Dwight Lowery sucks as a corner.. but it's hard to just learn a whole new position this far into a season.
He wouldn't have been covering Welker. Welker is the best slot receiver in the league. Many defenders struggle covering him.
Honestly, as I watch.... I don't see to many Revis Sticks lately either... I almost feel like he's afraid to get hurt but, to me the whole backfield misses a ton of tackles. Who is "The Hitter"?
This point is huge, imo. HUGE. All the mention/kidding aside about the long time between games going up to the Pats game, we can safely assume Rex tried to put in the best defensive plan for that game he could. That being the case, other than the quality of the opponent, what exactly is he going to do to fix the problem? It would be great if he could, since we are essentially stuck with this roster. But I am increasingly inclined to believe there is a deficit of talent with these players. The problem is mostly execution. I don't doubt that opponents see stuff in game film about how to stop the blitz. Brady even mentioned that specifically, or was quoted as saying as much. But Ryan knew the Pats were going to look at film before the game, and he put in the defense he did, and how did that work? Not very well.