Yes Brad Smith cannot run routes, but the bad hands argument no longer holds any water. I always loved Cotchery, but aside from some diving catch while hurt that did not affect the game, he has been downright terrible. Letting ball get ripped away and other drops cost us Packers game Dropping a perfect slant and only good pass from Sanchez all game cost us Miami. Yes Holmes dropped an embarassing TD too, but he gets a pass for winning us 4 games. How has Cotchery helped us this season at all? Brad Smith even singlehandedly won a game for us. For next year, Id rather keep Santonio and Braylon, who should excel with a new OC, and while he may improve, I wouldnt mind to see Cotchery go.
Jerricho should be this team's 3rd down go to guy, but he hasn't been as Reliable this year. It hurts because he should be Sanchez's safety net, but he hasn't been that like he has in years past
A lot would say after that catch in Cleveland with the crotch injury he shows more heart and guts than anyone.I personally like the guy alot but yes for the most part he has played very uncharacteristic this year.Cant remember a single drop before this season.
You sure about that? Other than that, Cotch coming down with the dropsies is bad news but he still blows Brad Smith out of the water as a WR. If you wanted to make the argument that Brad Smith offers more to the team than Cotchery currently does I might actually agree.
There's no doubt he's put the ball on the ground an uncharacteristic amount of times this year, but he's also had some phenomenal catches such as the catch in the Cleveland game. There's no way I want to see him gone. I also absolutely want Santonio back. But if it comes to Brad Smith vs. Braylon Edwards, who are both free agents, I'd take Brad Smith. Braylon disappears way too often
The Jets receivers in general aren't getting separation. To make matters worse, Sanchez isn't hitting them right in the numbers all the time (sometimes, but not enough)... The Jets need to figure out a way to spread out the field and give the guys room to run so they aren't getting killed all the time.
No no, I'm sure he meant it like that. Telling him to "own" his dumb. Much like people own their bads with a "my bad". :lol:
If Smith is not brought back by the Jets, he will be signed to the Pats immediately. Bank on it. And Belichick will find a way to use him in such a way that the whole league will be saying 'how the HELL did NY ever let this guy GO"? Keep Smith over Edwards.
This thread is another knee jerk piece of garbage. Cotch has had a couple of bad games. It doesn't warrant a benching. Actually, let's bench everyone! Let's bench Sanchez and Cotch and Holmes and replace them with Brunell and Smith and let's get Clowney back!!!
Why is that? Because he no longer lines up as a WR? Brad Smith has caught fewer passes this season than Cotchery did last week.
This. The Jets receivers with all their talent are not getting open. I blame this on the coaching. They should be designing more plays to get them open and coaching them to come back to Sanchez when he gets in trouble. I'm seeing very little of this in the games.
This, exactly. In general when I watch these games and the stupid decisions that are made, I can't help but see this as a coaching issue.