17a New Stadium Tour - PSL's, NEW STADIUM STUFF GO HERE

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by 17a_tailgater, Feb 8, 2009.

  1. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    Back from the Dolphins game, I spent 1/2 the game in one sets of seats and the other 1/2 in the cheap seats. Simply put, the cheap seats (LLEZ) are a much better deal than Lower Goal line seats in 134.

    In 134, my seats were basically on the goal line and in the high 20's. Despite that fact, our view of the goal line (closest to us) corner was obstructed by the TV cameraman on his trailer. In front rows, I suspect he blocked most, if not all, of the goal line. In terms of view, the view was slightly better than my normal LLEZ seats in 149. When the team was on the close side of the field, the sideline view was very nice (except for the f'ing cameraman) and significantly better than the close view from LLEZ. BUT - when the ball was on the opposite end, the LLEZ straight on view was better.

    But the reason 134 truly sucks is the fact that you cannot exit from the top b/c they are using that area for "VIP's". Simply sucks!!

    Because of the rain, I snuck into seats in the back row of 131. Staying dry was a definite plus.
  2. alleycat9

    alleycat9 Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2002
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    im glad someone finally posted something in here again. i get depressed everytime i dont see a new post in this thread.

    im interested to see how they handled the rain yesterday, if it was better than the previous 2 storms.

    stadium looked pretty empty but its so hard to tell on tv, was the crowd bad yesterday?
  3. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    The crowd was a decent amount considering the rain and a blowout to New England the week before. I'd sell 10-15k no shows. Tailgating was a nightmare.

    My big issue was the security yesterday. A female Dolphins fan was cursing up a storm and instead of throwing her and her bf out they got moved up a few rows to be away from the fans they had issues with. The best was the fight between sections 346 and 347 with a couple people being tossed over a few rows of seats and security taking several minutes to show up. They have no crowd control and now with the Jets holding a lot of seats and selling them on the secondary markets there will be more fights as time goes on. A lot of these people are opposing team fans willing to shell out money and be rowdy and obnoxious. Nothing changed as far as the "fan experience" unless you bought a suite. We even saw a fan run on the field from the $15k PSL section this year.
  4. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    I agree with you on security. When I was in 131, there was a fight. I know a Jets fan got taken away in cuffs by the New Jersey State Policy (who have horrible uniforms BTW). I assume there was Dolphins fan in there somewhere else.

    The only "good" security I saw was the guy at the back of 134 keeping the riff raff (that would be me) from using the concourse to exit my seats. For $7500 PSL, I would be pissed to be forced to take the basement exit every time I needed something. Won't be sitting there again.
  5. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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    What, you mean you're not a fan of Nazi Germany SS retro-chic??
  6. Digetydog

    Digetydog Member

    Jun 8, 2010
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    No. I cannot believe the people of New Jersey allow armed men to run around dressed like that.
  7. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    Saw that fight in 346.that 2guy who fell went down 5 rows easy.
  8. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Security was hiding from the rain. There was a fight for the second week in a row in Sec 317.

    As the tailgate went on, the wind died down. It was really windy when the lot opened at 11:00am, so much the rain was coming down sideways and the porta johns all blew over. The rain stopped after a while but the wind remained until about 3:00pm. It died down alot.

    At least the rain held out for a while allowing those whose tents broke or blew away to cook.
  9. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    Did either of them get up? I didn't have a good view but I'd never seen a fight get like that before. Never saw any kind of medical help arrive. Couldn't even tell if it was a Dolphins on Jets fan or Jets on Jets fan style fight.
  10. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i actually never saw punches thrown. just pushing and shoving.and yea that 2nd guy got right up. lucky half the seats where empty already b/c of the bitches that left.
  11. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    OK, there's only one remaining home game in this place. Has anyone's opinion changed? How have you adapted or changed your new stadium routine as the weeks have gone by? Has anyone checked out the Bud Light Stage bands? Figured out the best and worst ways in and out yet? How's the Captain Morgan bar? Most importantly - has anyone had the Pepper and Egg Sandwich yet? Is the Chili truly "Killer"?

    Sure - I'll go first. I'm in 301, parking over in 26 (Izod side). For Thanksgiving I didn't tailgate that game so I tried out Lot B instead of 26 figuring it would be better. It wasn't. From lot B you have to take a crazy trek over the first road, then across another parking lot, and end up having to join the long covered cattle-walk anyway. No thanks. That was terrible. I'll take the straight cattle crossing any day. I won't be parking in lot B again.

    It took me eight trips, but I prefer turning right out of the tunnel and walking over towards the Met Life gate for those escalators, or even further around to enter near the Bud Light stage area. The Verizon gate and escalators are way too crowded. 17a suggested entering at Verizon and walking the concourse to the Great Hall, heading up a flight near Captain Morgans, and walking to join the Pepsi escalator at the second flight. That wasn't bad, but I've since found the Jets side of the stadium to be less crowded. I don't mind the extra walk as long as we're moving. It's easy to enter on the Coaches Club side. When you do that, you still need to go up a level, but the Bud Light escalators are not crowded at all. In fact, they are hard to find, so they are empty. I have to walk to the end zone anyway, so the "long" way around is not really that much longer, and I make better time.

    I know a guy involved with the bands over at the stage there, and it's been a disappointing turn out for them. It's too bad, since it would be wildly popular had it been located on the side of the stadium where people where. Instead, it's on the dark side, difficult to get to, and probably unknown to most fans. Another poorly conceived plan. It's a dead-zone over there, located where nobody is, where it's hard to reach thanks to the loading dock blockade that is known as the Bud Light gate.

    What about the beers? I don't like the prices, but the selection's been good. I can get Murphy's Stout near my seat - that's good. Brooklyn Lager's good to have too. What isn't good is that for some reason a Landshark 12 oz bottle costs more than a Landshark 16 oz draft sold just feet away. I found this out the hard way. I haven't eaten much (Taylor Ham and Cheese - good) food inside, but my buddy and I vow to get a pepper and Egg sandwich before the season ends, just for the hell of it. The way things are going lately, we better try one at the Buffalo game.

    All in all, I still think the place sucks compared to how it was promoted. I've posted why too many times to count. Some of that is due to being in the upper deck, of course. Still, I've altered the routine a bit, and lately it's gotten better for me to traverse. Not due to anything they did, but just from my own methods. For any of you sitting in the west EZ, I recommend swinging around to the Met Life or Coaches Club entrance/ exits. The stairs down aren't a bad way to exit either.
  12. LogeSection2RowJ

    LogeSection2RowJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
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    Oh, forgot to mention. I was up in Foxboro last Monday, and the stadium along with the newly added stores and bars built right next to it makes it a nicer stadium than ours. At least for the average fan it is. Too bad.
  13. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    I sat with 17-a during that scuffle. If I was in my seats, I would have seen the whole thing.

    However, I was not in my seats because a Phin fan sitting to the right of me in 345 texted security that I was using vulgar language.

    That has NEVER happened to me anywhere, I use vulgarity everywhere but in front of family.

    The security was really cool with me and I could have stayed but I usually go down to where 17a is anyway so I figured rather than catch more shit, I'd head down.

    They even told me who reported it. It was funny because they came right to me and stood there. I asked them what was up and they said they had a report someone in the area was causing problems with a fan.

    Then I heard them mention my jersey and seat on the radio, and he looks at me and we were both like, "oh shit"... He told me just to be cool and everyone else in my section yelled at the guy.

    I made sure to only cheer in non-vulgar terms which was actually rather comical fr a while...
  14. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i have eaten the chili cheese fries 3 times and is still too much for me to eat.
    the pepper & egg sandwich and the taylor ham sandwiches are good. i only buy food when i feel myself getting too drunk is when i eat inside the stadium.
    this sunday i tried buying a gyro but the guy in front of me got the last sandwich.
    the beer selection in the pepsi corner sucks by my seats.
    bud bud light or brooklyn (which is what i have been drinking for $9.50 a beer.) i actually gave pats hater my last beer b/c i didnt want to drink that shit anymore.you would think there would be at least 1 heineken seller near the corner. i have to walk all the way to midfield just for different beers and then wait on line then all the way back. i did this once and never again.

    so all in all i will renegiote my seats hopefuly for a lower row still in the uppers or stay in my seats.i will also try to get pats hater to get his seats located with me being i have not seen the same fans in my surrounding twice and every week the row are free all game or by halftime. he has sat with us every game.
  15. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    As my friend and I were saying during halftime, its still just a venue to watch a football game to us...
  16. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    That's the plan man....
  17. Clayture

    Clayture Member

    Nov 26, 2008
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    I had the Italian Pork sandwich on Thanksgiving, and it was really good and had some spice to it.

    As far as beer, near my seats in 222a there is one stand that sells 16 oz Brooklyn Lager and Becks which both suit me just fine.
  18. JetsSec337Lot13B

    Feb 5, 2009
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    I plan on keeping my seats in section 346 for next year. My sister doesn't want to go to as many games and may drop her seat and my dad is unsure what he wants to do. He'd rather go to less games and buy offline. I will probably keep all 3 seats regardless of what they want to do. A few of the people near me sat near me in the old stadium and I like most of the fans around me. The only way I see myself dropping my ticket is if ticket prices increase more than $5 per ticket.

    I got a yellow PSL pass thru my friends that have PSLs this year. If anyone here has a friend with a PSL just ask them to call up and ask for a second yellow pass and they will do it for them. Parking in lot K has been great I get out pretty quickly onto route 3.

    The first game against the Ravens we took the escalator down and what a nightmare. The next 5 games in a row we took the stairs which let's us out at the west gate entrance and it's a little closer to lot K and I get out fairly quickly. After the Miami game I suggested the escalator again to give it another shot. Got down to the 200s quickly but then it was a zoo so we talked to the ramp which was even worse and it let's us out at the Pepsi entrance which is a little further away. For now on I will stick with the stairs to exit and the escalators to enter. I also stay all the way to the left when enterting the escalators in the Pepsi corner which saves me a few minutes.

    As far as food and beer go I rarely buy anything inside the stadium. I eat and drink my face off for 5 hours before the game and I'm usually the one driving home.
  19. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  20. GrindHouse

    GrindHouse Member

    Jun 18, 2010
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    Wow, you are right. Just searched and found 2 in 111c row 4 for $1400. How did you find this out? I for one don't really care there is only one game left in the season.

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