I have more of an issue with the games where no one on offense seems to execute than I do with his play calling. When no one is executing for entire games, a big part of that blame has to be put on the OC. What's worse is that we've seen that happen 4 times already this season. So for almost 1/3 of our games, the offense has completely disappeared. That doesn't exactly give me great confidence that we can pull out 4 post season victories in a row.
Or we continue with Sanchez and accept the fact that whoever they bring in as OC next year won't be the savior right out of the gate.
One mark of a good coordinator is that you're switching things up a little and get a "free" big plays and mismatches. The Jets-Pats game gave a few examples. Somehow the Jets were able to show a few safety blitzes that confused the Pats' (generally very good) offensive line and they got a few sacks as a result. (The Pats were able to isolate Woodhead on Devito so that goes as a win for the Pats, but you can't win them all). Early in the season Schotty was getting a lot of those plays-Keller was running all over the play uncovered-but it seems like it's been weeks since the Jets got the easy plays. I think a big reason is that play action was fooling the oppositon a lot early on because the Jets ran so much last year, but now the offense is predictable enough that play action isn't fooling anyone;we're not running on 2 and 7 any more so don't go for the play fake.
Uhhh, no the defense has had MAJOR issues as well... But, the offense IMO has sucked and The play calling blows. I've been saying all year - on 1st down - TAKE A SHOT when you are passed mid field.. Give your young QB an opportunity to throw when the D knows you run all the time... Every time I stand up and say TAKE A SHOT I see some wild cat BS coming in..... IMO, these wildcat plays precisely ion those situations take away the exact opportunity most QB's LIVE FOR.... 1st and 10 at your opponents 40 WOW!!!!!!! Golden Opportunity... And if you take a shot from the 40 yard line on 1st down and you know at that part of the field IN ADVANCE that you will go for it on 4th and short then you can take a shot and still run the ball 3x for a shot at a 1st AND have the defense where you want them (playing the pass). These guys coach on the fly sometimes.... They'll get to 4th and 2 and stil sit there wondering if they should go and take a TO in the process or challange a play... Bellichik has this all figured out well before game time!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I beg to differ, Yes, He's too in love w/ the Asscat but I never see him call a flea flicker, double reverse or any other "Trick Play"
The Wildcat is fine when we throw out of it or run an option sweep. Seems 9/10 the Wildcat's been going straight up the middle. I would like to see less of it and when I do see it, let's do something that has big play potential, not this 3 yds and a cloud of dust nonsense.
All you need to do is watch the Chargers last night to see how bad our play calling is. It made me ill how wide open some of their guys were. Rivers is great, but many throws he didn't even have to try, he basically shot putted half of them to wide open guys and they got 9-12 yds easily. I'm not saying we can open it up like that but we should be able to do something similar with our personell.
Oh he's called double reserves. Remember that Denver game in 08? FIrst play of the game was a double reverse which Cotchery fumbled and the Broncos recovered for a TD.
Not even that. Watch how Alex Smith played yesterday. His line didn't hold up for him - his LT would let down his QB more often than not, but at least his OC did not fail him with non-play related bullshits. Alex Smith would usually get the snap with at least 10 seconds on the clock, meaning they were done lining up by 15 second mark. Sanchez barely gets his play from Schotty by that time frame. This is rather critical aspect of the game that deserves some serious attention. If niners OC can give his play to his QB so his QB can line up by 15 seconds, why can't Schotty? Is Schotty that slow a thinker?
the WC is a trick play and we run plenty of end arounds and other trick plays. I don't think we have had a RB throw yet but there have been those plays called.
I think we had a HB pass set up with LT but there was nobody open and LT just ran for like 2 yards or something.
You wanna bash Schotty than go for it, your in safe water there right now. Giving the 49ers OC any type of credit for anything going on in that game last night isn't making your argument any stronger, it is making it weaker.
The niners arent exactly the example one looks for in terms of how to run an offense. They were pathetic beyond belief, including the OC. How can you look at that game and not credit what the Chargers do on offense?
wait...weren't you in the bash Sanchez camp, like yesterday, until I pointed out that the QB's you listed actually had better OC's????