Anyone who's been a Jet fan for a good amount of years has GOT to know it's coming down to the Buffalo game. I've been a fan since '65 so I won't nauseate you with the lowlights of years gone by as a basis for my "intuition". But. You know. I know it. Stock up on the Alka-Seltzer.
steelers offense hasnt really been anything so special this year. if sanchez doesnt fuck up we can win. we can beat the bears too. if our receivers catch balls sanchez wont resort to freak out 2009 mode.
I agree...but i wont be able to tolerate this place or read the papers for a week after the loss. Cimini and Myers are probably praying for the loss this weekend.
I always swear that I'm not reading the papers if we lose, but I'm usually online minutes after the game seeing what you guys say and reading the early articles. Can't help it.
As always I really hope that is not the case and the offense can get it's act together. Yet, for you folks who have only followed this team for 20 years or so, when you have done it for as long as some of us, you have to give the old fans a little play. We who have 40 or more years invested in this team, have had our heart rip out in so many different ways and had it done so many times, it becomes painful. So even when things are going well, it very difficult to believe the the the other shoe won't drop and history repeat itself. We don't want to be this way, we all would love to be postive and express the best of thoughts. Yet, time and conditing prevents that,and this comes from being fans for close to half a century.
F anyone who has no faith in our team. Faith means sticking thru the shit as well as with the high points. Nay sayers can lick my nuts.
Well said. That's exactly right. It's like that sick feeling in your stomach when September approaches and you have to go back to school after a great summer off. I haven't been to school in 30 years yet I still feel a sick stomach come Labor Day!...
You are a disgrace to this fanbase. If you have such a hard time in the beginning of the season, stop being a Jet fan please.
As per your post, you've been dealing with your fear of losing for 30 years so clearly you've had the same defeatist attitude for 30 years now. Did you really think people were going to appreciate your loser mentality?
The team is 9 - 4 for God's sake. We are playing like dog-shit but there's no reason we can't turn it back around. Any given Sunday. You post some pessimistic bullshit and don't expect any backlash?