This is VERY bad. I can tell you from personal experience, a tear in the cartilage sucks. I tore mine alittle, and then almost all of the way. I had to get surgery and a pin placed in to reattach the cartilage back together, and it was in for 8 weeks. That was over 10 years ago, and greatly effected my range in my left arm. That said, if they let him play, the tear might be really small and in a spot not prone to tearing. Mine was almost in the middle, so it was really easy to give way. I doubt they would let him play if it was in a high risk area. Although, I hope Stetson man (Brunell) is ready to go, this could be bad news. It's a bit scary too that they are playing a team like the Bears, who have a dominant pass rusher (and we have Wayne Hunter starting). Cross your fingers guys. I know Sanchez isn't Pennington, but we all know the severity of a shoulder injury.
Take it for what it's woth but...: Whether or not cartilage healing is possible depends mainly on the type of injury or malfunction that has taken place within a joint. In certain injuries, such as when cartilage is torn during a sporting event, some level of healing may take place, although the joint may never fully recover. The human body is generally very resilient. Bones and tissues are capable of healing and regenerating themselves rather efficiently, even when a serious injury is involved. This is not normally the case with cartilage, which heals at a much slower rate than other bodily tissues. When an injury to cartilage is caused by overuse, the joint is generally able to heal itself to some degree over time. The amount of cartilage healing that takes place mainly depends on the severity of the injury. Very severely injured joints may never fully recover. Mildly injured patients can generally expect to regain function of the joint over time. I was kind of wrong... but the main problems remains, when a tear takes place it can only be "closed" surgically unlike on a muscle or on a bone.
1.) That was 10 years ago, the technology is better now 2.) It is Sanchez's JOB to get better 3.) He will get the best treatment available Normal people cannot compare their healing of injuries to professional athletes.
That's partially true. I had Dr. Alcheck (Mets surgeon) do mine, and he said the same thing. But, the process is super slow. Like I mentioned earlier, it depends on where the tear is. There are certain areas that won't mend on their own without surgery.
I had the Mets surgeon do mine (Dr. Alcheck). I'm not trying to be Debbie Downer, but it doesn't matter that it's "his job" to get better, look at Chad Pennington. If he was a Linebacker, then sure, it's not as big a deal. Shit, even if it was his non-throwing shoulder. I'm positive it's on a noncrucial portion of the cartilage, or he definitely would not be playing.
Hahahahaha offended by one of my Archie Bunker posts. Relax and enjoy the sarcasm............Honestly, I could add Italians but they are more smart ass than smart...........ROTFLMAO You are probably in a Rome university studying astro physics.............
I've had a tear in the cartilage in my shoulder. I never had any problems with it and have been fine ever since. Each person has their own different reaction.
Let's just jump out to a 28 point half time lead then have Brunell play the rest of the half and the game against Buffalo.
I agree. It depends on the severity and the area, the treatment, and how you deal with it. My tear happened to completely rip through, that's why it became an issue. In that event, you deal with healing, but then you also have to deal with scar tissue constantly breaking up, repairing, and breaking up again etc. However, this is something you can have cleaned up with lathroscopic surgery. Like I said, it "could" be bad. No one knows for sure, this kid has never had shoulder problems. People think that professional athletes are super heroes though. They do have the best medical staff, so that's always a HUGE plus. But, nothing is guaranteed. I'm confident it's not that severe though. Otherwise he wouldn't be playing vs. the Bears.
I'm not an optimist. This will likely be a persistent problem for Sanchez the rest of his career. It looks like this off-season we will be in the market for a new QB. This is sad, cause Sanchez was just starting to show real promise this season. Still, his accuracy issues and low completion percentage were already a big concern. Maybe our next QB will have it all.
Good lord, slight cartilage tear = shoulder problems the rest of his career? Some people are morbidly pessimistic damn.
Man, I feel bad for Sanchez that he has to go through this kind of injury at this early in his career. I hope it's not that serious because we need him!
:rofl: I think we should sit Sanchez @CHI, see what Brunell's got.... If we clinch, we can sit Sanchez again vsBUF, giving him some time to rest the shoulder before playoffs. This is a fuckin disgusting development, and I'm sadly used to dealing with this kind of news after the CP era......
Same old Jets QB issues..knees or shoulders, gets us every fuckin year. But Sanchez is invincible, so we're ok.
I'm with you on that. If Brunell shits the bed, go to Sanchez in the second half. Our defense should be able to stop the Bears offense in the event we have an anemic offensive day.