I have greatly regretted leaving early from the "Miracle in the Meadowlands". Was not going to ever happen again! I will always remember witnessing the "Miracle in the New Meadowlands" yesterday. What a great experience.
We stayed. I was pissed, but we stayed, and were rewarded. I got a kick out of them showing on the vid screens everyone outside the stadium watching the last drive on the monitors.
People always complain about the crowd, no matter what we do. Usually people who don't go, of course.
I stayed. Sulked in my seat after Sanchez's INT. Then started freaking out when LT got to midfield. And then went bonkers when Sanchez hit Braylon. One of the best experiences of my life.
Anyone who got up after the Sanchez INT probably didn't get out of their section for the end, or just far enough to miss it. What's the point? If you're going to leave early, leave after the third quarter like I did for the Monday Night Miracle. Got home in plenty of time to see the end. :up:
My boss is a Jets fan - he had some friends over for dinner who were Jets fans last night. When they arrived he started talking about how good the Jets game was and they were like "what do you mean, they lost?" Apparently they changed the channel after the INT.
Sorry, it wasn't even that cold there yesterday. It was relatively beautiful out for late November. No reason to leave early.
Hahaha. :rofl: I thought that was so perfectly executed, almost like a "f*** you" to all the phonies who ran out. Hope they beat the traffic. What's funny is the J-E-T-S chant was just as loud even with half the stadium empty. :metal:
I was in the sun and it was warm in the 1st half w/ the sun out but ti did get a ltitle chilly in the 2nd half when the sun was gone. One thing I have noticed about the new place is that it seems to hold noise better, even when the building is half empty if those people still in the building are making noise it can get pretty loud.
The Edwards reception, Holmes TD, and kickoff after that were all way louder than it was at any point while the stadium was full....with half the people.
That's the thing about going. It's a lot more effort to leave the game than change the channel. At home I might have flipped it, at the game we figured might as well stay to the end.
Well, to be fair, the ones that leave early proboably weren't all that loud to begin with. That was by far the loudest the stadium has been this year over the TV.
Moments like that produce noise and emotion naturally. No scoreboard graphics or fans yelling at everyone to get up can manufacture that. Real noise happens when it's supposed to.
I got up to leave, more out of frustration (and having a 2-1/2 hour commute) after the Sanchez pick, much to the chagrin of my 17 year old twins. However, it takes some time to descend the single aisle down 22 rows (SEC 135) and by the time we got to the bottom we stopped and stood to the side (enduring a couple of friendly reminders by the guard that we couldn't stay there forever) and watched Foster run 3x and then the FG. By the ensuing kickoff there were enough surplus bodies standing down there that we completely disgarded all instructions of the guard and from the front row in a standing position watched all of the ~ 40 second drive (with the Braylon catch happening right in front of us) to its culmination. Still saved some time having done that in getting to the car and still endured complaints from the twins (who happen to be 6' 3" so its not like they should have trouble seeing) as to why we just didn't stay in our seats. Anyway, I still put it in the stayed till the end category and I also stayed to the end of the Miami Monday Night Miracle.
Agreed Agreed, up untill yesterday I was worried that the way the built the stadium it was perhaps impossible for the place to get loud, yesterday proved it is just a lack of effort. I dunno, I remember the old stadium being real loud pretty much the whole game, give or take the game. Yesterday was by far the loudest that place has been and it was only after Half the fans left, theres been plenty of reasons for us to get loud so far this year and only yesterday did everybody feel the need to get excited.