NFL Punch Line.....again

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by DeathByJets, Dec 7, 2010.

  1. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    I've personally struggled with forming a solid opinion on whether I like/dislike the trash-talking.

    On the one hand, I love (and demand) a coach who's true to himself, and doesn't try to be something he's not (read: Mangini). And the trash-talking is Rex through and through.

    However, I also worry the team can get carried away with it and lose touch with reality (as I feel they partly did last night). It also makes it painful on a fan base that has to handle the ridicule that comes with big-talk, followed by a 45-3 loss.

    Tough call for me, and I'll probably remain on the fence on the subject.
  2. Baumeister

    Baumeister Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2008
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    OK! yeah it sucks to get embarrassed on MNF by the pats. I am still pissed about the game and what took place. However there is a lot of football to play and the Jets are still in this thing no doubt. Every true Jet fan is upset with this loss but lets keep this thing positive for our boys in green. It was a regular season game it is not like we had the #1 seed and the pats came into our house and did us like this in the AFCCG. Regular season < Play-offs. 24 hour is in effect we cannot win every game, loses happen.
  3. 40yrpatsfan

    40yrpatsfan Member

    Jan 6, 2007
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    As a Pats fan I find this Jets team pretty hard to read. Last year they almost got to the Super Bowl on a great run, and looked like they had the makings of a very well rounded team. Then they add several weapons in the offseason without really losing anyone, plus Sanchez maturing.

    I definitely felt they threatened the Pats in a major way, plus nobody could tell which direction NE was going in either.

    So if I were a Jets fan, I'd be VERY disappointed to realize these 2 teams are not close to where each appeared to be. And I was more surprised at the "3" than the "45".

    But - a lot can change in the weeks leading up to the playoffs, as you guys proved last year.
  4. MadBacker Prime

    MadBacker Prime THE Dead Rabbit

    Apr 16, 2009
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    It was a bad game, how shocked were you after the Browns held you to 14?

    I happens- Again you should thank the Jets, rumor is that game where we shut you guys out in the 2nd half was when BB realized Moss had to go.
  5. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    I bet I'm one of the only people who wore a Jets jersey in public today.

    May as well, I'm hearing a lot about the Jets everywhere I go anyway.
  6. BillyD0123

    BillyD0123 New Member

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Not the same as the Browns

    Of course, losing to the Browns was a shock. However, they were the better team that day hands down. Call it what you will, a trap game, or the Patriots coming out flat.
    The big difference is. It wasn't billed as the "game of the year on MNF" The battle of the heavy weights etc...
    Mangini wasn't being overbrearing with his mike time. Like "The Patriots should be concerned about playing us" or "I've come to kick BB's butt"

    So when it came to the biggest game of the year for Rex and the Jets... In the words of Doc Holiday after dispatching with Johnny Ringo. "I guess the excitement was to much for him too bare"
  7. Brady_champ

    Brady_champ Banned

    Dec 2, 2010
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    Yeah, sorry guys..can't take the "one bad game" approach. Especially when your two other losses came against the two other good teams you've played.

    Funny you mention our week 2 loss is what got moss out of town and really set the fire under brady..I agree and have to thank the jets for that.

    Any other pat fans remember panicking when the Jets KO'd Bledsoe?

  8. dthomas53

    dthomas53 New Member

    Dec 29, 2009
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    Probably, from what I've seen (or haven't seen) today.

    The kid in my class tonight has worn Jets gear every night, but oddly, tonight it's a red sweater. Front-runners FTW.
  9. Hobbes3259

    Hobbes3259 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Not if you've been following the site :wink:

    The OC sucks. The D was overexposed and had a $#!t the bed moment, much like your leveland game.
  10. Cakes

    Cakes Mr. Knowledge 2010

    May 20, 2003
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    What? What? What?

    Randy Moss was traded because the Patriots lost in Week 2?

    Who are you kidding with that?

    He caught a touchdown pass in that game and went on to play in two more games with the Patriots before being traded.

    Also, it is interesting that you wrote Brady did not have motivation until the Jets beat him. If he had proper self-motivation the Patriots would go 18-1 every year.
  11. Brady_champ

    Brady_champ Banned

    Dec 2, 2010
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    OK, obviously a lot more to the Moss trade of course (Cincy post-game conference, attitude, etc).
    Week 2 made it clear that we couldn't rely on him anymore though. Dominated in 1 on 1 coverage, really cost us (or brady's reliance on him anyway) the game...and it wasn't even revis. Moss wasn't Moss anymore.

    And don't take me wrong, brady's always motivated, always a great leader. After losing Moss though the Pats O clearly needed a new identity..could no longer rely on the deep bomb, and wes was going to have to work much harder for every yard so we couldn't be all wes like we were in 2009 either. That change put the focus on the offense back on Brady picking the defense apart (and not just going to wes/moss all the time)..and you see the results.

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