat already! ya lawst! always a snide one
Ya can't kill me for dis! DAT"S OUTRAGEOIUSS! I'm on dis thread day and nite! I put my whole heart into it! I wuz postin' on puah emotion!
Ya guys aw lawst! Tawm Cofflin has nevah yelled in his life, eva. You lun dis by askin guys in the organiIZATION!! Now, he we gawt Tawn Cofflin with his Giants fihting tah get in ta da playawfs. Now, Tawmy. What do ya say abawt Lee nawt coming to da Yanks?
Cotchery has a weekly commitment to Joe and Evan's show (every Tuesday or Wednesday..I forget). With the Pope on vacation, Joe & Evan moved from their normal morning slot to his afternoon slot. So nothing nefarious..but I like the way your thinking. :beer:
Do you coach? I'm not saying I do, but unless you do I don't think you've got any legs to stand on about this one. And there have been several coaches that have yelled at players on the field (Bill Parcells being one that stands out in recent Jets' history) and still been successful. Coughlin has a ring, a winning record, and one of the most impressive Super Bowl runs ever; I'll let him yell at a player if he wants to.
Who is placing on the blame solely on Dodge? NO ONE has done that save for media jackoffs. Coughlin has taken responsibility as have several members of the defense. Read player quotes, not just the snippets from beat writers, and you'll see that the whole "blame it on Dodge" line of reasoning isn't really based on anything real.
You know, Fatty on Monday did actually say Coughlin's yelling is no big deal, asking, "is he da first coach ta yell at his playas?" Of course, Fatty never asks a similar question about Ryan's cursing. Wonder why?
Awesome! Now w8asekent! w8 just a second! ya boguhsin da pictchaa, dats gotta be a photo editahh work. i was eatin a piece uhh lettuce. tell em mink!
lol. I love how he drops his glasses, and then in his head he's like "Ok dis is gonna be a challenge. I can't bend fahword at da waist. Hmmm, oh, I know! I'll use my foot; da one dat's not connected to my bad knee and I'll kick it to da side so I can bend wheah dere's less fat."
LOL. A thinner man would have to climb Mount Everest in order to face a challenge as comparably difficult as Mike bending over to get his glasses.