If a QB draft was done today, who are the top 15?

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by Rezdawg, Dec 9, 2010.

  1. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    1) Rodgers
    2) Ryan
    3) Peyton
    4) Brady
    5) Brees
    6) Rivers
    7) Vick
    8) Roethlisberger
    9) Bradford
    10) Sanchez
    12) Flacco
    13) Schaub
    14) Romo
    15) Cutler

    Yea Rivers is having a good year, but you guys are really telling me that if you were the GM of a NFL team and could take ANY player, you would choose Phillip Rivers?? Come on now.

    Just missed - Freeman, Stafford, Orton
  2. JCotchrocket

    JCotchrocket Active Member

    Apr 29, 2007
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    So, I'm approaching this with age in mind. I'm also approaching this with the fact that Philip Rivers is an epic douchebag in mind and I wouldn't want him on my team.

    1) Matt Ryan
    2) Sam Bradford
    3) Ben Roethlisberger
    4) Aaron Rodgers
    5) Mark Sanchez
    6) Tom Brady
    7) Peyton Manning
    8) Drew Brees
    9) Josh Freeman
    10) Michael Vick
    11) Joe Flacco
    12) Matt Schaub
    13) David Garrard
    14) Kyle Orton
    15) Matt Cassel

    If I had to pick one of these dudes to start my 2012 season, Ryan's the guy.
  3. Rezdawg

    Rezdawg New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    So youre saying that going with Rivers over Rodgers is a stretch...yet you have Bradford and Sanchez, two guys that can barely pull an 80 rating (Sanchez at 77), over Eli (88.6), Flacco (92.8), Schaub (93.2), Romo (94.9) and Cutler (92.8). I know that rating isnt nearly everything, but there is a significant difference between QBs that can consistently pull mid 90's and QBs that cant hit 80. Also, these other guys are all under 30...except for Romo, who is 30. So age shouldnt be a factor in knocking these guys down.

    Im still shocked that young QBs are getting so much hype without really accomplishing anything that the majority of these other veterans couldnt do.
    #43 Rezdawg, Dec 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  4. Revisoverrated

    Aug 8, 2010
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    Sanchez LMAO Good one.
  5. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    Yes I do think it's crazy to take Rivers over Rodgers. Rodgers has a better arm, is more mobile, is a better leader, and just has a better attitude. I think people are going way too much by stats on these lists. Seems everyone is just going by who the leading MVP candidates are this year to make their lists. This is a ton more to the QB position than passer rating and passing yards, so I'm not just gonna go down that list when selecting my top 15.

    When I watch a lot of these young QBs I'm really impressed. It takes almost every QB a few years for things really start to click, yet Bradford, Freeman, Sanchez, Stafford, Flacco, and Ryan are all showing incredible promise right out of the gate and constantly getting better.
  6. I Come in peace

    I Come in peace New Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    Qb rating may be the most ridiculous stat that there is to base any player in any sport. I know the game has greatly changed(partially due to the fact you cant mugs wrs anymore)but this stat has become so inflated that it makes you wonder if pro scouts even look at it. Aaron Rodgers is currently the all time NFL leader for minimum attempts in this category, followed by Phil Rivers, Steve Young and then Tony Romo.

    Anyway I think when you look at Qbs, particularly the current crop say under 30 you have to judge them on wins and losses, their ability to come back in how they play in tight games. I take out the 2004 guys of Ben, Rivers, Eli and Schaub, they are all pretty well accomplished with the possible exception of Scahub and look at some of the post 2004 guys under 30 and how they have done. I probably would not take a QB entering his late 20's approaching 30 anyway.

    I go Sanchez, Ryan, Bradford, Rodgers, Flacco, Freeman and Stafford(of the under 30 guys drafted since 2005).

    Heres why I go Sanchez. IMO QB rating means diddly shit, I look at wins and losses a Qbs ability to win games and play in the 4th quarter. Now I know he has had his ups and downs, but in a similar way to how ELI Manning would be crucified between 2004 and 2007 all Sanchez has done is win the majority of his games and get better. He also does not play in a dome(Ryan), does not get all that many games in good weather(Freeman) and he plays in a market that many Qbs his age crumble in(exactly why I think Rivers would have failed here). So right now, to build a team for the future I take Sanchez, not to win me a championship now or even in 2011, but based on what I use to judge a QB and what I have seen Sanchez is the guy I would take.
  7. thatisjetsfootball

    thatisjetsfootball Active Member

    Jan 22, 2010
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    1. Rodgers
    2. Brady
    3. Rivers
    4. Manning
    5. Ryan
    6. Bres
    7. Eli
    8. Schaub
    9. Vick
    10. Flacco
    11. Bradford
    12. Sanchez
    13. Stafford
    14. Cassel
    15. Freeman
  8. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    I find this so interesting on so many levels. Not just Sanchez 1 overall (which I dont agree with but reasonable minds can differ), but Bradford over Rogers and Flacco. Interesting.

    For me, from your list, it would be: Ryan, Rogers, Flacco, Freeman, Sanchez, Bradford, Stafford.

    This is a GREAT thread, BTW.
  9. BuffaloPhysco

    BuffaloPhysco Member

    May 9, 2010
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    1. Manning
    2. Brady
    3. Brees
    4. Rivers
    5. Rodgers

    6. Ryan
    7. Big Ben
    8. Schaub
    9. Flacco
    10. E. Manning
    11. Bradford
    12. Orton
    13. Fitzpatrick
    14. Stafford
    15. Sanchez
  10. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    No Big Ben?
  11. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    please explain.
  12. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    So are you going to tell us why you created this now that you have a bunch of comments?
  13. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Really? Favre?
  14. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    Awesome username troll.
  15. ace_o_spades

    ace_o_spades New Member

    Apr 26, 2008
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    This may go the way of one infamous 'airport' thread
  16. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    This is a pretty solid argument. Good job.
  17. nyj55

    nyj55 Member

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Great argument. However I would have to say Ryan as #1 over Sanchez. Although it was several years ago and against a different level of competition, I saw Matty Ice win some great games in some terrible conditions at the college level, including some Sanchez-esque late game heroic comebacks (See BC @ VT in '07 in a MONSOON). He played his entire college career in the crappy weather of New England, which is something that shouldn't be overlooked.

    Follow-up: I'd say that Sanchez and Ryan are very similar in they both were drafted to usher in a new era for their respective teams. However the difference is Sanchez (and Rex) were brought in to merely change the identity of the Jets. Matt Ryan was brought in while his franchise was at rock bottom and was expected to build it up from scratch, which he has done better than anyone could have imagined.
    #57 nyj55, Dec 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  18. Rezdawg

    Rezdawg New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Yeah, there were actually a bunch of reasons why I started a thread.

    First, regarding the young guys like Stafford, Bradford, Freeman, and Sanchez. I feel like they are getting way overrated. Out of these 4, the only one that has really done anything, is Sanchez. Sanchez has had much better surrounding support though, both on offense and obviously, on defense. However, he does have a knack for making a play when it counts. Regardless, I wouldnt consider any of these guys a top 10 QB in the league right now. Maybe in a couple years, but there are so many other QBs that are currently superior.

    Another reason is that my friend is a big Texas fan...he rides Colt McCoy and would put McCoy in the top 15. I disagree.

    Third, I think Matt Schaub is much better than people give him credit for. If he didnt have one of the worst defenses year in and year out, the Texans would be a consistent playoff team. Heck, even this year against the Jets, he put up some very good numbers and should have had the W on the road, if not for that terrible defense during the last drive of the game.

    And for those that think QB rating is the most overrated thing...not really. It takes more into account than any other statistic. And yes, I know a stat is just a stat...but there is a reason why you cant pick one Hall of Famer that made it in because of intangibles...its because at the end of the day, the production on the field is what matters. A QB who has a 100 rating is obviously doing very good things...sure, a QB with an 70 rating might be able to get a W, but that would mostly be a result of a RB or a defense winning the game...they'd win in spite of the QB, not because of the QB. Likewise, a QB that has a 100 rating and loses...probably lost because of factors that have nothing to do with the QB.

    So yeah, statistics arent everything...but when you have relatively young players in Flacco, Cutler, Eli...guys that have been very productive on the field...gotta take those guys over first and second year players that havent yet shown consistent on the field production.


    Also, another thing...I know that there is obvious bias with Sanchez from this board...completely understand that. And I dont want to come in here acting like Im bashing the guy or trying to troll. The reason I set this thread up on this board is because I feel that the activity level here and the fan knowledge is superior to some of the other cities/message boards. Anyways, been enjoying this thread...keep it up.
    #58 Rezdawg, Dec 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  19. Rezdawg

    Rezdawg New Member

    Dec 9, 2010
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    Here is my list:

    1. Brady
    2. Manning
    3. Rivers
    4. Brees
    5. Rodgers
    6. Ryan
    7. Big Ben
    8. Schaub
    9. Vick
    10. Eli
    11. Cutler
    12. Flacco
    13. Romo
    14. Sanchez
    15. Bradford

    I'd also like to add that its hard for me to gauge where Vick stands...he's playing out of his mind right now, but my confidence in him keeping it up is low. Thats why I have him at 9. If he can keep it up through the year and maybe beginning of next, Ill move him to top 7.
    #59 Rezdawg, Dec 10, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2010
  20. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I have Vick 7 on my list for a few different reasons, but I honestly think he could arguably be number 1 if he figures out how to stay healthy and puts in the level of work needed to be an elite QB.

    He has the tools to be incredible, and if he plays smart and makes good decisions he could definitely be the most dominant player in the NFL. I know the awful Redskins D made him look like a god, but you have to admit that when he's on his game it looks like he's playing against children.

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