Why keep running LT and not get SG into a rhythm earlier. How many times have we seen SG in for multiple downs? I could be wrong, I'm not the statmaster Murrell is but I'm thinking it's not many at all. Not enough. Run SG. Where's Conner Schotty?
Ryan answered that in his post game presser. He said it was because they were only getting 2.8 ypc running it.
Then keep running the ball till you get more. Run out of different formations. Run SG and Conner up the middle. Commit to the run and stay honest with it. We did this last year, this year we're not. Schotty is abandoning the run too soon.
this year our OL isn't as good, this year our RBs aren't playing as well. This year is not last year.
I said that our OL is not as good in both threads, I'm just not ready to give up and say SG isn't as good as last year. He hasn't been given a chance to get in a rhythm since his fumble in the Ravens game. Leave the kid in for multiple downs on multiple series. I would run SG in the beginning of games and slip LT in when the D is tired and on their heels during long drives. This OL wants to run the ball, all OLs do. Run the ball.
Agreed, the fact that they aren't doing this is slowly driving me insane. I mentioned already but a good instance of the coaches avoiding Shonn was the NE game. First 3 carries went for 30 yards, then it was a long time before he saw action again. The Pats D can't stop power runners, and it was working too but yet they still went back to LT. Makes me wonder who has a grudge against him.
It is mindboggling, isn't it? Eventually it goes from mindboggling to me wanting to commit mass murder. WTF man????????? Why aren't we doing this? In the beginning of the season I think we all believed the plan was to save SG fit the stretch, well we're in it and have been for a few games, get this kid sone real time carries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got yo back SG!
I honestly don't think the o-line has been getting enough (any) push to let Greene get a full head of steam and punish people. I'd like to see what McKnights speed could do at this point.
its probably because the Fins knew every time we were going to run (1st downs) so they stacked the middle and stopped the RBs. Almost like the Wildcat, every team knows we are going to run so they bring everyone up as mentioned in that NFL video posted earlier.
I pray he pull a Greene from last year and sparks this run game. I don't think he'll see 10 touches in any game this year, but its a pipe dream I've dreamed.
I'm not counting on it, it just seems with the way our o-line has been performing we could use more speed at the RB position and less wrecking ball.
Maybe if that speed was sent around the edge instead of right up the gut. Schotty runs LT inside constantly. Maybe the overuse of LT's legs has hampered his ability to get to the outside? Maybe run SG up the middle and mix in a little LT on the outside. I love when a team has their bruiser back in the backfield all the time, why can't SG be this guy?
LT has clearly lost a step or 2 since the beginning of the year. There were a bunch of plays on Sunday that 2 months ago he would have had 8-9-10 yds but on Sunday he was getting 1 or 2 yards.
You have to be able to do both. They tried to run outside 5 times last week with little success. If they can have some success to the outside with McKnights speed it will loosen up the hammer we're seeing inside.
That burst he had, the extra spring in his step is definitely gone. McKnight is going to get some action, so hopefully he can make a impact.
Doesn't it appear that they're sending LT up the middle when SG should be doing it though? Early in games this happens and I'm still wishing it was SG in there.
I didn't see that until after I recently commented in here. I was posting about it all week. Hopefully he can be a difference maker.
I do see what you mean. Someone who can hit a hole quicker before it closes considering the blocks aren't being sustained. The NFLN Playbook video did show our two esteemed RBs hitting the wrong hole and not running for bigger gains. This offense is just odd. Ventras just tweeted McKnight will get more action this week. I can see him getting 6 touches max, but its more carries and it shows that he's improving and removing his bad habits. This is good news. I want a 3 back system similar to what made Dallas so dangerous in their run game.