Brainlessly bash former Jet employee, Brian Schottenheimer

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by ThunderbirdJet, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    My favorite was on this one play, pre-snap Sanchez pointed to Holmes. Holmes ran a slant that was batted down at the line.
  2. desert swordz

    desert swordz Totally Addicted

    Apr 29, 2006
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    One of the comments on that petition reads "Get the hell of my team" and I swear for some reason I couldn't stop laughing for a while.

    We need to start playing well and doing good so that not only would our playoff spot be secured, but Schotty would look good due to the team's success and he'd be able to bolt for a HC gig in the offseason.
  3. mute

    mute Well-Known Member

    Aug 25, 2010
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    hes getting RIPPED right now on ESPN radio, caller after caller. No more running away Schotty :breakdance:
  4. ToddtoBarkum

    ToddtoBarkum Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Brady is a great QB....A huge step that brought him to that level is PLAY DESIGN, whether it be from the mind of Weiss, Josh MacDaniel or the current OC. Honestly, how many of Brady's throws are HARD throws (i.e.Throws into coverage) Not many. His receivers are put into positions that allow the TEAM to suceeed. Joe Montana was the same type of QB. Brett Favre just the opposite. He has a gun that alowed him to make the hard tight throws into coverage where many times the receivers needed to make the HARD catch.

    The Patriots run 1) stunts with their WR's (legal pick plays), 2) WR's that run thru zones, clearing a zone for an underneath receiver (WR, TE, RB) to catch and run.

    Both of these things bring the all important YAC stat into the forefront. Go back to the Pats game....thru 3 qtrs we were down 20+ points and our WR's had 40 YAC (23 came on Edwards play down trhe sideline) and PAts had 165+YAC ( ESPN put the stat on the screen)

    Schotty's PLAY DESIGN is horiffic. Today, on 3 separate occassions, on 3rd down of 5 yards or less we ran PASS routes with our WR's less than 5 yards. When? the first series when Sanchez was almost picked off when he tried to hit Cotchery...The most glaring was on the drive when Folk hit his 2nd field goal. On 3rd and 4, Cotchery ran a 2 yard out and Keeler ran 2 yards and tuned around. THAT TYPE OF PLAY DESIGN DOES NOT ALLOW FOR A WINNING FORMULA OR FOR YOUR QB TO SUCEED. And most importantly this has become our SOP week in and week out

    We have a 300+ page playbook (Sanchez said it on Hard Knocks), but we run seemingly about 30 plays.... again, week in and week out. Schotty does not adjust to the Defense we are playing against.

    What I would give to have Braylon in the slot and have him run right down the seam and at the Safety....Have Keller as TE on the same side and have him run across the field thru the zone, while Holmes starts outside of Braylon and when Braylon clears Holmes runs underneath into the zone Keller just cleared. That floods TWO zones....and allows for your QB to succeed.

    And so noone thinks I'm way off base. The play I describe above the Pats ran 4x agaisnt us last week. They used a Hernandez (TE) in the slot, Welker on the outside and Grankowski (TE) on the line. 3 completions to Welker and 1 to Grankoski....Watch the replay....

    PLAY DESIGN starts when your OC is sitting in his office in March/April/May and he puts a bunch of X's and O's on the eraser board. It needs to be re-done...
  5. flajetfanson

    flajetfanson New Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Love the post on top of me it is correct. Our Oc does not put the players into position to succeed.
  6. dawinner127

    dawinner127 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2009
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  7. CatoTheElder

    CatoTheElder 2009 Comeback Poster of the Year

    Sep 8, 2006
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    His time has come. There is no reason he should be allowed to hold onto his job.
  8. GordonGecko

    GordonGecko Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2009
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  9. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Which is why I think you do not understand the game.

    Sanchez rarely threw on 1st or 2nd down. Usually 3rd down.

    Since he very rarely throws on 1st down, receivers are not really expecting the ball either - which I think explains the incompletions on the few 1st down pass attempts.

    If that is the case, then they must run up the ball well enough. That is not happening either. Call that execution all you want, but schemes can account for less heads only so long. When the defense keeps loading up the box, the run offense WILL sputter in the long run - it doesn't take a genius to figure that out. We all saw how Jets rushing attack has come down on a tailspin in the past few weeks. *That Jets rushing repertoire is severely limited is a story for another day.*

    Ok. Still, first down plays do get 3 yards or so - at times a little more, at times a little less, but in general, about 3 yards. 2nd down play selection is absolutely shocking. 2nd down is, at least to me, a set-up down for 3rd and short. You don't get to pick any play you want unless you had 7+ yard gain on 1st down. Here, Jets almost always passes, and the preferred (or hot) route is almost ALWAYS a short out route, or something over the middle. Either they get incomplete, or very minimal gain. At times, Tomlinson, with his sheer talent alone, creates some good gains, but that's rare.

    Now, we have 3rd and 8. What do you do? Defenses know Jets will pass. I mean, any defense loves 3rd and long. Are you expecting Sanchez to connect 60+% of his pass attempts in THIS situation? Are you that retarded? Jets turnover came out specifically in this situation, in exact down-play order.

    The crux of passing attack problem is that, Schotty just never gives Sanchez anything easy to work with. He always has to gun the ball into the tight spot. This of course takes toll on the receivers too. Other than the select few plays in the end-zone, see if you can recall any passing play where Sanchez hit his WR in his stride. You won't find any. If you still think that's the execution problem, then I have nothing more to tell you.
  10. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I thought Brian called a terrible game but he's still not the one making bad passes, not protecting the QB, not opening up holes, not hitting the holes and not cacthing passes.
  11. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    from the opening drive yesterday the play calling was just awful. You can say well teams have to execute, but the calls were so predictable that every fan around me was saying the same thing...let's run for 2...there you go...wildcat for nothing...out route for nothing.

    The middle of the field appears to be a no man's land for the Jets offense for some reason. They had 2 completions i think of more than 5 yards in the air in the middle - one to edwards and a slant to cotchery. They may have had a check down dump off pass also, but how many times are they going to throw the same out route that allows for no YAC at all? It seems like to limit mistakes of Sanchez they have decided to limit any type of productive throws. Either it goes out of bounds or is caught when a players is falling out of bounds.

    The Dolphins are a strong run defense..all year - they run blitz, tackle well, and challenged the Jets to throw on them. They Dolphin corners were just sitting on the outs. They didn't have to think about an in route or a post move because 90% of the patterns were go 5 yards and cut to the sideline.
  12. jonnyd

    jonnyd 2007 Funniest Poster Award Winner

    Oct 14, 2005
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    Impossible, we dont run slants remember
  13. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I agree with this junc but at some point the players level of confidence in running shit plays takes over. If Im rolling my eyes after 90% of the plays..and almost ever Jet fan on this board is rolling their eyes..and the announcers are rolling their eyes...and the media guys too..imagine being in that huddle and running up to the line of scrimmage and seeing 7 guys in the box.

    Nobody here is stupid enough to say "throw bombs!!" air it out!! Im not an OC...your not an OC...we do not get paid to come up with a successful system in the NFL.

    He is the OC. He is the one that creates plays for his qb on 3rd and 7 and asks his qb to throw that pass..and his receiver to catch the ball 3 yards in front of the first down marker and create the rest.

    He is the one. He is the one that on 2nd and 10 asks his qb to throw a 5 yard button hook to his tight end with guys drapped over his shoulder to create a 3rd and 5...if your lucky.

    He is the one that told Sanchez to spike the ball after the first down pick up so the defense could regroup.

    He is the one that ran LT inside the tackles so many times my head was going to bust so we could pick up 2 yards.

    Our QB is young and raw still. He is in a tough spot trying to learn the NFL and guide a Super Bowl contender. Its the OC's job to create seperation with his play calling.

    Its as pathetic a system as I have seen since Paul Hackett was here. Hackett did not have the weapons Schotty has. Its a disgrace.

    Im ok with the learning curve Sanchez will have to overcome. Perhaps all of us, including me being as guilty as anyone, asked too much of this kid too fast. Maybe we should have spent the draft picks on trades for even more defense because giving this kid the keys to a caddy wasnt that smart after all.

    Regardless, only a fool would look at the play calling of the last 6 games and not see that defenses totally get what we are doing...and we are one of the easist teams in the NFL to game plan for.
  14. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    And...almost every pass play takes three days to develop.
  15. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    This team would put up 30 a game with Hackett.
  16. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    i agree that players need to execute, but when you develop no rhythm at all on offense throughout the game...go 3 and out over and over and over and will have your skill players lose focus. You get one pass a half to a receiver and they drop it...should it be caught yes, but you know these guys are not as focused as they should be because the game has no flow. A flow on offense not only helps the QB gain confidence it keeps your guys in the game and ready to make a play.
  17. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Both. But mostly the system.

    Brady goes down. Cassell wins 11.
  18. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Your QB is ALWAYS going to complete less than 50% of his passes, when 90 percent of them are outs to the sideline, and down the field.

    That's the problem with this offense.
  19. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    100% you have to ask is the out his primary option or is he going to the outs because he has lost confidence in throwing the ball over the middle and feels the out limits his chances for mistakes?

    The last 2 weeks he must have had 10 balls knocked down at the line...always trying to throw a 2 yard slant to the slot receiver. Once again trying to limit mistakes and throw to a guy where you don't have to read the defense. I don't know if he has lost confidence in himself or the coaches have and are trying to go back to the color coded system from last year without officially saying it.
  20. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    No offense...but thats nonsense.

    How many times in the last couple decades have you seen teams with great personal underachieve. How many times have you seen a coach come in and take the same personal and they do great.

    Nobody is asking this Jet team with a young qb to score over 30 points a game. If you cant see the play calling being as predictable as a Brittany Spears boob job....there is no need to have this discussion TBT.

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