Westhoff Correct, Pats Guilty of lining Sidelines on Punts

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by dcm1602, Dec 17, 2010.

  1. AbdulSalam

    AbdulSalam New Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    the pats fans get very upset when you show video of billy b deliberately interfering with an opposition player on the sidelines. caught cheating again. So there are of course a million acceptable excuses from pats fans for billy b's shitheel actions.
  2. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Bahaha why haven't I seen this before? That's hilarious.
  3. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    And what are the Jets trying to do? Change the subject from the player writhing on the ground?

    I remember the Belchick play and I don't have any excuse for it. But it doesn't change what the Jets did. Keep trying.
    #83 PatsFan2003, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  4. pittsburghpats

    pittsburghpats New Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Considering what type of behavior is condoned in Jet nation, words are a good first step.

    Is Sal in Pittsburgh this weekend? Should I be looking out and around?
  5. I'm glad you're done with it, Foxy, because I have to deal with Pats fans every day, and it gets tiring.

    In answer to your question, as I recall, the league handed down sanctions for the initial evidence of videotaping. After that, the NFL conducted an investigation at the Pats' offices where it found more tapes. Those tapes were deemed sufficiently illegal to be destroyed, but not enough for there to be any further sanctions handed down. In other words, the Pats got caught once, got punished, then got caught with evidence of having done it multiple other times, and did not face further punishment. I'm not sure who was responsible for that, but I would think the league worked in cooperation with the Patriots on that resolution.

    As for Goodell, as COO, he was also the head of football operations and officiating since late in 2001. Those were a part of his COO duties.
  6. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    LMAO @ "writhing on the ground." I guess you guys are so accustomed to Brady's bitchass theatrics you accept everyone's at face value.
  7. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Given your level of conversation, you should be more worried about people in your immediate family trying to trip you to cause you harm than Sal.
  8. You're acting like it really happened. That never took place. It's a fabrication.

    And if it had really happened, the pro-Jets league would have come down so hard on the Pats...
  9. Considering how most posters here, and just about every Jets site out there, condemned Alosi's actions, I would hardly say it was condoned.

    But I take it facts don't really matter much to you.

  10. At least you have the decency to admit what Belichick did was wrong. In some ways, that was all I wanted, some acknowledgment challenging the infallibility of all things Patriots.

    I think the events are similar. Clearly, what Alosi did resulted in a much harsher result. There is no defending him sticking out his knee like that. But there are also ways in which Belichick's actions were more blatant, in that he moved quite a bit to block Harrison, including into the chain area, and even did try to both hip check and Harrison. The question is, which is worse, the action or the result? The NFL coming down hard on Alosi, and not on Belichick, suggests it was the result that carries more weight than the action.

    Point is, both were wrong. All franchises have their good sides and their bad sides, the Jets and Pats both included.
  11. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    Looks like writhing to me. Faked or not, it looks pretty convincing. Apparently to most people outside of New York. Keep digging.
  12. TheBlairThomasFumble

    TheBlairThomasFumble Active Member

    Aug 21, 2006
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    Actually, the Colts got the pick from the Dolphins, so it was compensation for losing Shula. Who got the Pats* pick? No one, if I recall correctly. It was just taken away.


  13. He was. He was legitimately hurt. I believe that wholeheartedly, and there's no excusing Alosi's actions.

    The two things I don't like about reactions to this are:

    1. This targeted notion that the Jets, and seemingly only the Jets, are dirty, and

    2. The outcry and investigation over "the wall."

    The clearly illegal part was Alosi's cheap shot. Most rational Jets fans have bashed that. Why is there such an outcry over a legal wall meant to deter an illegal gunner's actions?
  14. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    It's funny because I really do remember that play and my thinking to myself WTF? He's not a saint. He's a ultra-detailed football coach who'll do that kind of crap because probably his peers did the same in the "olden days". I think he's learn't his lesson. He'll pay attention to the memo this time.

    I really think there's a big difference in intent as well.
    #94 PatsFan2003, Dec 17, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 17, 2010
  15. Foxy-boro

    Foxy-boro Banned

    Dec 14, 2010
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    I believe that after we were caught by the Jets, Goodell said all tapes had to be turned over. Six tapes were turned over, dating back to the 2006 season. The Commish concluded that we had violated league rules and handed down the punishment. As to the Commish working with the Pats on punishment, who knows, you could be right. But the punishment was metered out and announced by Goodell's office.

    I am unaware of any * second set of tapes * being given or taken. I'm not being a smart ass here, but are you referring to the subsequent allogations that we taped the SB walk thru < vs Rams > ?
    If so... Goodell met with our cameraman, Walsh, and did a full investigation when those allegations were levied and he < Goodell > clearly stated that he was able to verify that no such tape existed.

    If you are referring to some other tapes, please clarify for me, and I will see if I am familair with what you are referring to.


  16. No, I'm not referring to the SB. As I recall, and I may be mistaken, the league issued its sanctions after the first accusation was proven. It was after that when the Pats turned over their materials to the league, but no further sanction was issued.


    This doesn't say definitively, and it all depends on when Goodell knew the Pats had tapes other than the Jets (and possibly GB). If the Pats had more tapes that were deserving of being destroyed, and the league became aware of it after the sanctions had been issued, one would think they would be subject to further sanctions.
  17. It was bush league, as was Alosi's. Belichick is a great game planner, and certainly about as hard a worker as you'll find. I'm not crazy about some of who he seems to be as a person, but he is certainly successful.

    As for intent, I agree with that, though I'm not sure Alosi was intending to injure - although he may have been. But you also have to consider, regarding intent, Harrison had done nothing illegal during the play. He ended up out of bounds as a result of the play. On the other hand, Carroll had done something illegal. That has to be considered when discussing intent.
  18. Elijah

    Elijah New Member

    Nov 26, 2010
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    The difference is that it's players who are suited up, rather than inactives.

    More importantly, who gives a fuck? This stupid wall thing is even an issue? The tripping was bad, yeah, but the wall issue is just everyone grasping at straws.
  19. diggemsmack80

    diggemsmack80 New Member

    Dec 12, 2010
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    ha this is so effin stupid, WHO CARES where anybody stands on the sideline - HE STUCK HIS KNEE OUT & TRIPPED THE DUDE. stick to the real issue punish they guy and move on already.
  20. That's what the story was about at first. Blame the media and the league for making a big deal out of the "wall."

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